Spatiotemporal Trajectories in Resting-state FMRI Revealed by Convolutional Variational Autoencoder
Xiaodi Zhang1, Eric Maltbie1, and Shella Dawn Keilholz1
1BME, Emory University/Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, United States


We trained a novel convolutional variational autoencoder to extract intrinsic spatial temporal patterns from short segments of resting-state fMRI data. The network was trained in an unsupervised manner using data from the Human Connectome Project. The extracted latent dimensions not only show clear clusters in the spatial domain that were in agreement with DMN/TPN anticorrelations and principal gradients, but also provide temporal information as well. The method provides a way to extract orthogonal spatial temporal patterns within fMRI data in a short time window, among which many patterns were not previously discovered and are worth investigating in the future.


Recent studies have shown that the human brain consists of several networks with distinct functions, and their connectivity is dynamically evolving over time. Many methods have been proposed to study the dynamic aspect of functional connectivity among these major networks, including independent component analysis (ICA), sliding window correlation (SWC), quasiperiodic patterns (QPPs), co-activation patterns (CAPs) and hidden-Markov models (HMM) [1-7]. However, Most of these methods consider spatial and temporal information separately, when in reality the temporal and spatial aspects of brain activity are intricately related. Here we proposed to train a convolutional variational autoencoder using resting-state fMRI data to identify common spatiotemporal trajectories that describe the flow of activity across the brain.


FMRI data preprocessing:
The minimally processed resting state and fMRI data was downloaded from the Human Connectome Project (HCP) S500 release [8]. The first 5 frames were removed to minimize the transient effects. Gray matter, white matter and cerebrospinal fluid signals, 12 motion parameters (all provided by HCP), linear and quadratic trends were regressed out altogether pixel-wisely. The regressed BOLD signals were then band pass filtered using a 0.01-0.1Hz 6-order Butterworth filter, and spatially smoothed using a Gaussian kernel (FWHM=2pixel). Finally, the BOLD signals were parcellated using Brainnetome atlas [9] and z-scored. The final parcellated BOLD signal has 412 subjects by 1195 time points (TR=0.72s) by 246 parcels. For better visualization, the 246 parcels were then sorted into 7 functional networks using Yeo’s 7-network model [10] provided by Brainnetome website, namely the default mode (DMN), visual (VIS), somatomotor (SM), dorsal attention (DA), ventral attention (VA), frontal parietal (FP), limbic (LIM) networks and subcortical regions (SC).
Convolutional Variational Autoencoder:
A variational autoencoder (VAE) [11] with 1-D convolutional layers applying to the temporal dimension was implemented using pytorch [12], based on the assumption that the rules governing the network dynamics are shift-invariant across time. This neural network (architecture shown in figure 1) was selected instead of a plain autoencoder because both the random sampling in variational autoencoder and the parameter sharing in the convolutional layer improve generalizability. The 412 subjects were randomly split into training set (n=248), validation set (n=82) and testing set (n=82). Each fMRI scan (1195 TR) was divided into 36 segments that are 33-TR long (23.76sec), with 50% overlapping. The 33-TR segment length was chosen based on prior work identifying a strong spatiotemporal pattern with a duration of ~20s [5]. Then the segments were shuffled, resulting a training set with size of [248x36,246,33], a validation set and a testing set both with size of [82x36,246,33]. The loss function is the sum of reconstruction loss (root mean square error between input and output) and the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence loss. The networks were trained on a Nvidia GTX2080Ti GPU using Adam optimizer [13] with a learning rate of 0.001 for 90 epochs.

Results and Discussions

Since the latent variables should be multidimensional standard Gaussian distribution (all components are independent, zero-mean, unit-variance), which is encouraged by penalizing the KL divergence, the features extracted by the latent variables are almost orthogonal to each other. Thus the spatial temporal feature can be visualized by propagating change along individual latent dimension through the trained decoder, which is shown in Figure 2. Note that many latent variables are spatially similar to each other, thus they were further organized into several groups based on the spatial profiles at the time points when the variance across the spatial dimension reaches its maximum (shown as black cursors in figure 2). The latent variables were grouped into 6 spatially similar clusters using K-means clustering method, and were sorted by their variance explained, as illustrated in figure 3.
It can be seen that within the primary cluster, whose mean variance is the highest, every latent dimension has the DMN and FPN on one end, whereas the task positive network (TPN), which includes VIS, SM, DA, VA, is on the opposite end. This finding agrees with many previous studies, including the DMN/TPN anticorrelation found in [14] and QPPs [5]. The secondary cluster further separates different networks within the TPN, by having VIS and DA on one end and SM and VA on the other end. This together with the primary cluster share remarkably high resemblance with principal gradient 1 and 2 [15]. In addition, the feature learned by the first latent dimension is very similar to the primary QPP as well (shown in figure 4). But VAE also offers many other spatial temporal features that have different frequencies, which were not previously discovered by QPP, whose role in brain function is worth further investigating. Figure 5 shows the reconstruction of the signal and the corresponding weights of latent variables, which provide a compact representation of brain activity.


In this abstract we proposed a novel convolutional variational autoencoder to extract intrinsic spatial temporal patterns from short segments of resting-state fMRI data. The extracted latent dimensions show clear clusters in the spatial domain that were in agreement with previous findings, but also provide temporal information as well. Some spatial temporal features were similar to QPPs, but there are others with smaller variances that were not previously discovered, which is worth investigating in the future.


Funding sources: NIH 1 R01NS078095-01, BRAIN initiative R01 MH 111416 and NSF INSPIRE. The authors would like to thank the Washington University–University of Minnesota Consortium of the Human Connectome Project (WU-Minn HCP) for generating and making publicly available the HCP data. The authors would like to thank Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) for financial support.


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Figure 1. The architecture of the proposed networks. The networks have symmetric encoder and decoder, both having 3 convolutional or dilated convolutional layers, and 2 fully connected layers. The encoder encodes fMRI segments of size 246x33 into a 32x1 latent variables that follow Gaussian distribution, whose mean and variance were estimated by the network. Then a sample was randomly drawn from the distribution, which was then propagated through the decoder to reconstruct back to fMRI segments.

Figure 2. Spatial temporal patterns extracted by latent dimensions. Each subplot is obtained by making one latent variable equal to +3 (+3σ for Gaussian distribution) while fixing the rest of the latent variables at zero. The x-axis is time in seconds. The y-axis is the 246 parcels. The patterns have arbitrary units, but all subplots share the same display scale so that higher variance results in higher contrast. The 32 latent variables are already organized in 6 clusters (see figure 3). The black cursor indicates the maximum variance time.

Figure 3. The latent dimensions can be organized into 6 groups (shown in rows) based on their spatial similarities. Panel A shows how the spatial profile at the max-variance time (in figure 2) changes when sliding a single latent variable from -3 to +3. Panel B shows the spatial similarities among latent variables, which were clustered using K-means clustering (K = 6). The cluster number and the variance explained were also shown. Panel C shows the weighted mean functional connectivity of each cluster of latent variables.

Figure 4. Spatial temporal features represented by latent variable 1 (panel A) and the primary QPP (panel B). Both figures were displayed on a scale of [-98 percentile, 98 percentile]. It can be seen that the spatial temporal features represented by latent variable 1 is very similar to the primary QPP except having opposite phase.

Figure 5. A fMRI segment can be encoded as a 32-dimensional code. Panel A shows 20 concatenated original fMRI segments. Panel B shows the reconstructed fMRI segments. Panel C and D show the values of latent variables in the primary cluster and secondary cluster, respectively. The remaining 4 clusters were not shown.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)