Yongquan Ye1, Jingyuan Lv1, Yichen Hu1, Zhongqi Zhang2, Jian Xu1, and Weiguo Zhang1
1UIH America, Inc., Houston, TX, United States, 2United Imaging Healthcare, Shanghai, China
this work, we propose a robust and effective method of an accentuated T1
weighted (aT1W) method. By dividing T1W images by proton density weighted (PDW)
images, both obtained using GRE but with different flip angles, the resultant
aT1W images offer improved level of T1 contrast. By adopting the
multi-dimensional integration (MDI) technique, aT1W images have high
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) despite the use of division operation.
a T1W enhanced contrast (T1WE) method was proposed in the context of
multi-contrast imaging1,2. By scanning a 3D
GRE sequence with two flip angles (e.g. 6° and 24°), both PDW and T1W images can
be obtained. And by defining a T1WE signal as the signal difference between
these T1W and PDW signals, T1 contrast can be enhanced1,2. However, spatial
inhomogeneity in both transmitting (B1t) and receiving (B1r)
RF fields are still in effect after subtraction, affecting the uniformity of
resultant images. The T1WE images are calculated based on
coil-combined images, with both the subtraction and coil-combination (e.g.
sum-of-square) leading to compromise in SNR. Last but not the least, signal
subtraction can lead to erroneous image contrast depending on the choice of flip
this work, we propose an augmented T1W (aT1W) technique to achieve
computationally enhanced T1 contrast while addressing all the above issues of
T1WE. By using division instead of subtraction, as well as incorporating the
multi-dimensional integration (MDI) method3, the aT1W images offers
improved and robust T1 contrast, as well as superior image SNR over arbitrary
scanning parameters. Methods
The ISS signal of a GRE sequence is4:
α is the flip angle, C
the coil sensitivity, TE/TR the echo/repetition times, and E1=e−TR/T1. For simplicity, the baseline
signal is assumed to be 1 and ignored. We define the aT1W signal as:
Notice that the terms of coil sensitivity and
the T2* decay, i.e. C and e−TE/T∗2, are both cancelled out in Eq.2, indicating SaT1W
is independent of coil sensitivity and echo time. To incorporate the MDI
strategy for SaT1W calculation on multi-channel GRE data, one can
construct and solve the following optimization problem3:
quantitative phantom (CaliberMRI, Colorado, USA) was used for
well-controlled T1 properties. Phantom T1W data were acquired using 3D GRE on a
3T system (uMR 790, UIH, Shanghai, China), with a 24-channel head coil. Key
scanning parameters included TE/TR =4.9/12.1ms, α1=2° and α2 = 4°/8°/16°/26°. With local
IRB permission, five healthy volunteers were recruited for brain scans with
written consents and passing MRI safety screening. Similarly, single-echo 3D
GRE was scanned with: TR/TE=12.1/5.5ms, α1=3° and α2=9°/15°/24°, 1mm isotropic voxels with matrix size
of 224×190×96 for full brain
propagation maps and SNR maps were also determined for T1W, aT1W and T1WE, as
described above. SNR and noise propagation from k-space to the final
T1W/aT1W/T1WE images was evaluated in a Monte Carlo manner.Results
Fig.1 shows simulated signal curves as function of T1, where aT1W curve
was located between PDW and T1W curves. Both aT1W and T1W curves were
monotonic, while the T1WE curve was non-monotonic. Fig.2 shows phantom images, where 2° flip angle (i.e. α1) yielded PDW
images and higher flip angles (i.e. α2) for T1W
images. Fig.3 shows the T1 contrast comparison of brain scans, with additional
comparison on noise propagation and SNR maps.
both phantom and brain scans, higher α2 led to stronger contrasts for
all results. aT1W image remained homogeneous regardless for all α2 results, while T1W
and T1WE images were non-uniform. Also, there were zero or even negative
values in T1WE images.
is more clearly shown in Fig.3 that the SNR maps of aT1W were insensitive to
the choice of flip angles, while those of T1W and T1WE varied by flip angles. Fig.4 indicates that aT1W images has very similar T1 contrast to T1 FLAIR. Discussion & Conclusion
reasons for the proposed aT1W method to achieve improved T1 contrast are two-fold: yielding pure T1 weighting effects via removal of non-T1 effects, and SNR boost via
the complex signal MDI processing strategy4.
intrinsic aT1W contrast (i.e. 1−E1cos(α1)1−E1cos(α2)) is no stronger than the
intrinsic T1W contrast (i.e. 1−E11−E1cos(α2)) as indicated in Fig.1.
However, GRE signals are also modulated by proton density, T2* relaxation, and
receiver coil sensitivity and B1 fields. Such non-T1 effects are all present in
T1W and T1WE signals while being mostly removed in aT1W signals. Therefore, the
observed contrast improvement in aT1W stems from the removal of non-T1 effects,
including PD, T2* and coil sensitivity effects, thus revealing pure T1
aT1W and T1W signals are monotonic to produce correct T1 contrast regardless of
scanning parameters. However, T1WE signals display non-monotonic behaviors,
depending on T1 values and the flip angle α2. Although offering exceptional
contrasts in short T1 ranges, the T1WE contrast quickly
diminishes and even become negative at longer T1 values. Therefore,
restriction on the choice of flip angles and employing B1 field correction3 will be required for T1WE, which poses limitations on potential
MDI is most fit for use with division operation3, it can be directly applied
for calculation of aT1W for SNR boost and efficient computation.
conclusion, we have proposed an aT1W contrast based on simple division
operation. With the use of MDI technique, aT1W images offer improved and
homogeneous T1 contrast, high SNR and consistent performance over arbitrary
imaging parameters. It can be beneficial in the context of multi-contrast
imaging techniques, as well as any clinical application involving T1 contrast. Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
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