Karl Landheer1, Martin Gajdošík1, and Christoph Juchem1,2
1Biomedical Engineering, Columbia University, New York City, NY, United States, 2Radiology, Columbia University, New York City, NY, United States
Water suppression is a necessary
component to magnetic resonance spectroscopy experiments due to its roughly
5000-fold higher intensity than the metabolites of interest. Here we introduce
a novel algorithm for water suppression which operates in a similar manner to
that originally proposed by WET and expanded upon by VAPOR, but is flexible in
that it can accommodate an arbitrary number of RF pulses, minimum duration
between pulses, total module duration and maximum flip angles. This method is
referred to as Constrained Optimized Water Suppression. We demonstrated
the improvement of COWS over the gold standard VAPOR in simulations and in vivo.
The concentration of water is ~5000x larger than the concentration of metabolites in in vivo MRS, thus to visualize and quantify
the metabolites water suppression (WS) modules substantially reduce the
measured water signal. The gold standard for water suppression is Variable
Power Radio Frequency Pulses with Optimized Relaxation Delays1 (VAPOR). Although outstanding WS was attained in the original VAPOR manuscript1 and certain subsequent
implementations2–5, there can be found numerous examples
in the literature of suboptimal WS with VAPOR6–8, and as such subsequent modules have
been developed in an attempt to out-perform VAPOR, such as HGWS7. Additionally, even VAPOR
schemes which have been shown to provide high-quality water suppression in
metabolite scans5 result in poor water suppression for
macromolecule spectra due to the double-inversion preparation module9. Constrained Optimized Water Suppression (COWS) enables the optimization of a WS scheme tailored to the
details of the MRS experiment at hand with number of RF pulses, minimum duration
between pulses, total module duration and maximum flip angles as input
constraints. An implementation of the COWS algorithm has been made available to
the scientific community free of charge (http://innovation.columbia.edu/technologies/CU21111_COWS).Methods
The longitudinal magnetization after a
series of n RF pulses can be expressed
$$M_z^n(\boldsymbol{\tau},\boldsymbol{\theta},T_1,F_B)=M_z^{n-1}\text{cos}(F_B\theta_n)e^{-\tau_n/T_1}+M_z^{eq}(1-e^{-\tau_n/T_1}), [1]$$
where $$$T_1$$$ is the longitudinal relaxation time, if n=0
then $$$M_z^0$$$ is the longitudinal magnetization prior to the
pulse, $$$M_z^{eq}$$$ is the equilibrium longitudinal magnetization
and $$$F_B$$$ is the B1 overdrive factor (i.e.,
the factor by which the flip angle deviates from its nominally prescribed value
due to B1 inhomogeneities), $$$\boldsymbol{\theta}$$$ and $$$\boldsymbol{\tau}$$$ are the vectors of the flip angles and
delays after the pulse. The initial value for the longitudinal magnetization
prior to the WS module, $$$M_z^{0,initial}$$$ is assumed to be equal to $$$M_z^{eq}$$$.
The cost
function for COWS is $$ C(\boldsymbol{\tau},\boldsymbol{\theta}) = \sum_{i=1}^{N_{T_1}} \sum_{j=1}^{N_{F_B}}M_z^n(\boldsymbol{\tau},\boldsymbol{\theta},T_{1,i},F_{B,j})\text{exp}\left(-\left(\frac{T_{1,i}-\bar{T_1}}{W_{T_1}}\right)-\left(\frac{F_{B,j}-\bar{F_B}}{W_{F_B}}\right)\right), [2]$$
where $$$M_z^n$$$ is calculated via Equation 1, $$$T_{1,i}$$$ is the ith $$$T_1$$$ value, and $$$F_{B,j}$$$ is the jth B1 overdrive
factor. The exponential is a Gaussian weighting function to
provide greater weight to the values closer to the mean values and the overbar
is used to denote the mean. The optimized flip angles and delays were then calculated via $$[^{cows}\boldsymbol{\tau},^{cows}\boldsymbol{\theta}] = \text{argmin}_{\boldsymbol{\tau},\boldsymbol{\theta}}\left(C(\boldsymbol{\tau},\boldsymbol{\theta})\right). [3] $$
The numerical optimization was
performed using the active set method with constraints in MATLAB (Mathworks,
Natick, MA) R2013b.
COWS Modules
Two COWS WS modules were developed and
tested here. The first utilized 7 pulses, similar to VAPOR1, but with substantially reduced
module duration (236 ms), referred to as COWS(7;236). The second employed an
equal module duration to VAPOR (626 ms), but utilized 12 pulses, referred to as
COWS(12;626). The default values $$$W_{T_1} = 3 s$$$ and $$$W_{F_B} = 0.1$$$ were used and the range of values considered
were $$$0.5 s \leq T_1 \leq 5.0 s $$$ and $$$0.75 \leq F_B \leq 1.25$$$. The minimum duration of 28 ms between
successive WS pulses, and 21 ms duration between the final water suppression
pulse and the excitation pulse were used due to experimental constraints. The crusher scheme to dephase all
water coherence pathways is automatically obtained from COWS via DOTCOPS12,13. The pulse sequence for COWS(7;236)
and conceptual diagram of action is given in Figure 1.
The water
suppression efficiency was calculated as
$$f_{ws} =\frac{\text{max}(|S_{sup}|)}{\text{max}(|S_{unsup}|)}, [4]$$
where $$$|S_{sup}|$$$ is the absolute (i.e., magnitude) spectrum
with the water suppression module on in the spectral range of water (4.60 to
4.70 ppm) and $$$|S_{unsup}| $$$ is absolute spectrum of the water reference.
Experimental Validation
One healthy subject was scanned with
informed consent with TE/TR = 20 ms/2000 ms sLASER5,14,15 acquisition at Siemens Prisma 3 T
(Siemens Healthineers, Erlangen, Germany) with 32-channel head coil. Metabolite
spectra in the occipital and prefrontal lobe were collected using three WS
schemes: VAPOR, COWS(7;236) and COWS(12;626). Macromolecule spectra obtained
with a double inversion preparation module, TI1 = 920 ms, TI2 = 330 ms in the
parietal lobe were also acquired using VAPOR and COWS(7;236).Results and Discussion
The flip angles (FA), delays for both
COWS schemes and the VAPOR implementation are given in Table 1. Bloch
simulations demonstrate COWS(7;236) and COWS(12;626) demonstrate substantially
improved water suppression over the range of simulated $$$T_1$$$ and $$$B_1$$$ values (Figure 2). The specific
absorption rate (SAR) compared to VAPOR was 0.66 and 1.36 for COWS(7;236) and
COWS(12;626), respectively. Substantially improved water suppression was
obtained for both the metabolite and macromolecule voxels (Figure 3). The water
suppression efficiency was 0.22%/0.22%/0.08% for VAPOR, COWS(7;236) and COWS(12;626,
respectively, for the occipital lobe, and, 0.29%/0.15%/0.06% for the parietal
lobe. VAPOR and COWS(7;236) had comparable performance despite the
substantially reduced module duration and reduced SAR, and substantial
improvement of COWS(12;626) over VAPOR which have equal module duration. The
macromolecule spectra acquired with double inversion recovery nulling of
metabolites from COWS had considerably reduced residual water (Figure 4), with
a water suppression efficiency of 2.43% for VAPOR and 0.57% for COWS(7;236).
A WS algorithm was developed and
tested versus the current state-of-the-art WS scheme, VAPOR. Improved
water suppression was demonstrated for both schemes, with COWS(12;626)
providing the WS of choice for metabolite spectra. COWS(7;236)
provided improved water suppression over VAPOR for macromolecule spectra, with
a substantially reduced modulate duration.Acknowledgements
This work was performed at Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute MRI
Platform, a shared resource and Columbia MR Research Center site.References
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