Anders Garpebring1
1Radiation Sciences, div. Radiation Physics, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden
Non-parametric diffusion tensor distribution estimation is
very computationally expensive and can require several hours of processing for
a single 3D volume. In this work a new formulation of the estimation
problem is developed as well as a new more efficient algorithm. The results show that the computational
times can be reduced to minutes or even seconds rather than hours. Thus, making
these types of analysis suitable also in a clinical setting.
Quantitative MRI can provide objective measurements of tissue
properties that can be of great value in areas such as oncology and neurology1. A particularly challenging problem is when one do not want to assume
that each pixel is homogeneous, such as in imaging of the microstructure
of the brain using diffusion tensor distribution imaging2. In this case, the goal is to find how the
diffusive properties are distributed within each voxel.
Recently, De Almeida Martins et al. provided a Monte-Carlo
algorithm for non-parametric diffusion tensor distribution estimation3. Using the obtained distributions many interesting statistical descriptors
can be derived and properties can be calculated for distinct types of cells
within a single voxel2. However, this method also has some
limitations. Most notably, it is very computationally expensive and multiple averages are required to yield results with an acceptable noise level. This
implies that a full brain analysis can take several hours, which would be
prohibitive in a clinical setting. From a theoretical point of view it is also
not exactly clear what mathematical problem this algorithm solves.
The purpose of this work was therefore to (1)
provide a new more precise formulation of the general tissue parameter
distributions estimation problem with the aim to develop a much faster
algorithm more suitable for clinical use, and (2)
evaluate the algorithm for diffusion tensor distribution imaging.Methods
To avoid an ill-posed problem, we assume that only a few sets
of parameters (components) $$$D_j$$$ are needed. Now, one can model
the distribution of parameters within a voxel as a discrete set of weights $$$w_j$$$, one for
each $$$D_j$$$. To find a good set of $$$w_j$$$ and $$$D_j$$$ values we propose
to formulate the estimation as: jointly finding the set of $$$w_j$$$ and
$$$D_j$$$ that yields the sparsest vector $$$w$$$ that is consistent with
measured data. This gives a mathematically precise formulation of the
estimation problem on the form
\mathbf{\hat{w}}, \mathbf{\hat{D}} =
argmin_{\mathbf{w} \ge 0, \mathbf{D}} \| \mathbf{w} \|_1,~s.t.~~
c\left(K(\mathbf{D}),\mathbf{w},\mathbf{s}\right) \le 0
where $$$c\left(K(\mathbf{D}),\mathbf{w},\mathbf{s}\right)
\le 0$$$ is a data consistency constraint given by the noise properties, $$$\mathbf{s}$$$ is the measured signals and $$$K$$$ is a matrix
defined by the signal equation.
This problem was solved using an
alternating algorithm working on a subset of the all analyzed pixels to
increased speed. The algorithm alternates between solving a convex optimization
problem for the weights and non-convex problem using stochastic gradient search
for a single set of components for all pixels. In a final step, all weights are estimated using the components found using the alternating optimization algorithm.
The proposed method (refered to as FAST) was evaluated using
a publicly available dataset4,5 consisting of a head scanned using a sequence with 377 diffusion tensor
encodings. An axisymmetric diffusion tensor model2 was used in the
evaluation. Both the full set of 377 encodings and a 120 encodings subset were analyzed. The results were compared with the algorithm by De Almeida Martins et al. (referred
to as REF) as implemented in dViewr powered by Mice Toolkit (Random Walk Imaging AB, Lund, Sweden).
The FAST algorithm was implemented using PyTorch 1.7.06 and all calculations were performed
on a 6 core Intel i7-5820K processor with a GTX 1080 Ti graphics card. Both methods
used 200 components. Results
Figure 1 and 2 shows the estimated mean axial and radial
diffusivities using both the REF method and the FAST method. As can
be seen from the figures, the parameter maps are very similar although not
identical. Figure 3 present a summary of the computational times required for a voxel-wise analysis of a 3D volume with 73550 pixels. Discussion
goal of this work was to find a fast algorithm for quantitative parameter
distribution estimation. This was achieved by a new more precise formulation, suited
for GPU implementation, of the underlying mathematical problem. A resulting
speed-up factor of up to 7.3 and 242 was observed using CPU and GPU,
A few observations
can be made from Figure 1 and 2:
- Using the FAST method produces less noisy maps compared to the REF method when a single average is used. However, the results does not improve much with many averages as is the case for the REF method.
- The maps from the two different
method are very similar, but not identical.
Likely, the difference in the results from the FAST and the REF
methods are due to the form of the data consistency constraint. By formulating
this as inequality tailored to the noise level there will be some denoising
occurring which can affect the final parameter maps.
That there is little improvement using many averages
for the FAST method is not surprising since it uses a gradient descent method to find
an optimum instead of producing Monte-Carlo samples. This also means that a
single sample may be enough, which further drastically reduces the computational time needed.
This work shows that it is possible to reduce the
time needed to estimate diffusion tensor distributions from possibly several hours
to much more clinically useful times in the order of a few seconds to a few minutes.Acknowledgements
research was funded by grants from The Swedish Research Council (Grant No. 2019-0432)References
1. P. S. Tofts, Ed., Quantitative MRI of
the brain: Measuring changes caused by disease. Chichester, UK, 2003.
2. D. Topgaard, “Diffusion tensor
distribution imaging,” NMR Biomed., vol. 32, no. 5, 2019.
3. J. P. De Almeida Martins and D.
Topgaard, “Multidimensional correlation of nuclear relaxation rates and
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5. F Szczepankiewicz, S Hoge, C-F
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6. A. Paszke, S. Gross, F. Massa, et. al “Pytorch: An imperative style, high-performance deep learning library,” in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32, pp. 8024–8035, Curran Associates, Inc., 2019.