Fast personalization of cardiac mechanical models using parametric physics informed neural networks
Stefano Buoso1, Thomas Joyce1, and Sebastian Kozerke1
1ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland


We propose a parametric physics-informed neural network that can be personalized to left-ventricular anatomies from cardiac MRI data. The model combines a left-ventricular anatomical shape model derived from cardiac MRI data, and a functional model derived from synthetic cardiac deformations. The network is trained with a label-free approach using a physics-based cost-function in less than 5 minutes on a single CPU. Network inputs are endocardium pressure and myocyte activation. A complete cardiac cycle can be simulated in less than a minute. This approach is 30 times faster than the corresponding finite element simulation even when including training time.


The personalization of a biomechanical model from MRI usually requires the identification of one or more parameters via multiple runs of computationally expensive numerical models [11,13]. Different abstraction levels can be used to balance the computational cost of the model against the level of detail. Lumped parameter models [5,6] and reduced-order models [3,4] are among the most common alternatives to full biomechanical simulations. Recently, neural networks have also been used to generate surrogate physical models in various fields [7-10,12,14]. The main disadvantages of approaches based on neural networks are long training times and the need for training data. We propose to alleviate these shortcomings by coupling a physics-informed neural network (PINN) with an anatomical left-ventricular shape model (SM) and a functional model (FM) describing cardiac deformations. The neural network is trained by minimizing an energy potential functional for hyperelastic, anisotropic, nearly-incompressible active materials. In this way we can simulate full cardiac cycles and avoid expensive simulations to generate training data for the network of each new patient. Selecting endocardium pressure and myocyte activation stresses as inputs, the PINN predicts the displacement of the nodes of the mesh defined by the SM. Training time is around 5 minutes on a single CPU after which cardiac deformations can be obtained as a function of the input parameter variability. The PINN is coupled with lumped parameter models of the circulation [2,16] to account for the interaction of cardiac function with systemic circulation and simulations are completed in less than 1 minute on standard computer hardware.


We use a left-ventricular shape model (SM) [2] to generate a dataset of 100 synthetic anatomies which are assumed to be in the end-systolic configuration at the lowest value of pressure in the cycle. After the selection of realistic boundary conditions, tissue stiffness and microstructures, a biophysical finite element (FE) model [2] is used to obtain a set of deformation fields. Applying Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) on this deformation dataset gives the basis for the FM. The linear combination of the basis allows the reconstruction of the ventricular displacement up to an error determined by the number of FM bases considered. The FM basis defines the last layer of a dense neural network, schematically shown in Fig. 1, which is constrained to the biophysical problem in two ways: i) the network output is restricted to the subspace spanned by the FM bases and ii) the cost function used for training is the energy potential functional specifically tailored for hyperelastic, anisotropic, nearly-incompressible active materials.
Sixty additional synthetic anatomies are generated with microstructure, material and circulation properties within the physiologically realistic ranges [2] for the 100 synthetic anatomies used for the generation of the FM. On each anatomy we train the PINN to simulate the corresponding cardiac function. The PINN is trained for 400 epochs using an Adam optimizer and a learning rate of 10-4 in TensorFlow [1]. Network width, depth and the number of FM bases were determined using a parametric study and we selected the swish [15] activation function for all cases. From this analysis we determined the network architecture with 5 layers, 5 hidden neurons per layers and 10 FM bases. On these 60 new anatomies, cardiac function was also simulated using a biophysical model [2] providing the ground truth for comparison. We compared global metrics such as prediction of ejection fraction, peak systolic pressure, stroke work and averaged radial, longitudinal and circumferential end-diastolic strains.


Figure 2 shows the impact on the mean anatomy of each individual SM basis weighted by the max and min values observed in the training dataset. Figures 3 and 4 show the error statistics (mean and standard deviation) on metrics of interest for the PINN (ejection fraction, peak systolic pressure, stroke work and physiological strains) as compared with ground truth values from the biophysical FEM model. In Figure 5 the pressure-volume loops predicted from the PINN for 4 different operative conditions are compared to those from the FE model. For each case, training and running times are 5 mins and 1 mins, respectively, on standard computer hardware.


In this work synthetically generated anatomies based on a shape model have been used. Although only few modes of variations were considered, the bases enabled generation of synthetic dataset with realistic variabilities. This approach allowed for the definition of anatomically consistent shapes and the calculation of functional models of the left ventricle which in turn was encoded in the last layer of a physics-informed neural network. The PINN was trained without labelled data using an energy cost function in less than 5 minutes on a CPU. The PINN was coupled to circulatory models and cardiac function predictions took less than 1 minute with averages predictions within 10% of the corresponding FEM model.


No acknowledgement found.


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Figure 1. Schematic representation of the PINN. From the MR data, anatomy, microstructure, tissue and circulation properties are defined. A dense neural network is generated with a preselected number of FM bases as the last layer. The bases are set as fixed network weights which are not updated during training. The PINN is trained to provide the deformation consistent with cardiac mechanics and it is then coupled to a lumped-parameter model of the systemic circulation to predict cardiac deformation and the corresponding functional metrics

Figure 2. Shape model (SM) basis used for the generation of synthetic anatomies. For each basis the contribution to the total variance of the dataset used for the SM generation is provided. Blue and yellow shapes represent the impact of the selected basis for the maximum and minimum weights identified in the training dataset, respectively

Figure 3. Error statistics of ejection fraction (EF), peak systolic pressure (PEP) and stroke work (Wstroke ) for predictions of the PINN (5 hidden layers, 5 neurons per layers, 10 FM basis) relative to the ground-truth FE model. Symbols and vertical bars correspond to the mean and standard deviation of the errors over the 60 new anatomies considered

Figure 4. Error statistics of mean radial (er), longitudinal (el) and circumferential (ec) strains for predictions of the PINN (5 hidden layers, 5 neurons per layers, 10 FM basis) with respect to the FE model. Symbols and vertical bars correspond to the mean and standard deviation of the errors over the 60 anatomies considered.

Figure 5. Comparison of pressure-volume loops for 4 of the 60 new different anatomies different cases from the PINN (5 hidden layers, 5 neurons per layers, 10 FM basis) FE model

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)