Jiqing Huang1, Benjamin Leporq1, BEUF Olivier1, and Hélène Ratiney1
1Univ Lyon, INSA Lyon, CNRS, Inserm, CREATIS UMR 5220, U1206, F-69621, Lyon, Villeurbanne, France
To determine an optimal b-values sampling scheme
for different non-Gaussian diffusion models in the liver, including diffusion
kurtosis imaging (DKI), stretched-exponential model (SEM), intravoxel
incoherent motion (IVIM), we optimized diffusion-weighting b-values sets using simulations
mimicking real data and a b-value selection based on a Monte Carlo-like
approach. Estimation performances were evaluated in terms of mean square error
on signal and mean absolute percentage error on parameters in simulated data.
The parameter estimation, with optimized set of b-values was finally applied on
real data. The results showed that comparable fitting parameters and
reconstructing signal can be obtained with fractional b-values.
technique explores the diffusion phenomenon of water molecules, whose movement
is limited by tissue structure.
It is a promising technique that has been widely used in liver for fibrosis assessment
and tumor detection or characterization[1]. As the MRI signal reflects
water molecules interactions with many different obstacles, like cell membranes
and compartments, a variety of diffusion’s subtypes models are assumed and
proposed, such as SEM, IVIM, DKI[2]. Compared with conventional diffusion-weighted
imaging, these models require a wider range of acquired b-values which lead to
longer acquisition time and decreased SNR for high b-values. Thus, our goal is
to develop a framework to optimize b-value sampling scheme for different
diffusion models and study the performance of
associated different fitting methods. METHODS
A simulation framework was designed for liver
DWI with classical b-values sampling scheme (0,10,20,40,60,80,100,200,300,400,600,800 s.mm-2) considered as the “full” set
of b-value. The diffusion parameters at a voxel can be represented as $$$S_{i}=S_{0}
\mathrm{~L}(p)$$$ where $$$S_{i}$$$ and $$$S_{0}$$$ are respectively
the acquired signal with b-value index $$$i$$$ and 0, and $$$p$$$
and $$$L(\cdot)$$$ are the models’ parameters and model function,
To find an optimal subset of
b-values for each model function, we randomly simulated the models’ parameters
for ground truth. Such parameters were drawn according a gaussian distribution
and in the range of values reported in the literature[3-5]. The hyperparameters used in the simulation are
listed in Table I. Then, the corresponding signal with Rician noise was
generated according to their respective diffusion attenuation model functions
(L). The optimal b-values set are iteratively selected, with the following
steps: 1) To estimate model parameter with a non-linear square method (LSQ) for
a random b-values subset 2) To compare the differences between ground
truth and estimated parameters, 3) To update the b-value set when the
difference is smaller than the previous state. The L2 norm $$$C(p,
\hat{p})$$$ was used to assess the difference between the fitted
parameters $$$p$$$ and ground truth $$$\hat{p}$$$.
To avoid exhaustive searching in the
feasible region, a Monte Carlo-liked method is introduced to randomly generate
the subset. The selection process includes two key steps: $$$\mathrm{b}+$$$
step and $$$\mathrm{b}-$$$ step. $$$\mathrm{b}+$$$ step is to add a b-value
that has not been selected to the target b subset, $$$\mathrm{b}-$$$ step is to
remove a b-value from the present b subset. After $$$\mathrm{b}+$$$
or $$$\mathrm{b}-$$$ steps, the cost function $$$C(p, \hat{p})$$$
declines. Each iteration contains at least one $$$\mathrm{b}+$$$ step. If
$$$\mathrm{b}+$$$ step or $$$\mathrm{b}-$$$ step is successful, an
additional $$$\mathrm{b}-$$$ step is be performed. The termination condition of
the algorithm is that all b-values have been considered.
After the selection of b-values,
diffusion parameters were estimated using LSQ or Bayesian fitting methods with
(LSQ selected, Bayesian Selected) and without (LSQ Full Bayesian Full)
the optimal b-values subset We analyzed the performance of the
proposed method, on the simulated data mimicking real liver: mean value
and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) were computed for parameters’
accuracy assessment, MSE were computed to evaluate the quality of estimated
signal compared to ground truth. Finally, the estimation methods and
b-value selections were applied on real data of a patient with moderate
In Table II, the optimal b-values subset for
each diffusion model selected by the Monte Carlo method is given. Fig.1-2 showed
the mean and standard error of mean of MSE and MAPE computed on the simulated
liver data. Fig.3 showed the mean-value and standard variation of each
parameter for the four fitting methods as well as parameter maps illustrating
the type of map obtained. DISCUSSION
To our
knowledge, no study has explored the accuracy and robustness of fitting results
for various diffusion models according to noise level, fitting method, and b-values
sampling for liver examination.
In Table II,
we found that DKI seems to be the model requiring the most b-values. Indeed Kapp
acts at high b-values while Dapp is
related to the small b-values. Therefore, it may be necessary to use segmented
fitting method to increase accuracy. In Fig.1 and Fig.2, it can be observed that despite
the LSQ method with recommended b-values subset achieved comparable or better
results on parameter fit and signal reconstruction compared to using full b
values set, the result of Bayesian method is not as good as LSQ method. This is
because that the LSQ algorithm was used to iteratively find the optimal Monte Carlo b-values set.
Fig. 3 shows very little discrepancies, on real data, for the diffusion
parameter estimates with selected and full b-values (less than 1% of difference
for the LSQ for more than 98% of the voxels for Gaussian parameters, and for about
92% of the voxels for the non-Gaussian parameters) confirming the results
obtained with the simulation.CONCLUSION
We have
compared accuracy performances among LSQ methods and Bayesian methods for
estimating multiple diffusion model parameters based on simulation adapted to liver. We can conclude that, for these models,
b-value selection acts on estimated parameters accuracy and that it is better
to have few optimized b-values, rather than several homogeneously distributed
over a data range. The optimal b-values for Bayesian method needs to be further
confirmed by Monte Carlo method with Bayesian estimation. Acknowledgements
This work
was supported by the LABEX LABEX PRIMES
(ANR-11-LABX-0063) of Université de Lyon, within the program "Investissements
d'Avenir" (ANR-11-IDEX-0007) operated by the French National Research
Agency (ANR).References
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