Sensitivity of a Deep Learning Model for Multi-Sequence Cardiac Pathology Segmentation to Input Data Transformations
Markus J Ankenbrand1, Liliya Shainberg1, Michael Hock1, David Lohr1, and Laura Maria Schreiber1
1Chair of Cellular and Molecular Imaging, Comprehensive Heart Failure Center (CHFC), University Hospital Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany


Deep learning-based segmentation models play an important role in cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. While their performance is good on the training and validation data the models themselves are hard to interpret. Sensitivity analysis helps to estimate the effect of different data characteristics on segmentation performance. We demonstrate that a published model exhibits higher sensitivity to basic transformations like rotation for pathology classes than for tissue classes in general.


Segmentation is an important task in the analysis of cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) images1,2,3. Both functional parameters like ventricular volume and ejection fraction as well as quantitative measures for pathologies like scar volume are derived from it4,5. Done manually, it is time-consuming and subjective. Therefore, semi-automatic and automatic methods for CMR segmentation have been developed4,5,6. Recently, artificial neural networks have shown promising performance comparable to human operators in many instances3,4,5. However, these models are largely considered black boxes as there is no easy way to explain why the model made a certain prediction2,7. In consequence it is very hard to predict the model performance on novel data.


The general idea behind sensitivity analysis (SA) is to learn something about how a model works by looking at the output for certain inputs7. More specifically, a representative input is used and transformed in a controlled manner (e.g. rotated). A separate prediction is generated from the model for each transformed instance. How much these predictions differ depending on the parameter of the transformation (e.g. rotation angle) indicates how sensitive the model reacts to this specific transformation. Beside general image transformations also domain specific transformations (e.g. simulation of MR artifacts) can be studied8. We apply a recently published tool for SA for segmentation7 on a model developed for the myocardial pathology segmentation combining multi-sequence CMR challenge (MyoPS 2020)6. The data consists of three different imaging modalities (LGE, T2-weighted, CINE) pre-registered into a common coordinate space9,10. The model uses these sequences as color chhannels to make pixel-wise predictions for five classes of interest, i.e. left ventricle (LV), right ventricle (RV), myocardium (MY), edema, and scar (Figure 1). We evaluated the sensitivity of this model to rotation, cropping, zooming, birghtness and contrast both qualitatively and quantitatively. For quantitative evaluation Dice-scores between the prediction and the (potentially transformed) ground truth mask are calculated for each class separately11.


Qualitative assessment of the effect of the five transformations on segmentation performance (Figure 2) reveals high robustness for the classes LV, RV and MY while the sensitivity for edema and scar appears to be much higher. This finding is also verified quantitatively for rotation, zooming and brightness transformations (Figure 3). In all these cases dice scores remain high throughout the parameter space for LV, RV, and MY while they drop when moving from the default value for edema and scar with a more pronounced effect for edema.


The most interesting finding of the SA of this model is the differential effect of the transformations on the segmentation performance of the different classes. The qualitative images in Figure 2 show, that the quantitative drop in Dice-scores (Figure 3) is not only an effect of smaller total area for edema and scar. The relatively low sensitivity of the model in general can be explained by the use of extensive data augmentation during training. However, that does not explain why pathology classes are more sensitive than other classes. This indicates that for these classes the model has not learned robust features to identify them and therefore has to rely on specific features that might disappear when the input image is transformed. Furthermore, the general structure, LV, RV and MY are detectable on images from all sequences and therefore encoded in all color channels while pathology classes can only reliably discriminated by the channel for the dedicated sequence (LGE for scar and T2-weighted for edema). A potential follow-up analysis is evaluating the effect of color shifts (different weighting of the color channels) on segmentation of pathology classes in particular.


Sensitivity analysis is a suitable tool to analyze the robustness of a deep learning-based model to differences in data characteristics. In this particular case it reveals high robustness for classes of healthy tissue but high sensitivity regarding pathology classes, i.e. edema and scar. The model and code to repeat and extend this analysis is available online at https://github.com/chfc-cmi/misas.


Financial support: German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF, grant: 01EO1504).


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Example Image from the myocardial pathology segmentation challenge - MyoPS 2020 - data set. A: combined multi-sequence data with each sequence as color channel, red: green: blue: . B: True segmentation for classes: background (purple), left ventricle (dark blue), right ventricle (turquois), myocardium (blue), edema (green) and scar (yellow). C: Overlay of true segmentation mask over multi-sequence image.

Overlay of predicted segmentation masks over transformed versions of an input image. Each row has images with the same transformation but different parameters (e.g. first row rotations by different angles). The ground truth segmentation mask for this image is shown in Figure 1.

Quantitative effect on the dice score for each class over the parameter space of three transformations. A: Rotation, positive values denote a rotation counter-clockwise while negative ones denote a rotation clockwise. B: Zoom, a value of 480px is the default scale. Larger values mean zooming out while smaller values mean zooming in. C: Brightness, a value of 0.5 denotes no change in brightness while a value of 0 means completely dark (all black) and 1 means full brightness (all white).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)