Veronica Ravano1,2,3, Gian Franco Piredda1,2,3, Manuela Vaneckova4, Jan Krasensky4, Michaela Andelova5, Tomas Uher5, Barbora Srpova5, Eva Kubala Havrdova5, Karolina Vodehnalova5, Dana Horakova5, Tom Hilbert1,2,3, Bénédicte Maréchal1,2,3, Reto Meuli2, Jean-Philippe Thiran2,3, Tobias Kober1,2,3, and Jonas Richiardi2
1Advanced Clinical Imaging Technology, Siemens Healthineers, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Department of Radiology, Lausanne University Hospital and University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 3LTS5, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 4Department of Radiology, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and General University Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic, 5Department of Neurology and Center of Clinical Neuroscience, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and General University Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic
multiple sclerosis, standard radiological metrics (i.e. lesion load) correlate
poorly with clinical outcomes. To overcome this limitation, we propose a novel
method to evaluate T1 relaxometry abnormalities along thirty-seven
major white matter pathways extracted from a tractography atlas, i.e. without needing
a diffusion scan. Evaluating T1 z-scores along WM tracts strongly improved
correlation with disability compared to lesion load. The
strongest correlations were found for T1 abnormalities in normal-appearing
white matter, especially in infratentorial tracts. These results suggest that
diffuse pathological changes in normal-appearing WM measured along atlas-based
tracts using T1 relaxometry could aid clinical evaluation of multiple
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a highly
heterogeneous disease both in terms of clinical symptoms and radiological findings1,2.
The ‘clinico-radiological’ paradox arises from the lack of substantial
correlation between standard radiological metrics (e.g. lesion load) and
clinical state – typically evaluated by using the Expanded Disease Status Scale
(EDSS). In an attempt to overcome this limitation, previous work investigated
lesion load distributions among white matter (WM) tracts extracted from a
tractography atlas, showing significant associations between tract-specific
lesion loads and clinical symptoms3,4. However, MS is known to be
characterized not only by focal demyelinating lesions, but also diffuse WM
damage2 that is not detectable by conventional MRI. Following this
rationale, we propose to extend the method by evaluating tract-specific T1
relaxometry abnormalities both in lesions and normal-appearing WM (NAWM). We
evaluate whether the extracted metrics improve the clinico-radiological
correlation and how they compare to conventional radiological markers, namely
total lesion volume (TLV) and total lesion count (TLC).Methods
Image acquisition and population
Ninety-two healthy controls (60 females, age=[21-59]y/o) and 47
early MS patients (35females, age=[19-50]y/o, disease duration<5years),
with a median Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) score of 2.0
(range=[0-4.0]) were scanned at 3T (MAGNETOM Skyra, Siemens Healthcare,
Erlangen, Germany) using 3D MPRAGE, FLAIR and MP2RAGE5 protocols
with parameters listed in Table 1.
Extraction of T1
Skull stripping and automated brain segmentation was performed on
the MP2RAGE contrast using the MorphoBox prototype6,7.
An anatomical study-specific template (SST) was built from the
skull-stripped uniform MP2RAGE images of 20 randomly selected healthy subjects
(12 females, age=[27-57]y/o)8. T1 maps of the entire
healthy cohort were non-rigidly spatially normalized into the SST space10.
Reference T1 values (E{T1})
in healthy tissues were estimated
voxel-wise by employing a linear model that considers age and gender as
covariates9: E{T1}=β0+βsex*sex+βage*age+βage2*age2.
Patients’ MP2RAGE data were non-linearly spatially registered onto
the SST10, and T1 deviations from the established
reference atlas were calculated voxel-wise as z-scores9. Inverse
transformation was applied to bring the estimated z‐score maps into the patients’ native space. Additionally,
brain WM lesions were automatically segmented using the prototype software
LeMan-PV11 from the MPRAGE and FLAIR contrasts.
T1 damage
on WM tracts
A tractography atlas was used to extract density maps from 37 WM
tracts3. Tract density maps, representing the voxel-wise density of
streamlines, were spatially registered to the patient MPRAGE space. As
previously proposed4, the density map of each tract was overlapped
with the lesion mask and density-weighted tract-specific lesion volume (TSLVw)
[ml] was estimated. Normalized tract-specific lesion volumes (TSLVn)
were also extracted by dividing TSLVw [ml] by the overall tract
volume [ml]. To estimate the extent of tract-specific diffuse tissue damage,
the tract density map was overlapped with z-scores maps and T1
abnormalities were evaluated in both lesions and NAWM by extracting the average
absolute z-score (|Z|avg) [std] and the volume of voxels with an
absolute z-score value exceeding a threshold of 2 (|Z|vol) [ml].
Statistical analysis
correlation between the four tract damage metrics (TSLVw, TSLVn,
|Z|avg and |Z|vol), and EDSS was evaluated and compared
to standard radiological metrics (TLV and TLC). Results
T1 z-scores maps estimated in six tracts of two example
patients with low and high EDSS, respectively, are shown in Figure 1. Overall,
the patient with higher EDSS is characterized by higher z-scores within the
NAWM, whereas no substantial z-score differences could be visually observed in
Figure 2 reports the correlations of tract-specific metrics with EDSS,
whilst the median correlation across tracts and the harmonic mean p-value12
are reported in Table 2. Overall, tract-specific metrics outperform
whole-brain metrics whose correlations are 0.13 (p=0.31) and 0.18 (p=0.17) for
TLC and TLV, respectively. Substantially stronger correlations are found when
tract-specific relaxometry abnormalities are evaluated in NAWM, both alone and
in combination with lesioned tissue (up to 0.35 median correlation, phmp=0.005),
compared to restricting the analysis to lesioned volume (up to 0.20 median
correlation, phmp=0.05). When evaluating relaxometry abnormalities
in NAWM, brainstem and cerebellar tracts are characterized by higher
correlations (up to 0.48 and 0.47, respectively), whilst projection pathways
are the most correlated with EDSS in metrics related to lesions (up to 0.39).
No substantial differences in terms of correlation are observed
between |Z|avg and |Z|vol.Discussion and Conclusion
We proposed an innovative method to evaluate T1
abnormalities – corrected for age and sex – along WM tracts extracted from a
tractography atlas. T1 relaxometry abnormalities along tracts
improved the correlation with EDSS compared to standard metrics, i.e.
global, and tract-specific lesion load. The strongest correlations were found
for T1 z-scores evaluated in NAWM, especially in infratentorial
tracts. Altogether, these results suggest that, compared to focal lesions,
evaluating diffuse tissue damage improves clinico-radiological correlations in
MS. The proposed method based on combining T1 relaxometry techniques
with a tractography atlas allowed to define new clinically relevant biomarkers
representing tract-specific T1 abnormalities without the need for an additional diffusion scan and tractography. In addition, this provides further
evidence that tract-specific biomarkers could be more accurate for clinical
correlations than whole-brain biomarkers such as TLC and TLV, which smooth out
the different tract-specific contributions to clinical correlations. In this
context, the full potential of tract-specific damage should be explored using
multivariate techniques in future.Acknowledgements
This project was supported by
Roche (healthy controls), Czech Ministry of Health project grants NV18-04-00168
and NV18-08-00062, RVO 64165.References
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