Improved compression of SAR matrices by a reformulation of the generalized virtual observation point compression scheme
Vincent Gras1 and Nicolas Boulant1
1DRF/Joliot/Neurospin, CEA - Université Paris Saclay, Gif sur Yvette, France


Parallel transmission to date is the most promising technology to tackle the RF field inhomogeneity problem in MRI at ultra-high field. The Virtual Observation Point compression technique was a cornerstone in the field to reduce drastically the number of SAR matrices to handle in exam supervision and RF pulse design. After its original discovery, it was further improved to boost the compression. This work describes a reformulation of the problem which simplifies substantially the numerical search and allows reducing further the number of matrices by a factor ~5 or more.


The lack of one-to-one mapping between RF power and the specific absorption rate (SAR) warrants handling SAR constraints explicitly1,2 in RF pulse design and exam supervision. Within that context, the Virtual Observation Point (VOP)3 approach was a cornerstone to reduce drastically the number of SAR matrices and make explicit SAR handling tractable. The initial approach3 guaranteed that the SAR at one voxel location with some overestimation would be upper-bounded by the one at another location for every RF pulse. Lee et al4 further extended the idea by performing an optimization based on the observation that the SAR at one location could be upper-bounded by different VOPs depending on the RF pulse. The problem for the latter yet is the size of the optimization problem growing with the number of VOPs, which makes the implementation time-consuming and the results more uncertain, given the non-convexity of the problem. Here the generalized VOP scheme is reformulated to obtain a fixed number of optimization variables at each iteration of the compression algorithm, which is shown to boost compression rate.


Let $$$Q_l$$$ be SAR matrices in W/kg ($$$l=1\cdots N$$$ for the number of voxels), and $$$b$$$ a $$$8\times1$$$ complex vector of modulus 1 representing a normalized RF pulse for a 8-Tx array. The $$$Q$$$ matrices are sorted in descending order according to their maximum eigenvalues. The first one is retained as the first VOP and is called $$$Q_{\mathrm{VOP},1}$$$. At iteration step $$$k$$$, let $$$Q_{\mathrm{VOP}, 1},\cdots,Q_{\mathrm{VOP},N_{\mathrm{VOP}}^{(k)}}$$$ be the VOP list. In Eichfelder’s method, the next VOP candidate $$$Q_k$$$, is added to the VOPs if and only if the domination relation below is not fullfilled:
$$\exists\;l\;\in\{ 1,\cdots, N_{\mathrm{VOP}}^{(k)} \}\;/\;Q_{\mathrm{VOP},l}+\lambda Q_G - Q_k \;\mathrm{psd},$$
where $$$\lambda$$$ is a scalar controlling the overestimation, $$$Q_G$$$ is an Hermitian matrix (here taken as the global SAR matrix) and psd stems for positive semi-definite (all eigenvalues $$$\ge 0$$$). In ref. 4, it has been shown that a higher VOP compression rate (reduced $$$N_{\mathrm{VOP}}$$$ after all $$$Q$$$-matrices have been visited) can be obtained by relaxing the domination criterion as follows: $$$Q$$$ is said to be dominated if there exists $$$(C_1, \cdots,C_{N_{\mathrm{VOP}}^{(k)}})>0$$$ such that:
$$\left(\sum_{l=1}^{N_{\mathrm{VOP}}^{(k)}} C_l Q_{\mathrm{VOP},l}+\lambda Q_G\right) - Q_k\;\mathrm{psd}.$$
Yet, in this approach, searching at each iteration step $$$k$$$ for the coefficients $$$(C_1,\cdots,C_{N_{\mathrm{VOP}}^{(k)}})$$$ involves an optimization of dimension ($$$N_{\mathrm{VOP}}^{(k)}$$$) that keeps increasing and that can become very large. In this work, we mitigate this problem by searching at each iteration $$$k$$$ a configuration of excitation where the domination fails (reverse approach). If the following condition is met:
$$\exists\;b/\; \forall l\in\{1,\cdots,N_{\mathrm{VOP}}^{(k)}\},\;b^\dagger (Q_k-Q_{\mathrm{VOP},l}-\lambda Q_G) b > 0,$$
then $$$Q_k$$$ is not dominated and should be added to the VOP list. At each iteration of the VOP compression algorithm, the decision to integrate or not the VOP candidate $$$Q_k$$$ boils down to solving the optimization problem:
$$\min_b f_k(b), \mathrm{subject}\;\mathrm{to}\;\|b\|=1,$$
$$f_k(b) = \max_{1\le l\le N_{\mathrm{VOP}}^{(k)}} b^\dagger (Q_{\mathrm{VOP},l}+\lambda Q_G-Q_k) b.$$
The sign of $$$f_k(b)$$$ after optimization then determines the "fate" of $$$Q_k$$$ (VOP or not). The number of variables hence remains 2 times the number of channels of the pTX system (here 8), instead of hundreds or more in the generalized approach. The procedure was tested using electromagnetic simulations of the Nova (Nova medical, Wilmington, MA, USA) 8Tx-32Rx coil provided by the coil manufacturer and run on the Duke head model. Around 110 000 $$$Q$$$-matrices were computed and averaged over 10g of contiguous tissue at 4 mm isotropic resolution. The proposed compression was implemented in Matlab (Mathworks, Natick, MA, USA) using the active-set approach available with the fmincon function, with 5 initial random seeds. It was compared with the generalized approach by Lee et al4 for an interval of $$$\lambda$$$ ranging from 0.7 to 1.5. After compression, 106 random RF shims were generated and the true peak SAR value among all voxels versus the values obtained with the different compressed sets were calculated.


Fig. 1 reports the number of VOPs for each value of $$$\lambda$$$. At $$$\lambda$$$=0.7, the numbers of VOPs are 938 and 147 respectively for Lee’s generalized4 approach and the proposed one. Increasing the number of seeds further did not change the number of VOPs, suggesting convergence. Fig. 2 shows the true SAR versus the compressed one calculated with the two methods and for 106 random RF shims. SAR is never underestimated.

Discussion and conclusions

A method to further compress SAR matrices with VOPs was proposed. One important difference with the generalized approach4 by Lee and colleagues is the number of optimization variables remaining constant throughout the process, i.e. not scaling with the number of VOPs. Although the mathematical problem is well-posed, our results constitute for the moment strong numerical evidence but no proof for bounding. Not finding $$$b$$$ such that $$$f_k(b)<0$$$ indeed does not imply that such $$$b$$$ does not exist.


This work has received funding from the FET-Open H2020 AROMA project (grant number 885876).


[1] A. Hoyos-Idrobo, P. Weiss, A. Massire, A. Amadon, and N. Boulant, “On Variant Strategies to Solve the Magnitude Least Squares Optimization Problem in Parallel Transmission Pulse Design and Under Strict SAR and Power Constraints,” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 33, no. 3, Art. no. 3, Mar. 2014, doi: 10.1109/TMI.2013.2295465.

[2] B. Guérin, M. Gebhardt, S. Cauley, E. Adalsteinsson, and L. L. Wald, “Local specific absorption rate (SAR), global SAR, transmitter power, and excitation accuracy trade-offs in low flip-angle parallel transmit pulse design,” Magn Reson Med, vol. 71, no. 4, Art. no. 4, 2014, doi: 10.1002/mrm.24800.

[3] G. Eichfelder and M. Gebhardt, “Local specific absorption rate control for parallel transmission by virtual observation points,” Magn Reson Med, vol. 66, no. 5, Art. no. 5, 2011, doi: 10.1002/mrm.22927.

[4] J. Lee, M. Gebhardt, L. L. Wald, and E. Adalsteinsson, “Local SAR in parallel transmission pulse design,” Magn Reson Med, vol. 67, no. 6, Art. no. 6, 2012, doi: 10.1002/mrm.23140.


Number of VOPs computed for different overestimation factors λ. Blue: Lee’s generalized VOP compression method, red: this work.

10g-SAR computed over the uncompressed set of voxels and over the VOPs for the two different methods (λ=0.7) and for 1 million random RF shims. a) 10g-SAR over the VOPs versus the true SAR. The dashed black line is the identity line. b) Boxplots of the relative overestimation for the two methods. The SAR is never underestimated.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)