Jian Lin1, Wanyong Shin1, Stephen E Jones1, Katherine A Koenig1, and Mark J Lowe1
1Radiology, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, United States
We evaluated the reproducibility of resting
state global functional connectivity in scan to re-scan.
Resting state fMRI (rsfMRI) is a widely used
method in functional neuroimaging to measure the state of brain network
connectivity. There are several common methods used, including seed-based
connectivity, network analysis methods such as graph theory, and data-driven
methods such as Independent Components Analysis. Global connectivity is a
concept that was introduced several years ago to assess the functional
connectivity of a local brain region to the rest of the brain1-4. We
have previously introduced a simple global connectivity metric4 (see
Figure1). Here we present a study of the reproducibility of this metric across
brain regions in the mesial temporal lobe and the frontal lobe. These regions
are commonly indicated in medically intractable epilepsy and have intrinsic
interest with regard to their global functional inter-connectedness.METHODS
Data Collection:
healthy controls were scanned under an IRB-approved protocol on a 3 T scanner
(Siemens Healthineers, Erlangen Germany). For each subject, anatomical T1W
images were acquired (3D MPRAGE) and , two eye closed rs-fMRI scans using 2D GRE EPI (FOV=256x256 mm2, 4mm thickness, 31 slices, voxel size=2x2mm²,
TE/TR=29ms/2.8s, 137 volumes). A bite-bar was used for all scans to reduce head
motion artifact.
Data processing:
Physiologic noise was removed using PESTICA5,
and slicewise head motion and its residual artifact were removed using SLOMOCO6.
EPI data were spatially filtered to 4mm FWHM using a Hamming filter7. Whole brain gfc map were calculated4:
1) lowpass temporal filtering (<0.1Hz)
2) Pearson cross-correlation to every other voxel in brain
tissue. Cross-correlation is converted to a Student's t8
3) Gaussian fit to full-width at half-maximum of frequency
distribution of Student's t
4) Difference in area between the fit distribution and the observed distribution above a
threshold (t>2.5) is taken to be GFC for that voxel. (see Figure1)
All scan and rescan gfc
maps were aligned to MNI space using linear/nonlinear
image co-registration method ANTs9. Sixteen ROI’s across the
mesial and frontal lobes were drawn in MNI space. Figure2 shows examples of
ROIs in MNI space. 16 ROIs were assigned to each of 9 subjects to define same
regions of interest on them.
For each subject, gfc mean values were calculated from
each ROI on scan and rescan respectively. To present variation of gfc between
two scans, the percentage of gfc difference, divided by mean (=200x(scan-rescan)/(scan+rescan))
was calculated for all ROIs of all subjects,
Histogram of percentage of gfc difference between scan and rescan for all ROIs
was also calculated.
We also use the Intra-class correlation coefficient
(ICC), a classic statistic that is typically used to assess the reliability of
intra-subject measures. We produce the ICC across subjects for the gfc measures
between scan and re-scan10
$$ICC = \frac{\sigma_{ROIs X subjects}^2}{\sigma_{ROIs X subjects}^2 + \sigma_{scantoscan}^2} $$
, indicating the ratio of the variation of 144
(=16 ROIs x 9 subjects) gfc values to total variation including scan to scan
variation. ICC is scaled from 0 (no reliability) to 1 (high reliability).RESULTS
Figure 2 shows an example of gfc map in MNI space. Figure 3 shows examples of defined
ROIs. Figure 4 shows the histogram of percentage of gfc difference between scan
and rescan across all ROIs. This distribution shows that 70% of measurements
have less than a 40% variation in GFC in repeat measurements.
In addition, across the group, the
ICC value was calculated to be 0.64 between scan and rescans. Although this
indicates that GFC scan to scan reproducibility has moderately high reliability
(0.5 < ICC < 0.75)11, this compares well to prior studies of
scan-rescan reproducibility measures in rsfMRI12.DISCUSSION and conclusion
We previously
presented a simple measure of global functional connectivity that can be used
to assess the functional connectivity of local regions to the entire
brain. The metric shows promise as a
measure of abnormal connectivity relevant to, for example, identification of
epileptogenic foci (see abstract by this group), as well as other conditions
that have been shown to affect whole brain connectivity such as depression13 and concussion14.
In this study, we show that a local metric of global connectivity has a
robustness that is reasonable within the context of rsfMRI studies. Future
work will incorporate a more comprehensive assessment of regional brain gfc,
extending the current work to the entire brain.Acknowledgements
This work was supported by National Multiple Sclerosis Society grant RG4931A1/1
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