Valentin H. Prevost1, Julien Rouyer2, Wolter de Graaf3, and Bruno Triaire1
1Canon Medical Systems Corporation, Tochigi, Japan, 2Department of Research & Innovation, Olea Medical, La Ciotat, France, 3Canon Medical Systems Europe, Zoetermeer, Netherlands
based virtual elastography is a new approach proposing for liver elasticity assessment
without the use of additional equipment. As abdominal imaging is challenging
in a clinical context, this work investigated the potential of a respiratory
triggered implementation with a dedicated image registration pipeline. Results analysis concluded
to a signal-to-noise ratio increase, an organ delineation improvement, an overall
signal dispersion reduction in liver and equal results for registered images
using only two averages compared to six averages without registration. This dedicated
postprocessing appears to enhance the liver elasticity assessment accuracy,
with scan times that are feasible in a clinical context.
liver diseases such as fibrosis can lead to severe complications and need to be
detected at an early stage and correctly staged to improve patient prognostics.
While biopsy is currently the gold standard, imaging techniques like MR
elastography are able to accurately stage fibrosis using a vibrating external
device [1]. However, despite its high sensitivity, MR elastography
implementation requires dedicated material, limiting its use to only a few
centers. Thus, a new approach has recently been introduced proposing
diffusion-weighted (DW) based virtual elastography, without the use of any
additional equipment, with a high agreement with MR elastography [2,3]. As abdominal
imaging can be challenging in a clinical context as it needs a high level of
patient cooperation to limit motion artifacts, this work looks into the
potential of a respiratory triggered virtual elastography sequence with a
dedicated registration pipeline to increase the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and
better delineation of the liver parenchyma.Methods
Whole liver explorations were performed on three healthy
volunteers. They were scanned on a 3.0T MRI scanner (Galan XGO 45mT/m,
Canon Medical Systems Corporation, Tochigi, Japan) with a 16-channel abdomen coil
combined with a spine coil.
Imaging protocol: 3 repetitions of a
2DSE-EPI sequence with PASTA fat suppression; TR/TE=5000ms/95ms; in-plane
resolution=1.5mm² ; slice thickness=7mm; parallel imaging factor=2; echo train length=52ms; 3 directions (x,y,z); 2
b-values=200 and 1500s/mm² (b200 and b1500 respectively); Number of averages (NEX)=2
for each repetition; respiratory triggered on expiration; Acquisition time (TA)≈4min30
per repetition.
Data processing: Diffusion-weighted data
was postprocessed using a dedicated Olea Sphere plugin for the virtual elasticity
estimation. Different sets of images were created by using combinations of the
different repetitions: A set for two averages was created using the first
repetition, four averages by using the first and second repetitions and six
averages by combining all three repetitions. For all these NEX averaging, two
post-processing pipelines were applied. The first one used the native DW
images, the second one applied a 3D affine registration procedure on the images
using the SimpleITK library algorithms [4] for each b-value so as to register
each diffusion direction (x,y,z) before averaging. Inter-scan repetition
registrations were performed as well to generate the registered datasets with
four and six averages. Virtual elasticity maps were calculated using the
linear-relationship determined for the liver in a previous study [2]. For
quantitative analysis, ROIs of 300 pixels were manually placed inside the liver
while avoiding large vessels. The MR diffusion attenuated SNR of the liver was
calculated as the mean signal divided by the standard deviation of the background
noise for both b-values.Results and Discussion
images using two signal averages, for both b200 and b1500, and corresponding virtual
elasticity maps, both registered and unregistered, are shown in Figure 1. On
the qualitative side, registered images revealed a better liver delineation and
a better homogeneity inside structures. This effect was best observed when native
images suffered from EPI-based geometrical distortion and from motion due to
potential failures in triggering. In this sequence implementation, the estimated
SNR in liver appeared strong enough not to use any additional filter, like the
Gaussian filter used in literature [2,3], leading to images with high
definition without blurring. Quantitative SNR analysis on DW images when
varying the number of averages and postprocess pipelines is summarized in Figure 2. In addition, the mean and standard
deviation of virtual elasticity estimates inside ROIs are summarized in Figure 3.
Signal averaging improved SNR on all native and registered diffusion weighted data,
for both b-values. At every number of averages explored in this study, registering
images resulted in aa significant SNR gain (from 19 to 44%) compared to native data.
Signal averages from 2 to 6 reduced the standard deviation of the virtual
elasticity value up to 30% on native data, while at the same time a small
increase of the mean value (+10%) was observed. Images acquired with two
averages that were registered had similar mean virtual elasticity and standard
deviation values compared to native images with 6 averages (Mean: 3.80 v.s.
3.87 and sd: 1.39 v.s. 1.33 respectively). Mean virtual elasticity measurements
(3.78±0.19 kPa) were in agreement with healthy liver
values found in literature [5]. More investigation on patients would be
necessary to confirm the protocol feasibility in a clinical context. Since the
volunteers were cooperating and acquisitions were respiratory triggered, we
assumed that b200 and b1500 image misregistration was small enough to be
effectively corrected using affine transformations. Future studies will focus on
strengthening the registration benefits through a final process layer based on a
non-rigid registration method, more in line with abdominal breath-related motions.Conclusion
work studied a new sequence implementation using parallel imaging, to reduce
the echo train length, and respiratory gating on a SE-EPI readout. An affine
registration postprocessing pipeline improved SNR, organ delineation and overall
signal dispersion in liver, and resulted in equal results for registered images
using only two averages compared to six averages without registration. The
combination of this sequence implementation with its dedicated postprocessing
appears to enhance the accuracy of the liver elasticity assessment by
diffusion-weighted based virtual elastography, with scan times that are feasible
in a clinical context.Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
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