Optimizing EEG source reconstruction with concurrent fMRI-derived spatial priors
Rodolfo Abreu1, Júlia F. Soares1, Sónia Batista2,3, Lívia Sousa2,3, Miguel Castelo-Branco1,3, and João Valente Duarte1,3
1Coimbra Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Translational Research (CIBIT), Institute for Nuclear Sciences Applied to Health (ICNAS), University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 2Neurology Department, Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 3Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal


There is no consensus regarding the optimal EEG source reconstruction algorithm, nor a systematic comparison between sets of fMRI-derived spatial priors to be included in the inversion models. We compared four inversion algorithms, each with three sets of fMRI-derived spatial priors consisting of task activation maps, resting-state networks and, for the first time, dynamic functional connectivity states. We found that combining a beamformer with these priors improves the reconstruction quality, especially in terms of the overlap with task-related brain regions of interest and RSN templates. Our results may guide more informatively the selection of the optimal EEG source reconstruction approach.


Reconstructing EEG sources involves a complex pipeline1,2, with the inverse problem being the most challenging due to the non-uniqueness of its solution, which can be partially circumvented by including fMRI-derived spatial priors in the inverse models3. However, only task activation maps and resting-state networks (RSNs) have been explored so far, overlooking the notion that brain networks exhibit dynamic functional connectivity (dFC) fluctuations4. Moreover, there is no consensus regarding the inversion algorithm of choice, nor a systematic comparison between different sets of spatial priors. Using simultaneous EEG-fMRI data, here we compared four different inversion algorithms, each with three different sets of priors (or covariance components, CCs) under a Parametric Empirical Bayesian framework5.


Data acquisition and pre-processing: Six patients with Multiple Sclerosis and seven demographically matched healthy subjects were studied on a 3T MRI system (Siemens) using an MR-compatible 64-channel EEG system (NeuroScan). BOLD-fMRI (2D-EPI, TR/TE=1000/37ms, 2mm isotropic) was acquired concurrently with EEG during four runs of: an hMT/V5+ functional localizer6 (3.2min), two biological motion perception7 (8.4min), and resting-state (8min). EEG data were MR-induced artifact corrected8,9, band-pass filtered (1-30Hz), and further pre-processed10, as well as fMRI data11.

fMRI-derived CCs (Fig. 1): First, task activations were mapped using a GLM with regressors marking the stimulation periods, followed by cluster thresholding (voxel Z>2.5, cluster p<0.05)12. Second, spatial ICA decomposition13 was performed for each run and participant, identifying 10 RSNs based on their spatial overlap (quantified by the Dice coefficient14) with RSN templates15. Third, dFC was computed from parcel-averaged BOLD signals across AAL-based regions16 with a phase coherence approach17, followed by a l1-regularized dictionary learning step for extracting the dFC states18. By correlating their contribution over time to the overall dFC with the task regressors, task-related dFC states were determined, and network modules were obtained using the Louvain algorithm19. These 3D maps were then binarized, projected onto the 2D cortical surface5, and smoothed using the Green’s function20. The CCs of the resulting 2D spatial priors were obtained as their outer product.

EEG source reconstruction (Fig. 2): The forward problem was solved with: 1) realistic head models from the segmentation of the structural images into 6 tissues; 2) electrode positions manually adjusted to match the distortions on the structural images; and 3) volume conduction models built using boundary element models. EEG data was downsampled to 60Hz and reconstructed at each time point considering four algorithms (minimum norm, MN21; low-resolution electromagnetic tomography, LORETA22; empirical Bayes beamformer, EBB23; and multiple sparse priors, MSP24), each with three different sets of CCs consisting of: S1) those specific to the algorithm; S2) S1 plus RSNs and task activation maps; and S3) S2 plus task-related dFC state modules. Reconstruction quality was assessed in terms of the free-energy (FE) and variance explained (VE) of the inversion models, and the overlap (quantified by the Dice coefficient d) of RSN templates and atlas-based anatomical brain regions known to be involved in similar tasks7, with EEG source components obtained by applying spatial ICA to the reconstructed EEG. The main effects of the population group, inversion algorithm and set of CCs were evaluated by a 3-way ANOVA for each quality metric separately, with subsequent post-hoc statistical tests (p<0.05).


Fig. 3 shows a considerable overlap of two EEG source components with an extrastriate body area mask (EBA; known to be involved in similar tasks7) and a visual RSN template. No differences were found between population groups for any metric. Table 1 depicts the average FE, VE and d values across participants, and across task runs. For the FE and VE values, there was no main effect of the algorithm, while S1 was significantly better than S2 and S3. The combination MSP+S1 yielded the lowest/highest FE/VE for all runs, performing significantly better than other five combinations using sets S2 or S3. In contrast, LORETA+S3 and EBB+S2 achieved the highest d for the task and resting-state runs, respectively. The post-hoc tests of the d values revealed that: MN and EBB performed significantly better than LORETA and MSP, using the sets S2 and S3 was significantly better than set S1, and EBB+S2 exhibited significantly higher d than combinations with MN or LORETA, and S1.

Discussion and Conclusion

We found that including fMRI-derived spatial priors critically improves the quality of EEG source reconstruction, with no differential effect between groups. The usefulness of this type of priors have already been reported5,25–28, although the resulting reconstructions were only compared using conventional quality metrics. According to the d values, we found that LORETA performed significantly worse than MN or EBB, suggesting that the low-resolution (smoothed) solutions of LORETA may render it inappropriate for localizing such specific sources as those involved in the tasks1. This is in line with previous comparison studies on simulated data29–32. The post-hoc analysis revealed that dFC states convey relevant information for EEG reconstruction on the task runs (S3), and that EBB+S2 exhibited the best d values; the latter suggests that by coupling inversion algorithms as beamformers designed for providing focal solutions with fMRI-derived information, an optimal balance between sensitivity and specificity is achieved. We believe that such recommendations based on our analyses may more informatively guide the selection of the optimal EEG reconstruction approach.


This work was supported by Grants Funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, PAC –286 MEDPERSYST, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016428, BIGDATIMAGE, CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER-000016 financed by Centro 2020 FEDER, COMPETE, FCT UID/4950/2020 – COMPETE, CONNECT.BCI POCI-01-0145- FEDER-30852, and BIOMUSCLE PTDC/MEC-NEU/31973/2017. FCT also funded an individual grant to JVD (Individual Scientific Employment Stimulus 2017 - CEECIND/00581/2017).


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Fig. 1: Schematic diagram of the processing pipeline. Three types of fMRI spatial priors for EEG source reconstruction are extracted: 1) RSNs through spatial ICA; 2) task-related activity maps through GLM; and 3) network modules from task-related dFC states. The CCs associated with these spatial priors were then included in several inversion algorithms, whose reconstruction quality was assessed by the FE, VE and overlap of EEG source components with ROIs and RSN templates.

Fig. 2: Deriving covariance components (CCs) from fMRI spatial priors. The 3D fMRI spatial priors are first binarized, projected onto the 2D cortical surface using nearest-neighbor interpolation and smoothed using the Green’s function. The associated CCs are then obtained by computing the outer product. For visualization purposes, the temporally reduced CCs are illustrated, by applying the same temporal projector considered when reducing the EEG data prior to its reconstruction.

Fig. 3: Illustration of the overlap between two EEG SCs (in red-yellow) and (A) the EBA mask (in blue) and (B) a visual RSN (in blue-light blue) from 15. The dice coefficient d and the proportion of the ROIs contained in the respective SCs are also depicted.

Table 1: Average FE and VE and d values across participants, and across three visual perception task runs, for all combinations of inversion algorithms and sets of covariance components. Values in bold represent the best across inversion algorithms for each CC set, and values in red represent the overall best (across inversion algorithms and CC sets).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)