Zhuo-Xu Cui1, Yuanyuan Liu2, Qingyong Zhu1, Jing Cheng2, and Dong Liang1,2
1Research center for Medical AI, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen, China, 2Paul C. Lauterbur Research Center for Biomedical Imaging, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen, China
Thanks to powerful clinical applications,
magnetic resonance (MR) parameter mapping has received widespread attentions.
This work shows that the physical decay about
parameter maps can be implicitly absorbed into an annihilation
relation from k-space
measurement of weighted MR images. Routinely, this relation can be estimated
via null-space decomposition of a structured matrix, but, which usually results
in computational burden. To alleviate it, we propose to train a convolutional
neural network (CNN) to estimate this annihilation relation from undersampled
measurement to further realize k-space
interpolation. Experiments reveal the effectiveness of the proposed method
compared with other competing methods.
MR parametric mapping is a powerful tool for
tissue characterization [1-3]. The most common way to get it is to acquire
multi-weighted images along a parametric dimension with different pulse
sequence parameters, which significantly lengthens the scan time and hinders
its widespread clinical application [4,5]. Then, many researches devote
themselves to research on shortening the scan time. At present, based on
compressed sensing (CS), the mainstream method is to reconstruct the weighted
images and parametric maps in an interactive way. However, this multi-objective
reconstruction often forms a highly nonconvex optimization which is NP-hard to
solve in general [6]. In addition to CS, interpolation for undersampled k-space data is another effective way to realize fast imaging. What’s
more, this method often converts some precise requirements (coil sensitivity)
to implicit constraints, thus reducing the model complexity [7-9]. Inspired by
this, in this work, we proposed a k-space
interpolation method for fast parametric mapping which implicitly absorbs the
exponential decay about parameter map as an annihilation relation and reduce it
to a convex constraint. Algorithmically, we can solve this problem using
alternating directional minimization (ADM) method. To further improve
efficiency, we generalize the ADM algorithm in an unrolling manner. The experimental results on in-vivo datasets show that the
proposed based method achieves superior
reconstruction and mapping performance.Theory and method
Let U=[u1,…,uNt]∈CdNt×Nc, where ui=[ui,1,…,ui,Nc]∈CdNc denotes the i-th
weighted multichannel image. B=[b1,…,bNt]∈CdNt×Nc denotes the
undersampled k-space measurement and ˆU=[^u1,…,^uNt] denotes the
Fourier transform of U. Tacking T1ρ mapping as an example, the weighted images along spin-lock time (TSL)
follow an exponential decay, i.e.,ui,j=u0,je−TSLiT1ρ,∀i=1,…,Nt,j=1,…,Nc.Naturally, if the decayed images could be
compensated to the same intensity level as the first TSL image, the rank of the
spatial-TSL matrix would be one, i.e., rank([u1,je−TSL1T1ρ,…,uNt,je−TSLNtT1ρ]),∀j=1,…,Nc (1)
which acts as a basic constraint in SCOPE method
[10,11]. Unfortunately, for the above highly nonconvex nonsmooth constraint, it
is NP-hard to find optimal solutions ui,j and T1ρ. Then, we propose to convert the signal compensation
to an implicit manner. Let ci denote the i-th coil-sensitivity and αi=eTSLiT1ρ. Since cku0,j=cju0,k, it holdsαickui,j=αscjus,k⇔^αi∗^ck∗^ui,j=^αs∗^cj∗^us,kwhich can be compactly represented as:
where H(^ui,j) represents the Hankel-structured matrix for
linear convolution. With above derivation, signal compensation (1) can be
implicitly absorbed into the following annihilation relation H(ˆU)h=0 (2)whereH(ˆU):=[H(^u1,1),…,H(^u1,Nc)|…|H(^uNt,1),…,H(^uNt,Nc)]
Based on
constraint (2), the corresponding Lagrangian form of k-space interpolation problem can be depicted as following convex
optimization: min
where \mathcal{M} denotes the
mask, and h can be estimated from calibration data.
Considering the noise interference and structure similarity among weighted
images, we further adopt joint TV regularization \mathcal{R}(\nabla U)=\sum_{j=1}^{Nc}\left\|\left(\sum_{i=1}^Nt\|\nabla u_{i,j}\|^2\right)^{1/2}\right\|_1. Introducing auxiliary
variables Q=\mathcal{H}(\widehat{U}),V=\nabla U, the
corresponding penalty function can be formulated as L(\widehat{U},Q,V)=\frac{1}{2}\|\mathcal{M}(U)-B\|^2+\lambda\|Qh\|^2+\frac{\rho}{2}\|\mathcal{H}(\widehat{U})-Q\|^2+\mu\mathcal{R}(V)+\frac{\beta}{2}\|\nabla U-V\|^2.~~~(3) The ADM for solving it reads:
\left\{\begin{aligned}\widehat{U}^{k+1}=&\arg\min_{\widehat{U}}L(\widehat{U},Q^k,V^k)\\Q^{k+1}=&\arg\min_{Q}L(\widehat{U}^{k+1},Q,V^k)\\V^{k+1}=&\arg\min_{V}L(\widehat{U}^{k+1},Q^{k+1},V)\\\end{aligned}\right.Particularly, detailed iterative scheme of above algorithm is depicted in
Figure 1. In Algorithm 1, the filter h estimation usually requires decomposition of the matrix \mathcal{H}(\widehat{U}), which is computationally time-consuming. Now, we attempt to estimate the
annihilation process about h using CNN. For the
subproblem Q^{k+1} in Figure 1, if , we haveQ^{k+1}=\rho \mathcal{H}(\widehat{U^k})\cdot(\lambda hh^{H}+\rho\mathcal{I})^{-1}\approx\mathcal{H}(\widehat{U^k})\left(\mathcal{I}-\frac{\lambda}{\rho}hh^{H}\right).Through the thought of unrolling [12], we use residual network block to
replace the projection operator \left(\mathcal{I}-\frac{\lambda}{\rho}hh^{H}\right) and also use residual network
block to generalize joint TV. Then, we derive a CNN-based k-space interpolation method, the framework of which is depicted in Figure
The proposed k-space
interpolation network was compared with SCOPE method on T_{1\rho} parameter mapping for knee cartilage. The T_{1\rho}-weighted
knee MR dataset were acquired with a 3D extended echo train (MATRIX) sequence
on a 3T scanner. The dataset is a multi-slice 3D dataset consisting of
12-channel slices from 7 subjects. Six of them were used for training and the
remaining one for testing. The
undersampled data with real and imaginary parts are concatenated from all the 5
TSLs together as Input. Each convolution layer consists of 192 3 x 3 filters
followed by ReLU activated function for residual
network blocks \mathcal{F}_{\Xi}, \mathcal{F}_{\Theta}. The
iteration number is set as N=10 and unrolled network is trained via 100 epochs
with Adam optimizer at a learning rate .
To verify the superiority of our proposed method, we compared it with
SCOPE in terms of the accuracy of weighted image reconstruction and T_{1\rho} parameter map estimation. For these two aspects,
Figure 3 and 4 show our superior performances respectively.Conclusion
This work proposed a generalized physical
decayed annihilation-based k-space interpolation method for fast parameter mapping. Preliminary experiments demonstrated its
effectiveness. Acknowledgements
This work was supported in part by the National Key R&D Program of China (2017YFC0108802 and 2017YFC0112903); China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2020M682990); National Natural Science Foundation of China (61771463, 81830056, U1805261, 81971611, 61871373, 81729003, 81901736); Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province (2018A0303130132); Key Laboratory for Magnetic Resonance and Multimodality Imaging of Guangdong Province; Shenzhen Peacock Plan Team Program (KQTD20180413181834876); Innovation and Technology Commission of the government of Hong Kong SAR (MRP/001/18X); Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDB25000000).
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