Alicia Cronin1,2, Sarah Detombe3, Camille Duggal2, Neil Duggal3, and Robert Bartha1,2
1Medical Biophysics, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada, 2Centre for Functional and Metabolic Mapping, Robarts Research Institute, London, ON, Canada, 3Clinical Neurological Sciences, University Hospital, London Health Sciences Centre, London, ON, Canada
Degenerative cervical myelopathy
(DCM) is one of the most common forms of spinal cord dysfunction. Predicting
functional recovery after surgery remains elusive. The extent of cortical
activation in the primary motor cortex was assessed using fMRI when DCM patients
performed a controlled finger-tapping task.
Spine compression severity was quantified using T2-weighted
imaging. Patients with severe spine compression showed larger activation volumes.
Recruitment of neurons to compensate for functional deficits may explain these
activation changes. Hypoxia at the spine compression site may drive this
cortical plasticity. Future studies should measure hypoxia and explore
prognostic determinants.
Degenerative cervical myelopathy (DCM) is one of the most common forms
of spinal cord dysfunction, with the incidence and prevalence in North America
estimated to be 41 and 605 per million, respectively.1 It is a
unique model of spinal cord injury that can result in compression of the spinal
cord2 and lead to neurological dysfunction.3 Surgical
intervention can effectively prevent the progression of neurological decline
and improve functional outcome; however, some patients continue to deteriorate
and predicting surgical outcome has proven difficult. Patient demographic
factors such as age4, level(s) of compression5, or
duration of symptoms6 have all been proven as unreliable prognostic
determinates. Because the pathophysiological mechanisms of the disease are only
partially understood, predicting a patient’s potential for functional recovery
following surgical intervention remains elusive. To improve the prognostic
determinates of DCM, we must better understand the relationship between
localized compression in the cord, neuronal damage, and cortical
reorganization. We hypothesized that cortical reorganization would be greater
in patients with more severe compression, indicating neurological injury in the
spinal cord. Methods
A 3.0 T Siemens Prisma Fit MRI scanner was used to acquire functional
images of the brain in 23 patients (14 men, mean age (± SD) 65 ± 14.5 years) with
symptoms of DCM and no other neurological disorders. These images were acquired
using an interleaved echo planar imaging pulse sequence (2.3 mm isotropic
resolution, TR/TE = 1000/30 msec, matrix size = 720 x 720, flip angle = 40˚). With
their right hand, patients were instructed to perform a structured
finger-tapping task to activate the motor cortex to assess the extent of
cortical activation. This was also repeated for the left hand. Volume of
activation (VOA) and % blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signal were
determined using region-of-interest analysis. T2-weighted images of
the spine were also acquired using a spin-echo pulse sequence (0.90 mm
isotropic resolution, TR/TE = 2170/135 msec, matrix size = 256 x 256, 2
averages). They were used to quantify the severity of spinal cord compression
and total compression volume was found by using the semi-automatic segmentation
software, Spinal Cord Toolbox7, with segmentation shown in Figure 1.
Using in-house MATLAB code, the total volume of the spinal cord in the
compressed region was measured. To measure the reliability of the spinal cord compression
measurement, two raters performed repeated measurements of cord compression on
the randomized dataset three separate times and the intraclass correlation
(ICC) was used to determine the intra- and inter-rater reliability.Results
Measurements of the spinal cord compression volume were highly
reproducible, with the reliability between the two raters characterized with an
ICC of 0.977. The intra-rater reliability of each rater was also substantial,
with the first rater achieving an ICC of 0.996 and the second rater achieving
an ICC of 0.967. The observed BOLD signal increase in the contralateral primary
motor cortex was associated with increased spinal cord compression severity
when patients tapped with their left hand (r = 0.49, p = 0.02) and right hand
(r = 0.56, p = 0.005), as shown in Figure 2. The VOA in the contralateral
primary motor cortex also increased with compression severity when patients
tapped with their left hand (r = 0.55, p = 0.006) and right hand (r = 0.45, p =
0.03), as shown in Figure 3.Discussion
DCM patients with severe spinal cord compression recruit larger regions
of the motor cortex to perform finger-tapping tasks. This expansion of cortical
activity when performing the controlled motor task may be related to cortical
plasticity and the rewiring of the axons of the lower limb extremities into the
hand region8 to compensate for the difficulty with the instructed
task. This significant correlation is consistent with the presence of pathophysiological
changes occurring in the spine, like ischemia and hypoxia, and it is reasonable
to hypothesize that the observed cortical reorganization is a compensatory
mechanism to neurological injury in the spinal cord.Conclusion
The current study demonstrates that DCM patients recruit larger regions
of the primary motor cortex to tap their fingers when spinal cord compression
is more severe, which is consistent with pathophysiological changes occurring
in the spine. These pathophysiological changes could impact recovery following
surgery; however, direct in-vivo evidence has been limited in humans. Future
studies measuring hypoxia and/or ischemia at the site of compression may
provide more insight into the mechanisms of the neurological injury and help us
further understand the prognostic determinates of DCM patients.Acknowledgements
The authors thank all participants for their contribution to this project.
We also thank Scott Charlton and Oksana Opalevych (CFMM, Robarts Research
Institute, The University of Western Ontario) for facilitating MRI
acquisitions. References
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