Yihe Hua1, Desmond TB Yeo1, and Thomas K Foo1
1GE Global Research, Niskayuna, NY, United States
PNS by
the alternative magnetic field from the gradient coil is an important safety consideration
in MRI scanning. Previous studies reported the chronaxie time of PNS in the arm
by transcutaneous electrode stimulation (ES) might be very different from PNS
by magnetic stimulation (MS). We simulated the electric field distributions and
chronaxie of most sensitive nerve trajectories for both ES and MS cases in an anatomical
real arm model and found the profile of the field distribution for both cases
are very different but chronaxie values at the same order of magnitude.
With the advancement of ultra-high performance gradient coil
technology, peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) has become an increasingly
important safety consideration in MRI scanning, which impacts gradient design
constraints [1]. PNS in MRI arises from rapid transitions of current waveforms in
a gradient coil that generate time-varying magnetic fields in space. These
fields, in turn, generate electric fields in the body that may stimulate
peripheral nerves. The equivalence between magnetic stimulation and electric
stimulation has been discussed extensively. It has been previously reported and
debated that the chronaxie time τc of PNS response in the arm from the
magnetic stimulation (MS) by a figure-8 coil is different with that from the
electric stimulation (ES) by a pair of electrodes [2,3]. Subsequent experiments
confirmed the difference but definitive explanations for this observation have
not yet to be made [4]. On the other hand, electromagnetic simulations and
neurodynamic simulations for both cases haven’t been well compared. In this
study, we simulated the electric fields along the nerve induced by MS and ES
and found that the field intensity profile from the two cases are indeed very
different and PNS initiation locations are consistent with the experiment
results in literature, but chronaxie values in both cases are not as different
as those in [2,4]. Method
positions of the electrodes for ES and the figure-8 coil for MS are illustrated
in Fig.1(a) and (b) (rendered in the same picture). According to Recoskie, et
al., [2], for ES, the electrodes were placed on the distal, anterior surface of
the forearm with a separation of 2.9 cm. Different voltages were assigned to
the two electrodes to establish the electric field. For MS, each coil set of
the figure-8 coil pair was composed of 9x9 square turns, with the inner edge length=5
cm, outer edge length=8.7 cm, and total coil thickness ~2 cm. The coil was positioned
underneath the arm model, with the center in the x-y plane aligned to the
electrode position. The electric fields in both cases are simulated on the
Yoon-sun arm model (IT’IS foundation, Zurich, Switzerland) with the
quasi-static solver in Sim4Life (Zurich Med Tech, Zurich, Switzerland) at an
arbitrary 1000 Hz with a 1x1x1m3 mesh grid. The electric conductivity of tissues
can be found in Table.1. The electric field was further used for the
neurodynamic simulation to find the action potential initiation positions on
nerve trajectories. The neurodynamic simulation was performed in NEURON (Yale
University, New Haven, CT) which was integrated in Sim4Life. Axion utilized MRG model[6]
with fiber diameter set to 16um for motor nerves.Results and Discussions
Fig.2(a) and Fig.3(a) show the electric field amplitude |→E| on the nerve trajectories for ES and MS,
respectively. It can be seen that in ES situation, the E-field with large field
values were only distributed in locations very close the electrodes. The
E-field decays rapidly such that only part of the nerve under the electrodes
was affected. In comparison, in the MS case, the E-field is more evenly
distributed and peak values appear on several nerve trajectories. Fig.2(b) and
Fig.3(b) show El, the E-field component that projected to the tangential direction of the nerve
trajectories. El distribution is similar to |→E|.
Fig.2(c) and Fig.3(c) show the ∂El/∂l
(Activating Function, AF [5]) on the nerves. AF is more direct to nerve
stimulation. Local sharp bends or abrupt termination of the nerve trajectory
might result in a larger AF and lower PNS thresholds. From the plots, AF is distributed
more randomly for both cases due to the nerve trajectory profile and the local
tissue electric-conductivity. But for ES case, the high values were still very
close the electrode. This is consistent with the observation in [2], that for
ES, all subjects reported the primary location of the sensations to be directly
underneath the electrodes, but for MS, subjects reported sensations at many
different locations.
Neurodynamic simulation for both ES and MS cases were
performed. It was found that move the electrode closer to the nerve might lower
down the rheobase (by using electrode voltage) but only change the chronaxie a
little (refer to Fig.4). Rheobase calculated by Case 2 is relatively closer to, but generally higher than that in [2,4], probably due to the discrepancy of the tissue property between the simulation and real situation. The chronaxie calculated from ES and MS with MRG model
has some difference, but still at the same order of magnitude. According to
[4], chronaxie time values in the range from ~50us to ~400us have been reported from different sources, further investigation is still needed to address the big
differences on chronaxie by experiments in [2,4].Conclusion
Electromagnetic simulations and neurodynamic simulations
have been performed for the Yoon-sun arm model. It was found that |→E|,El
and ∂El/∂l profiles and the PNS initiation locations for
ES and MS cases are very different. Neurodynamic simulation didn’t find big difference on chronaxie between ES and MS situations with with MRG axion model and Yoon-sun anatomical arm model.Acknowledgements
The work was supported in part by NIH R01EB010065 and U01EB02445References
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