Activity MRI [aMRI] simulates diffusion-weighted data with three metabolic and cytometric tissue properties: kio (s-1), the mean steady-state cellular water efflux rate constant [measuring cellular metabolic activity], r, the cell density (cells/μL), and V (pL), the average cell volume. We explore the behavior of the aMRI model, and compare its results with pertinent experimental data. The model is well-behaved, and matches experimental data with parameter values in near absolute agreement with independent literature measurements.
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Figure 3. The light gray curves comprise samples of an aMRI library of >4000 simulated SDE b-space decays. Experimental data from murine colorectal tumor (circles),7 human prostate lesion (stars) and NA tissue (triangles), brain GM (diamonds), and bladder (squares) single voxels are shown. Different aMRI model kio, r, and V parameter sets produce the colored library simulated curves matching the disparate data. More importantly, the model parameters for each curve are in generally good agreement with measures from independent ex vivo studies of these tissues (Figure 4).
Figure 4. The aMRI parameter sets from the Fig. 3 colored data-matching library curves are given, with color-coding, in the middle column. Pertinent, independent literature ex vivo measurements are given in the right column. r and V measures are estimated from histopathology results, kio from model studies. The general absolute agreement is encouraging.