3D-MP2RAGE T1 mapping to characterize regional cervical spinal cord impairments in ALS and MS patients.
Samira Mchinda1,2, Sarah Demortière3, Henitsoa Rasoanandrianina4, Claire Costes1,2, Jean Pelletier2,5, Shahram Attarian6, Aude-Marie Grapperon6, Bertrand Audoin2,5, Annie Vershueren6, and Virginie Callot1,2
1Aix-Marseille Univ, CNRS, CRMBM, Marseille, France, 2APHM, Hôpital Universitaire Timone, CEMEREM, Marseille, France, 3APHM, Hôpital Universitaire Timone, Neurology Department, Marseille, France, 4Departement of Research and Innovation, Olea Medical, La Ciotat, France, 5. APHM, Hôpital Universitaire Timone, Neurology Department, Marseille, France, 6APHM, Hôpital Universitaire Timone, Reference Center for Neuromuscular Disorders and ALS, Marseille, France


The MP2RAGE sequence has never been applied for T1 quantification in the context of neurodegenerative spinal cord pathologies. In this study, the technique demonstrated good discrimination between WM and GM in healthy controls, better detection of cervical lesions in Multiple Sclerosis patients, and increased T1 values in corticospinal tracts of both Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis patients and MS patients , and lateral sensory tracts of MS patients. Very robust and compatible with clinical scan time, the MP2RAGE may be a technique of choice for longitudinal studies.


The 3D-MP2RAGE sequence has recently demonstrated an ability for improved cervical cord lesion detection in multiple sclerosis (MS)1-2, however, it has never been applied for T1 quantification in the context of neurodegenerative spinal cord pathologies. In this study, the interest of the technique was evaluated in terms of cord atrophy measurements, regional structural changes and potential specificity with regards to the pathology (MS and ALS impairments).


Subjects: 30 MS patients (27RR/ 3SP, mean age=35±11yo.), 15 ALS patients (mean age=57±13), and aged-matched healthy controls (HC) (nHC_MS=23 for the MS cohort and nHC_ALS=10 for the ALS) participated to the study. Clinical scoring included the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) for the MS patients, and ALS Functional Rating Scale (ALSFRS) and disease progression rate (DPR=(48-ALSFRS)/ disease duration) for the ALS cohort.

MR protocol: Acquisitions were performed on a 3T system at the cervical level. The 3D MP2RAGE parameters were set according to Rasoanandrianina & al.1, (spatial resolution 0.9*0.9*1 mm3; TI1/TI2/TR=650/2000/4000ms, α12=4/5). A B1+ map (5-mm isotropic) was also acquired to correct for potential B1+-bias.

Data analysis: Data processing is summarized in Fig.1. WM ROI was eroded to avoid CSF contamination. Anterior WM was not considered for quantification due to partial volume effect. Lesion were manually segmented and clinical scoring evaluated by a clinician. Statistical analyses were performed using JMP9. P-values<0.05 were considered as statistically significant. T1 differences according to cervical levels, ROIs and age were first investigated considering the entire healthy population (n=27) using a MANOVA analysis followed by a Steel-Dwass all-pair test corrected for multiple comparisons. Then, T1 and CSA differences between ALS patients (n=15) and HC_ALS (n=10) first, and between MS patients (n=30) and HC_MS (n=23) then, were evaluated. Lesion and normal appearing (NA) WM/GM were considered separately. Correlations between T1/CSA metrics and clinical scoring were evaluated using a Spearman rank test. In the perspective of identifying preferred sites of disease expression in each patient cohort, averaged T1 maps were finally generated in the PAM50 space3 using FSL4. For the MS patients, T1 values in lesion ROIs were replaced (~lesion filling) by the mean T1 of the NA tissue at the same level, so as to give a representation of global NA T1 impairment. Lesion distribution map was generated as well.


Fig.2 shows individual T1-MP2RAGE maps obtained on HC (2A), MS (2B) and ALS (2C) and the selected ROIs. T1 analysis performed on HC showed no age effects on metrics, no variation across levels and a good discrimination (p<.0001) between whole WM (902±23ms) and whole aiGM (GM= 939±21ms).
When comparing metrics between MS patients and HC_MS, T1 values were systematically found higher for MS patients in both lesions (LEWM=1174±134ms /LEGM=1114±80ms; p<.00001) and NA tissues (NAWM= 969±64/NAGM=970±47ms; p=0.006). T1 differences were statistically significant in all ROIs (=0.006) and impairments were more particularly marked in NAaiGM in the upper cervical levels and in the whole WM, especially in CST/LST (p<0.0001), in line with recent literature5 demonstrating preferential lesion-induced damage in the lateral funiculi and GM in relapsing-remitting MS (93% of our MS patients). CSA in MS were statistically lower than HC for all levels (atrophy more pronounced in upper cervical spinal cord: p<.0001 compared to lower levels p<.0004) (Fig.3A), in line with the literature6-7. T1-MP2RAGE values were also highly correlated to EDSS for both NAWM (p=.0003) and NAaiGM (p=.0352).
On average, when considering T1 values in ALS patients compared to HC_ALS, no differences were observed in LST and aiGM whereas statistical differences were noticed in PST (p=.0489) and CST (p=.006), in agreement with regional impairments previously reported using DTI or MT8-10. Mean cord CSA were found lower at all levels, but without reaching significance, except in C4 (Fig.3B). Significant correlation between T1 values and ALSFRS was found only for aiGM which is consistent with the destruction of motor neurons. No correlation with DPR was observed.
Fig.4 shows mean T1-MP2RAGE maps in the PAM50 space for HC_ALS (4A) and ALS patients (4B) with higher signal in CST and PST. Fig.5 shows HC_MS (5A) and MS patients (5B), together with the lesion distribution map (5C). A diffuse impairment could be noticed in both cohorts. The lesion distribution was more pronounced in the PST and in upper levels (C1-C3), in agreement with literature 11-12.


In this work, the MP2RAGE sequence was used for the first time in the context of neurodegenerative spinal cord pathologies.With a sub-millimetric spatial resolution, T1 quantification in the major WM tracts and aiGM could be performed (T1 measurements in anterior WM and posterior GM would require to move to higher field strength13). The good discrimination between WM and GM, the finding of increased T1-MP2RAGE in the motor tracts of ALS patients and posterior sensory tract in MS patients, gave further evidence for the potential of MP2RAGE sequence in neurodegenerative disease diagnostics. With a previously reported reproducibility of 5%1, an acquisition time of < 10min, no discard data rate, an improved lesion detection2, the MP2RAGE may be a technique of choice for clinical studies. Short-term perspectives include characterization of the sensitivity to temporal changes, comparison to conventional techniques, semi-automatic lesion segmentation and multi-centric studies.


ARSEP and Thierry Latran foundation


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Fig.1: Study design and postprocessing pipeline. B1-corrected T1 maps were generated using Matlab14. Spinal cord segmentation and WM/GM parcellation were performed using the Spinal Cord Toolbox15 . Cord cross sectional area measurements was obtained for each subject and cervical spinal cord level (C1-C7). Analysis of the quantitative T1 dataset focused on largest SC ROI, including whole white matter (WM), anterior and intermediate gray matter (aiGM), posterior and lateral sensory tracts (PST/LST); as well as lateral corticospinal tracts (CST).

Fig.2: Representative T1-MP2RAGE maps obtained on HC (A), MS (B) and ALS (C) and the selected ROIs. For the MS patient, red arrows point on GM/WM lesions

Fig.3: Measured cord cross sectional area (CSA) on MS patients and age-matched HC (A) and ALS patients and age-matched HC (B). Significant differences were found between MS and HC for all levels. For ALS patients, only for C4 level was statistically different.

Fig.4: Mean T1 -MP2RAGE map calculated over all ALS patients (B) and age matched HC(A). T1 values were statistically higher in ALS patients in PST and CST (p=.006). It is worth mentioning that the anterior white matter was not considered in this analysis due to partial volume effect and some degeneration that may occur due to ageing.

Fig.5: Mean normal appearing T1-MP2RAGE map calculated over all MS patients (B) (after lesion filling) and age matched HC (A) in the PAM50 space and lesion distribution map (C). T1 values in NA tissues were statistically higher in MS patients (NAWM= 969±64/NAGM=970±47ms) as compared to HC_MS (902±22 and 939±21). Impairments were more particularly marked in NAaiGM in the upper cervical levels and in the whole WM, especially in CST/LST (p<0.0001).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)