Qing Zou1, Abdul Haseeb Ahmed1, Prashant Nagpal1, Rolf Schulte2, and Mathews Jacob1
1University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, United States, 2GE Global Research, Munich, Germany
Cardiac disease is a frequent comorbidity and cause of
death in subjects with compromised pulmonary function (e.g. COPD).
High-resolution and free breathing cine imaging sequences are necessary for the
evaluation of cardiac function in such subjects. Several self-gated and
manifold algorithms were introduced for free-breathing MRI with good success. The
main focus of this work is to further reduce the scan time of current manifold
methods. We introduce a novel unsupervised deep generative manifold framework
to recover free-breathing cine data from around 7seconds/slice, which will
facilitate the acquisition of the whole volume in under two minutes.
Self-gating methods are being widely used for
free-breathing cine MRI [1]; these methods use k-space navigators to estimate
the cardiac/respiratory phase, followed by the binning and recovery of measured
data. Recently, manifold approaches including SToRM [2], which perform
soft-gating based on k-space navigators are emerging as powerful alternatives. However,
manifold methods that recover the entire image time-series rather than the
binned images suffer from high memory demand and difficulty in using additional
spatial regularization.
In this work, we introduce an unsupervised deep generative
manifold (Gen-SToRM) model to overcome the challenges with traditional manifold
models. Unlike supervised deep learning schemes that requires extensive
training data, this approach learns the network from the k-t space data of the
specific patient. We represent the images in the time series as compact nonlinear
mappings of low-dimensional latent vectors, which capture the
cardiac/respiratory phases. The nonlinear function is compactly represented
using a deep CNN. The model is illustrated in Fig.1 and Fig. 2. Inspired by the
deep image prior framework introduced for static imaging [3], we learn the CNN
parameters and the latent vectors directly from the measured k-space data. The
main benefit of this scheme is that the latent vectors that capture the
cardiac/respiratory phase need not be estimated a-priori, which is often the
most challenging and important aspect of self-gating and manifold methods. In
addition, the proposed framework naturally brings in spatial and temporal
regularization, facilitating the recovery of the images from short
acquisitions. Methods
We model the images
in the time series as non-linear mappings ρt=Gθ(zt), where zt are vectors that live
in a low dimensional subspace. The non-linear mapping Gθ is represented by a deep CNN. The memory
footprint of the scheme depends on the number of parameters θ and z, which is orders of
magnitude smaller than that of traditional manifold methods.
We propose to jointly optimize the network parameters θ and the latent variables z based on the given k-space data. We try to minimize the
following cost function C(z,θ)=N∑i=1‖ to obtain
the network parameters and the latent
variables. This minimization problem is solved using stochastic
gradient descent.Results
demonstrate the results on two datasets, acquired on a GE 3T scanner acquired
using a golden angle spiral GRE sequence. The sequence parameters are: TR = 8.4
ms, FOV = 320 mm x 320 mm, flip angle = 18, slice thickness = 8 mm. We consider
the recovery from around 8 seconds of data/slice, which translates to 2.2
minutes of acquisition for the heart with 16 slices.
Fig. 3
shows the reconstruction of one slice from the first dataset. Four different
phases are shown in the figure and the corresponding latent vectors are given
highlighted in the plot of the latent vectors. Fig. 4 shows the reconstruction
of one slice from the second dataset and we also showed four different phases.
This dataset is challenging and hence we use latent variable of size 4 x 1 for
the reconstruction, which is different from the scenario for the first dataset,
where we use latent vector of size 2x1. We also show the reconstruction comparison with SToRM, which is given in Fig. 5.Conclusion
experiments show the ability of the proposed scheme to reliably recover free
breathing and ungated cardiac MRI from around 8 seconds/slice. This scheme does
not require navigators for acquiring the data, which makes it directly
applicable to golden angle radial/spiral acquistions. Acknowledgements
This work is supported by by grants NIH 1R01EB019961-01A1and R01EB019961-02S. This work was conducted on an MRI instrument funded by 1S10OD025025-01References
[1] Feng et al, MRM 2014.
[2] Poddar et al., IEEE TMI 2016.
[3] Ulyanov et al., IEEE CVPR 2018.