Electric Field Calculation and PNS Prediction for Head and Body Gradient Coils
Koray Ertan1,2, Trevor Wade3,4, Andrew Alejski4, Charles A McKenzie3, Paolo Decuzzi2, Brian Rutt1, and Peter B Roemer5
1Department of Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 2Laboratory of Nanotechnology for Precision Medicine, Italian Institute of Technology, Genoa, Italy, 3Department of Medical Biophysics, Western University, London, ON, Canada, 4Robarts Research Institute, Western University, London, ON, Canada, 5Roemer Consulting, Lutz, FL, United States


Computationally efficient methods are presented which allow calculation of switched-gradient-induced electric field distributions on realistically sized body model with uniform interior properties (compatible with regulatory IEC standards). Electric fields were calculated for three classes of gradient coils (asymmetric head, symmetric head and body gradients) using 100-member male and female body model populations; these were then used to estimate population-mean PNS parameters which were validated against experimental PNS measurements, showing high accuracy. Our computationally efficient methods can calculate whole-body E-field distributions in seconds with updates for different gradient designs in tens of milliseconds, providing an important tool for PNS-constrained gradient design.


Modern day high performance gradient systems are strongly limited by peripheral nerve stimulation. Head gradient coils, either asymmetric or symmetric, can provide higher PNS thresholds compared to body gradient coils. Although PNS limits for various gradient coils have been experimentally measured1-4, no comprehensive analyses have been performed especially for head gradient coils and especially including direct validation of calculated PNS thresholds against experimental measurements. Electric field calculations can be used to predict PNS thresholds according to the IEC 60601-2-33 safety standard5 and there is a substantial literature focused on switched-magnetic-coil-induced E-field calculations6,7. Here, we present computationally efficient methods for calculating gradient-induced E-fields on realistically sized uniform body models. Calculated E-fields were used to predict PNS parameters and validated against PNS measurements acquired from three very different gradient coils (two head and one body gradient coil).

Theory and Methods

We defined simplified body models with uniform interior electrical properties (as required by the IEC standard5) but realistic head-neck-shoulder geometry, depicted in Figure 1. We hypothesized that despite the simplified body model, our calculated surface E-fields would accurately predict population-mean PNS thresholds. The 2.5th, 50th and 97.5th percentile dimensions for both male and female populations were obtained from the Humanscale reference manual8. Male and female populations of 100 body models each were generated assuming Gaussian distributions of dimensions; these populations were used to calculate population-mean E-fields and PNS thresholds. Total E-field in the low frequency magnetoquasistatic regime can be calculated as follows5:$$\vec{E} = -d\vec{A}/dt - \nabla\phi\qquad[1]$$where $$$\vec{A}$$$ is the vector potential produced by the gradient coil and $$$\phi$$$ is the electrostatic potential due to accumulated charges. A set of basis functions in the form of $$$U_m(u)V_n(v)$$$, with $$$u$$$ being angular coordinate and $$$v$$$ being axial coordinate, represented the surface charge density. $$$U_m(u)$$$ is either sine or cosine depending on gradient axis and $$$V_n(v)$$$ is a piecewise linear hat (triangle) function. Recognizing that the normal component of $$$\vec{E}$$$ must be zero on the surface of a uniform-interior body model, we can solve for the unknown weights of the charge basis functions. A weighted summation of E-fields generated by each basis function together with $$$d\vec{A}/dt$$$ provides the total E-field distribution. Peak surface E-fields are converted to population-mean PNS parameters ΔGmin and SRmin4,5. The above calculations were validated against experimental PNS measurements across a range of gradient coils for which we had sufficient information to calculate E-fields and for which PNS experimental data had been published: one symmetric folded head gradient coil (our own H3 design)2,10, one asymmetric head gradient coil (essentially equivalent to the GE HG2 head gradient coil9), and one conventional body gradient coil (the GE BRM body gradient coil1).


Calculated E-fields on the simplified body models are shown in Figure 2, which shows values and locations of peak surface E-fields. Locations are in approximate agreement with experimental reports1-3. Table 1 shows the comparison of calculated and measured PNS parameters for the H3 head gradient (at two body positions: shoulder-coil contact and 2cm shoulder-coil gap), while Table 2 shows the same for the two GE gradients (HG2 head gradient and BRM body gradient). For the head gradient coils, we calculated ∆Gmin using two different chronaxie values: the IEC-specified value (360 µs) as well as a longer value of 600 µs. This longer chronaxie value results in a significantly closer match to experimental data, especially for the H3 coil. Chronaxie values in the range of 600µs have consistently been observed in the literature1-3. Calculated results also show that the asymmetric head gradient (HG2) has lower X (vs Y) threshold while the symmetric head gradient (H3) demonstrates the opposite ordering; this is consistent with experimental findings. The overall prediction errors between our calculated PNS parameters and the corresponding experimentally measured values were 28% mean absolute error (using 360 µs chronaxie for all coils) or 18% MAE (using 600 µs chronaxie for head coils). Excluding low reliability measurements (coefficient of variation >10%), these overall errors reduced to 23% MAE (using 360 µs chronaxie for all coils) or 10% MAE (using 600 µs chronaxie for head coils). A comparison of individual and mean PNS measured thresholds, calculated PNS thresholds and hardware limits is presented in Figure 3.

Discussion and Conclusion

Our computational methods predict population-mean PNS thresholds for three widely different gradient coils with high accuracy. PNS experiments are time consuming, expensive, and prone to error; this makes a computational approach attractive. We found that achieving maximum prediction accuracy for head gradient coils required the use of a longer chronaxie (~600 µs). Our methods generate whole-body E-field distributions in seconds with updates for different gradient designs in tens of milliseconds; this high speed will allow for practical PNS-optimized gradient design. We are currently using Sim4Life (ZMT MedTech AG, Zurich) to study E-fields differences between uniform body models and fully realistic, heterogenous-interior Virtual Family models11. The combination of computational speed, direct validation with high accuracy compared to matched experimental measurements, and regulatory compatibility, represents an advance over prior work. Our work demonstrates an important capability for predicting population-mean PNS thresholds with enough accuracy to be useful for a number of important applications in gradient design, development and analysis.


We gratefully acknowledge the scientific contributions of Dr. Graeme McKinnon. We acknowledge research support from the National Institutes of Health (NIH P41 EB015891, NIH R01 EB025131 and NIH U01 EB025144). We acknowledge ZMT Zurich MedTech AG for their Sim4Science support. KE acknowledges the support of a research fellowship from the MINDED program, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND Action.


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Table 1: Comparison of experimentally measured and calculated PNS parameters ΔGmin and SRmin for H3 gradient coil with (a) shoulder-coil contact and (b) shoulder-coil gap of 2 cm. PNS parameter ΔGmin calculated twice, using chronaxie values of 360 µs and 600 µs. Grey-shading indicates measurements that do not meet “high reliability” criteria (>10% coefficient of variation).

Table 2: Comparison of experimentally measured and calculated PNS parameters ΔGmin and SRmin for (a) the asymmetric GE head gradient coil and (b) BRM body gradient coil. PNS parameter ΔGmin calculated twice, using chronaxie values of 360 µs and 600 µs. Grey-shading indicates measurements that do not meet “high reliability” criteria (>10% coefficient of variation).

Figure 1: Simplified body model. Body model has elliptical cross-sections at all transverse planes with different major and minor axes as a function of z. Body parts are top of head (semi ellipsoid), head/neck transition (half period of cosine), body/neck transition (half period of cosine), body (elliptical cylinder) and body end (semi ellipsoid).

Figure 2: Calculated E-fields per unit slew rate on the surface of 50th percentile male body model for (a) asymmetric GE head gradient, (b) symmetric H3 head gradient (in contact with shoulder) and 40 x 20 cm elliptical cylinder for (c) BRM body gradient coil. E-field directions and peak E-field value are shown. Only negative Z coordinates for BRM coil are shown due to symmetry. Peak E-fields occur at the face and top of the head for X and Y gradients of the asymmetric GE coil, R/L side of the neck and shoulder region for the Y gradient of H3 and R/L side of the torso for the BRM coil.

Figure 3: Measured and calculated PNS thresholds as well as hardware limits for seven gradient directions of H3, shoulder-coil contact body position. Individual PNS threshold measurements are shown using open markers. Logistic regression mean experimental PNS values are shown with solid (filled) markers and error bars. Linear fit to measured PNS thresholds are shown as solid lines. Hardware limits are shown as dashed lines. Calculated PNS thresholds shown as dotted lines. Chronaxie value of 600 µs was used for the head gradient calculations. Vertical axes represent peak to peak ΔG.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)