Balu Krishnan1, Wanyong Shin2, Ajay Nemani2, Anna Crawford2, and Mark Lowe2
1Epilepsy Center, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, CLEVELAND, OH, United States, 2Mellen Center, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, CLEVELAND, OH, United States
EEG data acquired during simultaneous EEG-fMRI studies are
prone to environmental and physiological artifacts. In this study, we detail an EEG
artifact reduction pipeline for a block design task paradigm during a BOLD/ASL
sequence. Briefly, the pipeline consists of removal of MR and cardioballistic
artifact, ICA based correction for removing eyeblink and residual scanner
artifacts, and source modeling of EEG data to remove additional artifacts. Pipeline was tested on 7 subjects (6 multiple sclerosis patients and 1 normal-control). The EEG data processed using the pipeline shows high fidelity and
is comparable to similar data acquired outside the scanner.
EEG-fMRI is a non-invasive tool for investigating neurovascular relationships
in normal and abnormal neuronal functions1–3. The most
common fMRI/EEG studies that are performed are either resting-state studies,
examining spontaneous brain activity, or evoked-potential style designed to
examine event-related neuronal activity. We performed a simultaneous
EEG/fMRI/ASL (arterial spin labeling) study to understand the relationship between
electrical, BOLD, and cerebral blood flow response to neuronal activation. The
low contrast-to-noise ratio of ASL acquisitions does not lend itself to
event-related designs, therefore we present a processing pipeline that was
developed to permit high-quality analysis of the resulting block-design EEG
data in the presence of MRI artifact from the BOLD/ASL acquisition. Methods
EEG-fMRI was acquired using 64 channel gold-cup electrodes placed on the scalp
using a standard 10-10 EEG electrode montage system (Ives EEG Solutions,
Newburyport, MA). Study subjects included patients with multiple sclerosis (n=6)
and normal controls (n=1). EEG was recorded both inside and outside the scanner
during the following experimental conditions: (1) resting state, (2) block
design visual checkerboard task (4 Hz, four 48s on/off blocks), and (3) block
design finger-tapping task (2 Hz paced, four 48s on/off blocks). Inside the MRI
scanner, EEG leads and connectors were bundled together and displaced away from
the subject's scalp to minimize imaging artifacts. The cables were routed to a
Brainvision EEG amplifier located at the rear end of the MRI scanner bore. The cold
head was switched off before EEG collection to minimize artifacts. EEG data were acquired at a 5000 Hz sampling
frequency for three experimental conditions described previously. The acquired
EEG data were preprocessed using the pipeline described in Figure 1. Template
subtraction was used to remove MR gradient artifacts and the EEG data were
downsampled to 1000 Hz4. Cardioballistic
artifacts were identified and removed from the EEG data. ICA decomposition was
used to identify and remove eye blink artifacts, vibration relation artifacts,
and residual scanner artifacts. ICA components inside the scanner were compared
to ones outside the scanner and the artefactual sources were identified and
removed. Source modeling of EEG data was performed to remove additional scanner
related artifacts. Cortical reconstruction of MRI data was performed using
Brainsuite5. The
reconstructed cortical data along with artifact corrected EEG data were
exported to Brainstorm6. Source
modeling was used to correct residual artifacts not removed by conventional
artifact reduction procedures7. The leadfield
matrix was constructed using a 3-sphere forward model and dynamical statistical
parameter mapping (dSPM) was used for generating the inverse model8. Source
modeling was performed on 5000 sources distributed uniformly over the grey
matter volume of the reconstructed cortical surface. The first 30 seconds of
EEG data during the baseline epoch was used for estimating the noise covariance
matrix. Spectral decomposition of source modeled EEG data was performed for
every 4-second segment and the normalized power changes at 4 Hz and 2 Hz were estimated
for visual and motor tasks, respectively. A generalized linear model was fit on
the estimated spectral quantity to identify cortical regions associated with
statistically significant EEG change and compared to regions associated with BOLD
2 shows representative EEG data at each stage of the artifact correction
pipeline for a 10-second segment. Figure 3 shows representative data and power
spectral density from an EEG electrode located on the occipital gyrus (Oz)
during the visual task for both outside (A) and inside (B) the scanner.
Dynamics of EEG power spectrum at the specific frequency band of interest were
computed for both visual and motor tasks for EEG data outside and inside the
scanner (Figure 4A). Generalized linear modeling of source modeled EEG data
reveals similar regions of activation during the specific task for both EEG
data acquired outside and inside the scanner (Figure 4-5). In 2 subjects, motion-related EEG fluctuation
was observed during motor-task and it correlated with the frequency of
finger-tapping. Discussion
preprocessing pipeline described in this study removes environmental and
physiological EEG artifacts with high fidelity. Spectral changes during block
designed visual and motor task for EEG acquired inside the scanner show similar
dynamical patterns as that of EEG acquired outside the scanner. Finally, source
modeling of EEG data can remove residual artifacts and extract activation
patterns in specific brain regions associated with the task. Subject motion is
a critical artifact source in EEG-fMRI studies and proper patient education and
mitigation measures such as a bite-bar should be utilized to minimize it.Conclusion
study describes a novel EEG artifact reduction pipeline in a block design task
paradigm during a BOLD/ASL sequence. Source modeling of EEG allows the direct
comparison of task-related EEG changes with fMRI activation patterns. Our study demonstrates that adequate hardware
design and software mediated correction can significantly reduce environmental
and physiological EEG artifacts from simultaneous EEG-fMRI experiments. Using
this pipeline, we were for the first time able to robustly produce
source-localized EEG maps of activation blocks similar to that observed in the
simultaneously acquired fMRI data. Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
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