Florian Birk1, Felix Glang1, Christoph Birkl2, Klaus Scheffler1,3, and Rahel Heule1,3
1High Field Magnetic Resonance, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen, Germany, 2Department of Neuroradiology, Medical University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria, 3Department of Biomedical Magnetic Resonance, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany
in the balanced SSFP frequency profile are known to reflect information about
intravoxel tissue microenvironment with strong sensitivity to white matter
fiber tract orientation. Phase-cycled bSSFP has demonstrated potential for
multi-parametric quantification of relaxation times, static and transmit field
inhomogeneity, or conductivity, but has not yet been investigated for diffusion
quantification. Therefore, a neural network approach is suggested, which learns
a model for voxelwise quantification of diffusion metrics from bSSFP profiles.
Not only the feasibility for robust predictions of mean diffusivity (MD) and
fractional anisotropy (FA) is shown, but also potential to estimate the
principal diffusion eigenvector.
The balanced
SSFP frequency response comprises rich information about the intravoxel
frequency content1. Pronounced bSSFP profile asymmetries observed in
white matter (WM) have revealed a strong sensitivity to the fiber tract
orientation relative to B0 and a significant correlation with
diffusion metrics such as fractional anisotropy (FA) or tract directionality
measures reflected by the principal diffusion eigenvector (V1) has been
reported2. Driven by recent work, which demonstrated that neural
networks (NNs) can predict relaxation times and field map estimates from the
bSSFP profile3, we explore if additionally multiple diffusion
parameters obtained by diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) can be learned. DTI
imaging is sensitive to microstructural diffusion processes of water molecules
allowing the detection of anisotropies in the tissue microenvironment and the
delineation of WM fiber pathways4,5. Here, besides mean diffusivity
(MD) and FA, the two spherical angles (azimuth Φ, inclination ϴ) characterizing
the major diffusion eigenvector are chosen as targets for the NN training.Methods
Five healthy
volunteers were measured at 3T (Prisma, Siemens Healthineers); the data of one
was used for NN testing while the data of the other four were used to train
feedforward NNs with in total ~630.000 training voxels. NN input data was
obtained from whole-brain 3D sagittal bSSFP scans with 12 uniformly distributed
phase-cycles in the range (0°, 360°), i.e., φj = 180/12∙(2j-1), j =
1,2,…12, at an isotropic resolution of 1.3x1.3x1.3 mm3 with 128
partitions, a TR/TE of 4.8 ms/2.4 ms, αnom = 15°, and 256 dummy
preparation pulses before each phase-cycle acquisition. Using GRAPPA
acceleration 2, the total scan time was 10 min 12 s.
ground-truth data were acquired using a standard axial 2D multi-slice spin-echo
echo-planar imaging (SE-EPI) DTI sequence. Diffusion-sensitized scans were
performed with a bipolar diffusion gradient scheme along 20
directions for a b-value of 1000 s/mm2. Additionally, a single
non-diffusion weighted (b-value=0) dataset was acquired. Protocol parameters
included a resolution of 1.4x1.4x3.0 mm3, 36 slices for whole-brain
coverage, a TR/TR of 4800 ms/83 ms, GRAPPA acceleration 2, 9 averages per
direction and b-value, yielding a total acquisition time of 15 min 23 s. To
correct susceptibility- and eddy current-induced distortions, the non-diffusion
weighted scan was repeated with opposite phase encoding direction. DTI fitting
of the distortion-corrected data resulted in the desired MD, FA, and V1
outputs. The principal eigenvector V1 was transformed from Cartesian (x,y,z) to
spherical (r, Φ, ϴ) coordinates (r=1 per definition). The inclination ϴ
corresponds to the angle between V1 and B0. The four diffusion
metrics MD, FA, Φ, ϴ served as targets for the NN.
Voxels classified
as WM or GM were included into the NN training. NN models were implemented
using the open-source Python library Keras. As sketched in Figure 1, a 3x3
window of nearest neighbors was defined for each voxel in the axial plane to
support the NN with additional spatial input information. Stacking real and
imaginary parts of the acquired 12-point complex bSSFP profile for a 3x3 window
resulted in 216 input features. Embedding the maximum likelihood principle in
the loss function of the NN training process allowed the voxelwise
determination of uncertainties for each target parameter during training6,7.
Bayesian hyperparameter optimization with Gaussian processes was used to find
optimal NN models. The optimization took ~13h and suggested an architecture of
4 hidden layers, 191 neurons, and a batch size of 32.Results
As evident
from Figure 2b, bSSFP profile asymmetries in WM strongly depend on the
inclination ϴ, which is equivalent to the angle between the fiber tract
directionality (≡ V1) and B0. The asymmetry index (AI) increases
clearly, when incrementing ϴ from parallel (0°) to orthogonal (90°) tract
orientation relative to B0, with steeper slopes the higher the FA.
On the other hand, the AI values are almost unaffected by the azimuthal angle Φ, however, at higher levels with
increasing FA (Fig. 2a).
Figure 3
displays DTI reference data and NN predictions of MD, FA, Φ, and ϴ for an exemplary axial
slice from an unseen testing subject, as well as the relative NN uncertainty
maps. Low uncertainties are achieved for MD, FA, and ϴ, in particular in WM as
expected. Distinct bSSFP profile asymmetries in WM represent valuable
information for NN FA and ϴ estimation (cf. Fig. 2b) while the azimuthal angle Φ is less correlated (cf. Fig.
2a), which results in higher uncertainties.
potential of the NN predicted diffusion metrics to delineate WM fiber tract
orientations is investigated in Figure 4 by the calculation of color-coded
fiber direction maps (V1 obtained from (Φ, ϴ) weighted by FA). The loss in brightness and structure of
the predicted maps in comparison to the reference is mainly explained by a
slight underestimation in FA and structural deficiencies in the azimuthal angle
maps. Discussion and Conclusion
NNs revealed strong potential for robust NN prediction of MD, FA, and ϴ with
low uncertainties especially in WM structures. The quality of NN predicted
color-coded fiber direction maps was yet degraded due to low NN performance in
the predicted Φ maps, which may
be improved in future studies using image-based learning approaches with
convolutional neural networks.Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
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