Aliasing Artifact Reduction in Spiral Real-Time MRI
Ye Tian1, Yongwan Lim1, Ziwei Zhao1, Dani Byrd2, Shrikanth Narayanan1,2, and Krishna S. Nayak1
1Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 2Department of Linguistics, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States


Mid-sagittal spiral MRI of speech production often suffers from a distinct and disruptive aliasing artifact arising from a spurious signal outside the FOV. In this work, we determine that the spurious signal is caused by gradient nonlinearity and an ineffective anti-aliasing filter in spiral readout. We propose and evaluate two methods to mitigate the artifact, termed the large FOV (LF) method and the estimation-subtraction (ES) method. Qualitative evaluation score from two speech experts using a 5-level Likert scale improved 1.25 and 1.35 with 228.8% and 6.9% increment of reconstruction time for the LF and ES methods, respectively.


Real-time MRI is an established tool to study the dynamics of speech articulators during human speech production. K-space data is usually collected with a spiral trajectory to leverage its high sampling efficiency. However, this data acquisition suffers from a distinct artifact in the mid-sagittal slice. Gradient nonlinearity can cause large image distortion and signal enhancement at locations far away from the magnet iso-center (1,2). Furthermore, the readout anti-aliasing filter does not provide FOV restriction in trajectories (including spiral) where the direction is changing within one readout (3,4). These two effects combine and cause a signal hotspot outside the desired FOV, which leads to aliasing artifact within the FOV. The artifact can overlap with important articulators, degrade the image quality and negatively affect the visualization of speech production.

In this study, we demonstrate the cause of the spiral aliasing artifact using simulations. We then propose two methods to mitigate the artifact, termed the “large FOV” (LF) method and the “estimation-subtraction” (ES) method. The LF method reconstructs a large FOV including the aliasing source during reconstruction, and the ES method estimates k-space data from the artifact source and then subtracts it from the acquired multi-channel raw data. We evaluate both methods in the content of real-time speech production MRI. Fifty-eight subjects were involved, and two speech experts were asked to give qualitative scores for artifact severity using a 5-level Likert scale.


Simulation. A mid-sagittal slice extracted from the XCAT phantom (5) was used to demonstrate the origin of the artifact. Sensitivity maps were simulated using Biot-Savart law. A gradient profile of the Zoom coil (GE Healthcare, Waukesha, Wisconsin) in the form of spherical harmonic was used to simulate for gradient nonlinearity. We simulated a dwell time of 1 μs, and then sub-sampled the k-space to a dwell time of 4 μs to allow for simulation of the readout low-pass filter effects.

Artifact Reduction Methods. The artifact reduction methods are illustrated in Figure 1. The first step in both methods is to identify the aliasing source M1, which is done on temporally combined, 2.5×FOV reconstructed image. LF Method: a 2.5×FOV is kept during reconstruction and a circular $$$\sqrt{2}$$$×FOV mask M2 and M1 are applied to reconstruct the signal within the masks. Since the designed trajectory does not support 2.5×FOV, applying M2 can reduce blurring caused by enlarged reconstruction FOV. Application of M1 will ensure a faithful reconstruction of the aliasing source, reducing its aliasing into undesired locations. ES method: the multi-coil k-space data of M1 is estimated by adjoint NUFFT. This k-space signal is subtracted from the acquired raw data to allow for aliasing reduced reconstruction.

Data Acquisition. Fifty-eight subjects were scanned using the MRI protocol presented in (6), and the stimuli of phonologically rich sentences was used in this study. A real-time speech MRI system (7) was used to collect the data, including a 1.5T Signa Excite scanner (GE Healthcare, Waukesha, Wisconsin), a custom 8-channel upper airway receive coil, and an imaging platform RT-Hawk (Heart Vista, Los Altos, California) (8). A 13-interleaf spiral-out trajectory supporting a 20×20cm2 FOV with a bit-reversed temporal sampling order (9) was used. Scan parameters include: TR/TE=6.0/0.8ms, voxel size=2.4×2.4×6mm3, bandwidth=±125kHz, flip angle=15o. Images were reconstructed to 12ms/frame by using a temporally constrained reconstruction (10).

Evaluation. The fifty-eight scans were reconstrued using three methods: no correction, LF correction, and ES correction. In the initial evaluation, a threshold:$$$\rm{SI_{out}^{max}/SI_{in}^{max}}\leq0.4$$$(highest signal intensity outside/within FOV) was determined to identify datasets without apparent artifact and 4 datasets were excluded from the following evaluations. Then, two speech experts were asked to perform a two-round evaluation of the artifact severity by grading the provided videos with a 5-level Likert score, with 1 and 5 being the least and most severe artifact, respectively. In the first-round evaluation, 54 videos without correction were graded. Then, 5 datasets from each grade level were picked to perform a second-round evaluation of three reconstructions (no correction, LF correction, and ES correction), where 75 videos were prepared and presented to two readers in a randomized order.


Figure 2 shows the simulation results, where the origin of the artifact is demonstrated. Figure 3 shows the artifact reduction results of one dataset. In the first-round evaluation, 46 datasets were found to have spiral aliasing artifact (Likert score ≥2 by at least one reader), resulted in 79% artifact rate. In the second-round evaluation, an average quantitative score improvement of 1.25 and 1.35 was observed for the LF and ES correction, respectively. Figure 4 shows the evaluation results. Reconstruction time increased by 228.8% (LF) and 6.9% (ES) compared with no correction. Table 1 concludes the qualitative score improvements and the reconstruction time.

Discussion and Conclusion

We have identified the source of a common artifact observed in mid-sagittal spiral speech MRI. Simulations indicate the artifacts can be explained by gradient nonlinearity and inefficient readout low-pass filtering. We demonstrate two methods to correct this artifact: the LF and the ES methods. Both methods were found capable of reducing the artifact, with the ES method being more effective and more time efficient. These methods may be generally applied to spiral imaging where the desired FOV is smaller than the signal producing region.


This work was supported by NSF Grant 1514544 and NIH Grant R01-DC007124. We acknowledge the Speech Production and Articulation kNowledge (SPAN) group at the University of Southern California for helpful discussions and collaboration.


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Figure 1. Flowcharts of artifact reduction methods. The data was temporally combined and reconstructed to 2.5×FOV to obtain coil images. Root sum-of-squares coil combination was performed, and the resulted image was smoothed. A mask M1 was automatically detected around the pixel with the highest intensity outside the FOV by thresholding. The LF method can then be performed by applying masks M1 and M2 during reconstruction. For the ES method, M1 is applied on the coil images, and k-space of the aliasing source was estimated and subtracted from the raw k-space for further processing.

Figure 2. Illustration of spiral aliasing artifacts in a numeric phantom and in-vivo. The numeric phantom is based on XCAT with SPGR contrast (a), using simulated coil sensitivities (b), and gradient non-linearity maps of the GE Zoom coil. Simulated image shown in (c) illustrates the distortion and the hotspot outside the FOV (green arrow). Simulated spiral reconstructions without (d) and with (e) readout LPF both contain spiral aliasing artifacts within the FOV (blue arrows). This behavior closely matches in-vivo data, with a representative example shown in (f).

Figure 3. Artifact reduction results. This animated figure shows 5.5 seconds of the stimuli at a frame rate of 10; note that this is lower than the reconstructed frame rate of 83. An arch-like aliasing artifact can be seen on the "No Correction" image across the lower tongue, larynx, and vocal track, negatively affecting the visualization of speech production. The artifact is reduced with both the "LF" and the"ES" methods. This dataset was scored 5/4, 2/2, and 2/2 by expert 1/expert 2 for no correction, LF correction, and ES correction, respectively.

Figure 4. Qualitative evaluation results of artifact reduction methods. The results are shown in the sanky diagram separately for the two expert raters. In each diagram, the center column represents reconstructions without correction, and the left and right column represents reconstructions applied with LF and ES corrections, respectively. The number of datasets graded for each score is shown. The curves have a general trend of decreasing at the left (LF) and right (ES) edges, which means the artifact reduction methods have decreased the artifact severity.

Table 1. Evaluation and reconstruction time of artifact reduction methods. Artifact level was scored by two expert raters using a 5-level scale, where the raters were instructed that a score of “1” indicated the “least severe artifact” and “5” indicated the “most severe artifact.” The reconstruction time was calculated based on time per time frame and averaged across all 58 datasets.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)