Leo Hebbelmann1, Lydia Wachsmuth1, Henriette Lambers1, Cornelius Faber1, Annika Lüttjohann2, and Thomas Budde2
1Translational Research Imaging Center Clinic for Radiology, University of Münster, Münster, Germany, 2Physiology I, University of Münster, Münster, Germany
fMRI under Isoflurane was performed to characterize brain networks in 4 and 8
month old Genetic Absence Epilepsy Rats from Strasbourg (GAERS) and in
non-epileptic controls (NEC). Graph
theoretical analysis identified major differences in intra-thalamic
connectivity with age and compared to NEC, indicating that thalamus is strongly
involved and probably modulated by frequently occurring seizures. In contrast,
in NEC, brain networks did not change considerably in the age range studied.
epilepsy is a non-convulsive type of childhood epilepsy characterized by
seizures occurring several hundred times per day accompanied by impaired
consciousness and behavioral arrest. The Genetic Absence Epilepsy Rats from
Strasbourg (GAERS) resembles many features of the human disease and is
therefore well suited to investigate the epileptic brain network in comparison
to non-epileptic controls (NEC)1. Here we performed resting-state
(rs-) fMRI in GAERS and NEC at 4 and 8 months of age under low dose Isoflurane
anesthesia and used graph theory analysis2 to identify potential long-term
brain network alterations.Methods
with GE-EPI (TR 1 s, TE 18 ms, resolution 0.32x0.35 mm2,
1.2 mm slices, 12 slices, 30 min scan time) at 9.4 T (Bruker Biospec)
was performed in GAERS (n=12) and NEC (n=12) at 4 and 8 months of age under 1-1.2%
isoflurane anesthesia. Data was
preprocessed (realign & reslice) with SPM. The first 15 minutes of raw data
were used. Continuous 15 min epochs with stable translation and rotation
parameters were selected from 30 min data sets, in case any shift in rat head
position was detected. The resulting data was smoothed, masked and registered
to an anatomical atlas template based on the Paxinos and Watson rat brain atlas3
with MagnAN (Biocom, Germany)4 a MR image analysis software based on
IDL (© 2020 Harris Geospatial Solutions, Inc). Cross-correlation matrices of
regional time courses were calculated and averaged. We determined global
(clustering coefficient, path length, small world index) and local node (strength,
path length, hub score) parameters by graph theory analysis. Gephi5 was
used to calculate and display community structure of brain networks. Network-based-statistics
(NBS)6 was applied to compare connections between brain regions at α=0.05. Results
The global
network parameters were preserved independent of rat strain and age (fig. 1). Functional
groups gathered in largely similar communities in GAERS and NEC at both time
points (fig. 2). In NEC 3 communities were observed, one large community comprising
mostly cortical areas, one containing primarily thalamic structures and another
one with limbic and basal ganglia regions. In GAERS, motor cortex areas formed
a fourth community together with retrosplenial cortex and cingulate cortex at both
time points.
At 4
months, many statistically stronger intra-thalamic and intra-cortical
connections appeared in GAERS (fig. 3A). The left hippocampus appeared
prominent with statistically strong connections to cortical areas (insular
cortex, primary somatosensory cortex), basal ganglia areas (globus pallidus,
striatum) and areas of the limbic system (sublenticular extended amygdala). In NEC
more, significantly stronger connections between cortical and thalamic areas
indicated more exchange between communities (fig. 3B). In NEC, also connections
between left and right hippocampus were strong.
At 8 months,
statistically stronger intra-cortical connections were found in GAERS, while in
NEC stronger connections within the thalamic community and stronger connections
between thalamic, cortical and limbic areas were observed.
When comparing
GAERS at different ages (fig. 4A), the high number of statistically stronger
intra-thalamic and intra-cortical connections stood out in younger rats. There
were only minor differences between connections in NEC at 4 and 8 months (fig.
global node parameters and community structure suggest that both, GAERS and NEC,
have efficiently working networks. rs-fMRI data were acquired under Isoflurane
anesthesia, which suppresses seizure activity. We kept anesthetic dose and
duration as low and as short as possible and identified differences between
groups which may reflect long term changes due to frequently occurring seizures.
In particular the cortical regions were much better interconnected in GAERS,
but segregated from the remaining network at 4 and 8 months of age. Major
differences in intra-thalamic connectivity with age and compared to NEC
indicate that thalamus is strongly affected and probably modulated by
frequently occurring seizures. In contrast, in NEC, brain networks do not
change considerably in the age range studied.Conclusion
suppressive effects of Isoflurane on seizure activity and general brain
activity, graph theoretical analysis of rs-fMRI data revealed age-dependent
changes in GAERS. Since NEC showed largely similar networks at both time
points, a pronounced long-term effect on brain networks resulting from seizures
appears to be present.Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
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