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First-Principle Image SNR Synthesis Depending on Field Strength
Charles McGrath1, Mohammed M Albannay1, Alexander Jaffray1, Christian Guenthner1, and Sebastian Kozerke1
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering, University and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland


The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is a key metric of imaging performance, however many formulations do not account for relaxation properties and sequence timing effects, which play a decisive role when studying the effect of static field strength B0 on SNR. We have developed first-principle simulations that incorporate these effects in order to estimate SNR scaling relations, and show that SNR can deviate significantly from previous scaling laws, specifically for lower field strengths and when sequence restrictions apply.


There have been numerous studies1-4 of the governing SNR equations, however the majority of these scaling laws do not fully capture effects of sequence timing, tissue properties and other parameters. This may result in significant deviations of actual SNR scaling from theory. Accordingly, the objective of the present work is to investigate and represent SNR scaling as a function of static field.


To capture field dependent SNR changes, first-principle simulation code was implemented to generate images at varying field strengths. The simulation allows the user to define various imaging parameters to generate synthetic images. If the parameters are not physically possible, they are automatically adjusted. Additionally, the simulation adjusts sequence timing (acquisition time), in order to comply with specific absorption rate (SAR) limits and to satisfy bandwidth criteria. A simplified flowchart is given in Figure 1.

Generated images are based on the XCAT5 phantom, which is expanded with field dependent tissue properties including T1, T2, T2* and conductivity. The phantom provides realistic anatomy and permits tissue- and organ-dependent noise source calculations.
Tissue properties are taken from the ITIS database6, with lung data taken from other literature7-8. T1 values are fit using the method from Bottomley9, while T2 values are fit linearly. T2* is calculated as follows for all tissues except lung parenchyma, for which data is used,T2=11T2+γ2πδB0where δB0 is field inhomogeneity and γ is the gyromagnetic ratio. Figure 2 compares the relaxation properties at 0.75, 1.5 and 3T.

For the examples shown, signal was calculated using the balanced SSFP signal10. The overall noise contribution is calculated following the definition by Darrasse4, where sample resistance is estimated by assuming an infinite, homogeneous half-plane, which can be simplified toVnoise=4kb(TcoilRcoil+TsampleRsample)BW RcoilB0RsampleB20where BW is bandwidth, T is temperature and R is resistance.
If the B0 scaling for signal and noise are combined, while ignoring relaxation, one obtains two possible SNR scaling laws, SNRB7/40 for coil dominated and SNRB0 for sample dominated noise, in agreement with literature1-4.
In order to better represent the noise contribution, each tissue has its half-plane noise calculated, and all tissue noise values are combined in a weighted sum where weighting is based on the receiver coil B1 sensitivity at each tissue. Accordingly, tissues that have larger B1 sensitivity contribute more to the total induced noise. This is expressed asVnoisetotal=Ntissuesi=1Wi(Vinoise)2Wi:=ΩiB1dVΩB1dVwhere Wi and Ωi are the weighting factor and integration volume of tissue i, respectively.

When adjusting sequence timings, SAR plays a key role. Changes in field strength result in significant changes in SAR, as SARB20. This can be exploited to achieve shorter RF pulses and subsequently longer acquisition time.
In addition to image generation, the same theory and method were employed to determine the optimal sequence parameters, maximizing SNR normalized by repetition time (division by root of repetition time). Results thereof can be seen in Figures 4 and 5.

Images were simulated using a spiral readout. Realistic spiral trajectory generation were based on Pipe11. Images were reconstructed using NUFFT12.
All images were generated with a FOV of 400x400mm, resolution of 2x2mm2 and slice thickness of 1cm. Field inhomogeneity was set to 0.5ppm at all field strengths, and gradient limits were 40mT/m strength and 200T/m/s slew rate. A set of generated images and SNR maps is shown in Figure 3.

Results and Discussion

In the general unrestricted cases (Figure 3a-e), as field strength increases, there is a corresponding increase in image SNR. It is worth noting that this increase is less than linear with field, which is the scaling for the sample noise dominated regime. More interestingly is the case where repetition time restriction is incorporated (Figure 3g-l).

If balanced SSFP dark bands are shifted by restricting the repetition time such that phase accumulation over each repetition is limited, the relations as shown in Figure 4 are obtained. The effect can be clearly seen in Figure 3g-l, where there is a significant decrease in the SNR at 3T when the off-resonance phase is restricted. In addition to a decrease in the SNR, there is a decrease in tissue contrast at 3T due to the need to use lower flip angles to achieve such a short repetition time. This behaviour can be seen again in Figure 5, where the restriction causes a decrease in SNR for higher fields when compared to the unrestricted case or the SNR scaling laws.

The deviation from traditional SNR scaling laws, both in the unrestricted and restricted cases, is a strong motivator to further investigate field-dependent SNR scaling.


It has been demonstrated that, when tissue properties and SAR dependencies are taken into account, scaling of SNR with field strength can deviate significantly from commonly used equations. This is specifically interesting for the case of lower field systems, as these changes tend to benefit lower field strengths, making them more appealing in comparison to traditional high field systems.


The work was funded in parts by EU Horizon 2020 FETFLAG MetaboliQs.


1. J. Parra-Robles, A.R. Cross, G.E. Santyr, "Theoretical signal-to-noise ratio and spatial resolution dependence on the magnetic field strength for hyperpolarized noble gas magnetic resonance imaging of human lungs", Med. Phys. 32 (2005) 221–229.

2. W.A. Edelstein et al, "The intrinsic signal‐to‐noise ratio in NMR imaging", MRM. 3 (1986) 604–618.

3. D. Hoult, R.. Richards, "The signal-to-noise ratio of the nuclear magnetic resonance experiment", JMR 24 (1976) 71–85.

4. L. Darrasse and J. C. Ginefri. “Perspectives with cryogenic RF probes in biomedical MRI”. Biochimie. 85.9 (2003) 915–937.

5. W. P. Segars et al. “4D XCAT phantom for multimodality imaging research”. Medical Physics. 37.9 (2010) 4902–4915.

6. ITIS Foundation. "ITIS Tissue Property Database". 2020.

7. Hatabu, H., Alsop, D. C., Listerud, J., Bonnet, M., & Gefter, W. B. "T2* and proton density measurement of normal human lung parenchyma using submillisecond echo time gradient echo magnetic resonance imaging". European Journal of Radiology. 29(3) (1999) 245–252.

8. Campbell-washburn, A. E., Ramasawmy, R., & Restivo, M. C. "Opportunities in Interventional and Diagnostic Imaging" Radiology. 3 (2019) 2–11.

9. Bottomley, P. A., Foster, T. H., Argersinger, R. E., & Pfeifer, L. M. "A review of normal tissue hydrogen NMR relaxation times and relaxation mechanisms from 1-100 MHz: Dependence on tissue type, NMR frequency, temperature, species, excision, and age". Medical Physics. 11(4) (1984)

10. Ganter, C. "Static susceptibility effects in balanced SSFP sequences". Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 56(3) (2006) 687–691.

11. James G. Pipe and Nicholas R. Zwart. “Spiral trajectory design: A flexible numerical algorithm and base analytical equations”. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 71.1 (2014) 278–285.

12. Martin Uecker et al. “Berkeley advanced reconstruction toolbox”. Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med.Vol. 23. 2486. 2015.9


Figure 1: Flowchart of simulation. User defines the coil positions/image geometry and coil sensitivity is calculated. Both phantom and sensitivity data are used for noise and signal calculation. Noise is calculated for each organ and their noise contributions are summed, weighted by the total sensitivity in the organ. Signal is calculated using the bSSFP signal equation for each tissue individually and is time dependent. Signal and noise are sampled using a spiral readout and reconstructed with NUFFT.

Figure 2: Example of the variability of tissue relaxation parameters with field strength. As field increases, there is a general increase in T1 (a-c), especially in blood. In contrast, T2 (d-f) and T2* (g-i) both decrease with field strength. T2* in particular becomes very short at 3T when compared to 0.75T.

Figure 3: (A-F) show images generated at three field strengths when no restriction is put on the repetition time. (A,D): TR=7ms,FA=60,SNR6 (B,E):TR=6ms,FA=50,SNR10 (C,F):TR=5ms,FA=30,SNR14 (G-L) are generated with repetition time restricted such that the intra-TR phase wrap is no more than π/3 with an inhomogeneity of 0.5ppm. (G,J): same as A (H,K):same as B (I,L):TR=4ms,FA=23,SNR5 (G-L) A significant decrease can be seen in the SNR at 3T due to this restriction.

Figure 4: Demonstration of interaction between restrictions to banding in bSSFP and repetition time (inhomogeneity of 0.5ppm). Right - Signal intensity for bSSFP as a function of off resonant phase per TR, generated for myocardium at 0.75T. As expected, signal decreases significantly at a phase of π. Left - Example optimal TR curve and associated restrictions due to banding. As the restriction on banding becomes stronger, the deviation point from the optimal TR shifts to lower field. Even with a reasonable restriction of 2π/3, deviation occurs before 3T.

Figure 5: Optimized SNR plots for both the unrestricted case (left) and case where TR is restricted such that banding is limited to π/3 (right). Both plots also show the expected scaling according to coil dominated and noise dominated SNR scaling laws. Note that bandwidth (BW) changes with the optimization. In both cases SNR scales better than the linear case at low fields. These results also approximately match the images generated in Figure 3, with a drop in SNR seen in the restricted case at 3T.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)