Paul Wang1, Michael Mullen2, Lance DelaBarre2, and Michael Garwood2
1Center for Magnetic Resonance Research and Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States, 2Center for Magnetic Resonance Research and Department of Radiology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States
this work, we investigate whether an established method to correct distortions in
conventional MRI can be repurposed to correct distortions arising from the nonlinearity
of B1 gradients when performing RF-encoded MRI at low field, where
SAR constraints are reduced. Although several methods are capable of correcting
image distortions arising from nonlinear B0 gradients and/or large B0
inhomogeneity, here we chose to adapt the method of Weis et al. Through theory
and simulations, we demonstrate the ability to correct image distortions
arising from nonlinear B1 gradients in RF-encoded MRI.
If it were possible to eliminate the need for B0 gradients in
MRI, the benefits would include cost-savings, increased bore space, and silent
scanning1. At low field where SAR constraints are reduced, spatial
encoding with RF field gradients instead of B0 gradients is a viable
option1-7. However, one challenge is creating efficient RF coils capable
of producing linear B1 gradients for Fourier imaging (Fig. 1). To
produce sufficient B1 amplitudes over the object required for spatial
encoding, surface coils are often used as RF transmitters in RF-encoding
methods8. To minimize image distortions, the object is usually
confined to the approximately linear region of the surface coil’s B1
profile, which is less than ideal1. In this work, we investigate whether
an established method to correct distortions in conventional MRI can be repurposed
to correct distortions arising from the nonlinearity of B1 gradients
when performing RF-encoded MRI. Although several9 methods are
capable of correcting image distortions arising from nonlinear B0
gradients and/or large B0 inhomogeneity, here we chose to adapt the
method of Weis et al10. Through theory and simulations, we
demonstrate the ability to correct image distortions arising from nonlinear B1
gradients in RF-encoded MRI.Methods
The signal (s(n)) from the basic RF gradient
encoding sequence considered here, namely rotating frame zeugmatography (RFZ),
can be described similarly to a 1D phase encoding experiment in standard MRI,
with the difference of substituting the B1 gradient (B1 grad(x)) for the conventional
s(n)=∫Mxy(x)exp(−i(xklin(n)+γΔB1 grad(x)nτ))dx,(1)
where we have also
taken the additional step of decomposing B1 grad(x) into its linear and nonlinear components: B1 grad(x)=gxx+ΔB1 grad(x), for reasons that will
subsequently be apparent. Here, n∈[−N2 , N2−1] is the index of the phase-encoding step (N=256), τ is the incremental
pulse width, and klin(n)=γ gxnτ is the k-space coordinate. Note that though the conventional MRI phase encoding experiment is insensitive to B0 inhomogeneity,
it too is sensitive to gradient nonlinearity.
Now we define the
distorted coordinate system: x′=x + ΔB1 grad(x)/gx; calculate the Jacobian, J(x)=1+∂ΔB1grad(x)∂x/gx, and using these, minor
rearrangement of Eq. 1 yields,
where J−1(x′) is the reciprocal of the Jacobian.
Application of IFT to Eq. 2,
yields the distorted reconstruction: Idist(x′)=Mxy(x′)J−1(x′). Analyzing this equation,
we see that the distortion caused by RF gradient nonlinearity comprises two
components: a) a geometric distortion arising from the distorted coordinate (x′), and b) an intensity
distortion described by the reciprocal of the Jacobian (J−1(x′))). Our adapted distortion
correction algorithm thus first corrects the geometric distortion via usage of
interpolation and then subsequently performs intensity correction by scaling
with the Jacobian.
To demonstrate this correction method, we
modeled a 1D numerical phantom and simulated RFZ using both a linear field and
nonlinear field (Fig. 3a). The nonlinear field describes that of a surface coil;
it was calculated using the Biot-Savart law. The linear field was designed to
place the object in roughly the same range of frequencies as the nonlinear
field for comparison purposes. Signal measurements on the numerical phantom
were simulated using the pulse sequence depicted in (Fig. 2). Both 1D images
(1x256) were then reconstructed via FFT. Subsequently, the correction algorithm
was applied. Simulation parameters were: τ=55.6μs, N=256 the simulated scan
is .917s.Results/Discussion
Fig. 3b shows the reconstructed images. RF
gradient imaging with linear fields yielded no distortions, whereas imaging
with nonlinear fields did. Distortions increased in severity in regions with
increasing nonlinearity. These distortions can be corrected according to our
method (Fig. 3c, d). Like in the case of standard MRI, distortion correction
cannot account for the variable spatial resolution and signal-to-noise ratio
that arises when encoding spatial information with nonlinear gradients.Conclusion
In this study, we demonstrate that, by using
a map of the RF gradient, it is feasible to correct image distortions that
arise from RF gradient nonlinearity. Simulated reconstructions showed that
distortion severity increased in regions with increasing nonlinearity, but that
these can be corrected by our method. This approach addresses one of the barriers to
the practical use of a transmitted B1 gradient, like that produced
by a surface coil, for spatial encoding in MRI.Acknowledgements
Family Foundation, the Minnesota Lions, NIH grants P41 EB027061 and U01
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