Rodolfo Abreu1, Miguel Castelo-Branco1,2, and João Valente Duarte1,2
1Coimbra Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Translational Research (CIBIT), Institute for Nuclear Sciences Applied to Health (ICNAS), University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 2Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
impact of geometric distortions on fMRI data analyses has been scarcely
investigated, and a direct comparison between fMRI distortion correction approaches
has not been performed so far. Here, we found that correcting the distortions
from phase-reversed or field map images improved the registration into structural
data, the identification of resting-state networks, and the mapping sensitivity
of task-related activations, relatively to not correcting the distortions. Accounting for fMRI distortions is recommended, with the use of field map images yielding the
best results at the cost of longer scanning times when compared to acquiring a
few phase-reversed fMRI volumes.
data is typically collected with GE-EPI sequences, which are prone to the
susceptibility artifact as a result of B0 field inhomogeneity, mainly due to the long time interval between the
acquisition of adjacent k-space
points in the phase-encoding direction. The component of the artifact derived from in-plane spin dephasing induces
geometric distortions1. A systematic investigation on the impact of these
distortions, and the direct comparison of different approaches to tackle them,
on fMRI data analyses is missing. Here, we directly compared, in the same
dataset, two different distortion correction approaches, by acquiring
additional: 1) EPI data with reversed phase encoding direction, and 2) standard
(and undistorted) GE data at two different echo times. Three types of analyses
on the distorted and corrected fMRI data were then conducted: a) registration
into structural data, b) identification of resting-state networks (RSNs), and c)
mapping of task-related brain regions.Methods
data acquisition: Imaging was performed on a 3T Siemens MRI system from twenty
healthy subjects. BOLD-fMRI was acquired during one hMT/V5+ functional
localizer2 (6min) and four biological motion perception3 (10min each) runs, using a 2D-EPI (3×SMS and 2×in-plane GRAPPA
accelerations) sequence with TR/TE=1000/30.2ms, voxel size=2.5×2.5×2.5mm3,
51 axial slices (no gap and whole-brain coverage), FOV=195×195mm2,
FA=68°, bandwidth=2086 Hz/pixel, echo spacing (effective)=0.57 (0.285)ms, 78
echoes per excitation pulse, and phase encoding in the anterior-posterior (AP)
direction. Advanced pre-processing steps were performed4.
distortion correction (Fig. 1): Before each
functional run, additional data was acquired for distortion correction. First,
field map imaging was performed with a double-echo spoiled GE sequence (3.5min)
with TR=400ms, TE1/TE2=4.92/7.38ms (ΔTE=2.46ms for 3T), voxel
size=2.5×2.5×2.5mm3 and 51 axial slices (matching the functional
images), FOV=192×192mm2 and FA=60°, resulting in two magnitude (one per
TE) and one phase difference images, from which the field map was calculated with
fsl_prepare_fieldmap (FM approach). Second,
10 volumes (10sec) using the same parameters of the functional images but with
reversed phase-encoding direction were collected (posterior-anterior, PA). The
last PA volume and the middle volume of each (AP) functional run (the reference
volume for motion correction, rendering the estimated displacement field
alignment-wise valid for all AP volumes) were then used in FSL-TOPUP (AP-PA
fMRI data analyses: The following analyses were performed on pre-processed fMRI data, with
and without distortion correction. First, the reference AP volumes of each run
were co-registered into the structural image (acquired with MP2RAGE, 1 mm
isotropic) using the boundary-based registration (BBR) method; its cost
function was used to quantify the registration quality. Second, group-level
spatial ICA decomposition6 was performed for each run, identifying 10 RSNs
based on their spatial overlap (quantified by the Dice coefficient7) with RSN templates8. Third, for each run, task activations were
mapped with a GLM comprising a boxcar regressor with ones during the
stimulation periods, and zeros during baseline periods. Voxels exhibiting significant changes between
stimulation and baseline periods were identified by cluster thresholding (voxel
Z>2.5, cluster p<0.05)9. Group activation maps were obtained using mixed-effects
from which the average and maximum Z-score
values were extracted to quantify the mapping sensitivity. The main effect of
performing distortion correction was evaluated by a 1-way ANOVA for each
quality metric separately; post-hoc statistical tests were also performed (p<0.05) to evaluate the impact of
each correction approach.Results
2 illustrates the impact of geometric distortions, showing squashing of voxels
mainly at the temporal and frontal lobes. The average BBR cost function values
across subjects for each run, and across runs, are shown in Table 1, with AP-PA and FM corrections yielding significantly
lower values than those without correction, and FM surpassing AP-PA. Fig. 3 illustrates group RSNs
identified in one of the BM runs, superimposed with the closest RSN templates.
The average Dice coefficient across RSNs and subjects for each run, and across
runs, are shown in Table 2. FM yielded the highest values, and significantly
higher than those of AP-PA, which exhibited the worst performance. Group
activation maps from both tasks are shown in Fig. 4, highlighting the same
active regions regardless of correcting the distortions, or the approach used
for that purpose. The average and
maximum Z-score values of each task are
depicted in Table 3. Only the maximum Z-score values exhibited a clear trend (p=0.06), following the same pattern of
the BBR cost function, with FM yielding significantly higher values than those
of the uncorrected case.Discussion and Conclusion
We observed that
geometric distortions and their correction significantly impact our fMRI
analyses. While several comparison studies have focused on the registration
quality and the presence of geometric distortions5,11–17, their impact on RSNs or activation maps has only been scarcely investigated. Overall,
our results show that FM surpassed AP-PA, with both outperforming the results
when no correction was performed. Distortion correction was previously found to
positively impact these fMRI data analyses18,19, although direct comparisons have never been
performed on fMRI data. Such comparisons have revealed contrasting results,
with AP-PA outperforming FM17,20. Accounting for geometric distortions in fMRI
data is thus recommended, which can be easily accomplished using AP-PA by
acquiring a few phase-reversed volumes, or ultimately using FM for the best
performance, which requires however additional scanning time for the field map
This work was
supported by Grants Funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, PAC –286
financed by Centro 2020 FEDER, COMPETE, FCT UID/4950/2020 – COMPETE,
CONNECT.BCI POCI-01-0145- FEDER-30852, and BIOMUSCLE PTDC/MEC-NEU/31973/2017.
FCT also funded an individual grant to JVD (Individual Scientific Employment
Stimulus 2017 - CEECIND/00581/2017).References
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