Yida Wang1, Naying He2, Yan Li2, Yi Duan1, Ewart Mark Haacke2,3, Fuhua Yan2, and Guang Yang1
1East China Normal University, Shanghai Key Laboratory of Magnetic Resonance, Shanghai, China, 2Department of Radiology, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China, 3Department of Biomedical Engineering, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, United States
proposed a deep learning (DL) method to automatically segment brain nuclei including
caudate nucleus, globus pallidus, putamen, red nucleus, and substantia nigra on
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) data. Due to the large differences of
shape and size of brain nuclei, the output branches at different semantic
levels in U-net++ model were designed to simultaneously output different brain
nuclei. Deep supervision was applied for improving segmentation performance. The
segmentation results showed the mean Dice coefficients for the five nuclei
achieved a value above 0.8 in validation dataset and the trained network could accurately
segment brain nuclei regions on QSM images.
disease (PD) is a chronic progressive movement disorder1. An
estimated 12.9 million people will suffer from PD worldwide by 2040. Deep grey
matter structures are involved in the pathophysiology of PD. To date, many
studies still use manual or semi-automated approaches to demarcate the substantia
nigra (SN) and other nuclei. Automatic segmentation may facilitate the
quantitative analysis of these structures and improve the reliability of the
results. We proposed a deep learning method to simultaneously segment the
caudate nucleus (CN), globus pallidus (GP), putamen (PUT),
red nucleus (RN), and SN in both hemispheres from quantitative
susceptibility mapping (QSM) data.METHODS
This study was
approved by the local Institutional Review Board and all subjects signed a
consent form. A total of 230 cases were collected on two 3T scanners (Ingenia,
Philips Healthcare, Eindhoven, The Netherlands) with the same 15-channel head
coil. A seven-echo 3D GRE sequence was used with: TE = 7.5 ms and ΔTE = 7.5 ms,
TR = 62 ms, flip angle = 30˚, pixel bandwidth = 174 Hz/pixel, matrix size = 384
× 144, slice thickness = 2 mm, and in-plane resolution = 0.67 mm × 1.34 mm. All
scans were acquired along the anterior commissure-posterior commissure (AC-PC)
line. The QSM process included the following steps: a brain extraction tool
(BET) was applied (threshold = 0.2, erode = 4 and island = 2000) using the
first echo magnitude data; followed by a 3D phase unwrapping with 3DSRNCP,
and sophisticated harmonic artifact reduction (SHARP) to remove unwanted
background fields; and, finally, an iterative approach to reconstruct the
susceptibility maps2. The regions of interest
(ROIs) for CN, GP, PUT, RN and SN were manually drawn by experienced
radiologists and used as the ground truth for segmentation.
The dataset was
randomly split into training (184 cases) and validation (46 cases) cohorts. The 2.5D patch sized 80×80×3
was cropped according to the center of the image slice which contained
the whole brain gray matter nuclei. Random
augmentation strategy including shifting, rotation and shearing was applied for
each sample and all samples were standardized using Z-score during training.
We used the U-net++ model3 with deep supervision shown
in Fig.1 to segment
the brain nuclei regions. U-net++ consisted
of an encoder to capture high-level semantic information and decoder path to
recover spatial information with nested and dense skip connections. The model contained four
output branches at different semantic levels and all predicted
probability maps had the same resolution as the input. The large
variations of shape and scale of brain nuclei was a challenge
for predicting the five nuclei regions simultaneously. In order
to address this problem, in the first two output branches, the model generated
six regions including five nuclei and the background; in the third branch, the model
generated three regions including the SN, RN, and background; in the last
branch, the model generated four regions including the CN, GP, PUT, and
combination of Dice and Tversky loss4
was used as the loss function to address the pixel imbalance of foreground and
$$Dice(P,G)=\frac{2|P\cap G|}{|P|+|G|}$$
$$Tversky(P,G,\alpha,\beta)=\frac{|PG|}{|PG|+\alpha|P\backslash G|+\beta|G\backslash P|}$$
$$loss= 1-Tversky(P,G,\alpha,\beta) + 1-Dice(P, G)$$
P and G represents prediction and ground truth, respectively. Hyper-parameters
α and β were set to 0.7 and 0.3 in the experiments.
the training process, an early stopping strategy was applied to handle
overfitting and the training was aborted if the loss on the validation dataset
did not reduce over 20 epochs. The Adam algorithm was applied to minimize the
loss function during the back-propagation process with an initial learning rate
of 10−3. The models were implemented using TensorFlow (version:
2.0.0) and Python (version: 3.7). The experiments were conducted on a
workstation equipped with four NVIDIA TITAN XP GPUs.
validation, standardized patches were fed into the trained model to segment
five brain nuclei regions. The predicted probability maps of the third and last
output branches were binarized (threshold set as 0.5) to obtain
the final results, before they were evaluated with Dice coefficients (DSC).
the validation dataset, the segmentation model achieved a mean DSC of 0.806 ±
0.051, 0.864 ± 0.042, 0.856 ± 0.037, 0.855 ± 0.037, and 0.832 ± 0.054 (Table 1) for CN, GP,
PUT, RN, and SN regions, respectively. Fig. 2 showed the distribution of the DSC values
for the automatic segmentation. From the comparison between segmented regions
and ground truth (Fig. 3),
the U-net++ is seen to accurately segment the five nuclei.DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION
of all the five nuclei achieved a mean DSC value above 0.8, thus the trained model
could accurately segment brain nuclei regions on QSM images. The 2.5D patches provided
inter-slice information which improved segmentation performance. The nested and
dense skip connections in the U-net++ model reduced the semantic gap between
encoder and decoder stage. The use of deep supervision from different semantic
level features led to better segmentation accuracy. In conclusion, the proposed
model achieved high quality segmentation of the CN, GP, PUT, RN and SN on QSM images.
With the QSM technique increasingly applied to clinical diagnosis and
scientific research, future studies are expected to benefit from such automated
and robust segmentation methods.Acknowledgements
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