Personalized 3D-printed compliant aortic valve phantom enhances the use of full velocity profile for trans-valvular pressure drop estimation
Joao Filipe Fernandes1, Harminder Gill1, Julio Sotelo2,3,4, Shu Wang1, Alessandro Faraci1, Cristian Montalba5, Jesus Urbina6, Ronak Rajani1, David A. Nordsletten1,7, Kawal Rhode1, Sergio Uribe6,8,9, and Pablo Lamata1
1School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences, King’s College, London, United Kingdom, 2School of Biomedical Engineering, Universidad de Valparaiso, Valparaiso, Chile, 3Biomedical Imaging Center, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile, 4Millennium Nucleus for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, ANID - Millennium Science Initiative Program, Santiago, Chile, 5Biomedical Imaging Center, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago, Chile, 6Radiology Department, School of Medicine, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago, Chile, 7Departments Biomedical Engineering and Cardiac Surgery University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States, 8Biomedical Imaging Center, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago, Chile, 9Millennium Nucleus for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, Santiago, Chile


Aortic valve (AV) conditions cause extra burden to the heart and frequently lead to clinicalintervention. In the present study we set a 4D-flow-MRI framework to evaluate in-vitro personalizedcompliant 3D-printed AV. We evaluated a healthy and three diseased AV under rest to stresspulsatile flow conditions. The results obtained provide further evidence that trans-valvular non-invasive pressure drop is estimated more accurately accounting for full velocity profile, via thesimplified advective work-energy relative pressure (SAW), than accounting solely for the maximalvelocity as it is clinically stablished. Both the methodology and the findings can potentially improveclinical decision-making.


The Aortic valve (AV) is the cardiac valve that has to cope with the biggest amount of stress, and therefore is the one more frequently developing pathologies1. The AV conditions typically increase with ageing, resultant of a calcification of the leaflets (rheumatic AV) or annulus resulting in a narrowed AV area (stenotic valve). The AV can also be congenitally bicuspid. All these conditions generate an extra load to the heart. Ultimately, the AV can be repaired/replaced with clinical intervention, with the associated inherent risks. The main clinical-decision parameter to access the AV condition is the trans-valvular pressure drop (∆P), which is assessed non-invasively by simplified Bernoulli equation (SB=4*v2) based on the peak velocity across Av or invasively as the peak-to-peak (PtP) ΔP between LV and ascending aorta. With the continuous development of 4D-flow MRI, it becomes possible to acquire the flow across AV in 3D and over time with good resolution. Therefore, it is possible to account for a full velocity profile across the vena-contracta in the estimation ΔP via the simplified advective work-energy relative pressure (SAW = 1/Q (A), where Q is flow and A is the advective energy rate)2. Moreover, typical cardiovascular MRI scanning include 4D flow sequences can take for up to 45 minutes. For the elderly population, typical in AS is prevalent this can preclude investigation. Therefore, in vitro phantom models which can closely replicate valvular and aortic physiology and function can allow for intervention planning, valve assessment and potentially evaluate novel imaging techniques without the need for in vivo subject participation. The authors describe a compliant, functional valve phantom within a compliant aortic phantom under pulsatile flow to aiming to provide a realistic model of several AV conditions and compare invasive catheterisation against 4D-flow-MRI velocity ΔP.


The fabrication of compliant valves mimicking healthy AV and three AV conditions (rheumatic, stenotic and bicuspid) was based on the segmentation of computer tomography image of a patient-specific AV. Then the valve mould was meshed and 3D-printed. De-gassed silicone 0030 was injected into the mould and cured for 2 days. Each valve was inserted in the the aortic root of a compliant aorta phantom immersed in Agar gel and connected to a hydraulic circuit filled with a blood-mimicking fluid and activated by an MRI-compatible flow pump (Figure 1)3. For mirroring cardiac output from rest to stress, each valve was imagined under three pulsatile flow rates reaching 150ml/s, 200ml/s and 250ml/s (respectively except the later in the stenotic AV to avoid overcoming the maximum rated pressure of the phantom). In each flow condition, the PtP ∆P across the valve was measured by fluid-filled catheters inserted before and after the valve. Phase-contrast MRI 4D-Flow was acquired for each valve under each flow condition. The aortic phantom was segmented to define the velocity filled of view. The velocity profiles were obtained at the vena-contracta, were the basis of SB and SAW computation over the full pulsatile cycle. Linear regression and Bland-Altman plots between each methodological non-invasive ΔP estimations and the invasive ΔP measurements were investigated.


In Figure 3 it is summarized the maximal pressure drop across the different implanted valves, under each flow conditions, for catheterization measurements and MRI-derived estimations (SB and SAW). The ΔP variation over time at the vena-contracta for the highest flow rate conditions is presented in Figure 4. SAW ΔP shows better agreement with invasive pressure recordings than SB ΔP which is the basis of clinical routine (correlation R2 of 0.808 versus 0.751 respectively, with a linear regression coefficient β of 0.81 versus 1.51) (Figure 5A). Also, the Bland-Altman analysis indicates that the comparison between SAW ΔP and invasive measurements have better agreement with lower limits of agreement (Figure 5B&C).


The generation of the 3D-printed compliant valves and the respective insertion in the compliant aorta phantom allowed a comprehensive 4D-flow MRI study of the ΔP estimation based on the flow profiles very similar to in-vivo. The results show a very good agreement between the ΔP estimated via SAW in the vena-contracta and the PtP ΔP measured invasively. Simultaneously, it was further confirmed that the peak ΔP via SB is an overestimation of the real ΔP and has higher variability. These differences on the Velocity-based ΔP (SB and SAW) indicate that accounting for full velocity profile provides a more widespread, and thus accurate, assessment of ΔP than accounting simply for peak velocity used clinically. The potential impact of this study in clinical practise is valuable in 2 directions. Firstly, it provides extra evidence that the non-invasive estimations of AV ΔP should be improved. Secondly, it sets a framework to the evaluation of more complex and/or implantable personalized AVs in a fluid circuit outside of the human body and therefore risk-free, before any actual intervention, and potentially improving the respective outcome.


The present study provides in-vitro evidence that non-invasive ΔP across aortic valves (healthy and diseased) is better predicted by considering the full 3D flow profile at the vena-contracta. the results further prove that peak velocity across the valve overestimates aortic valve ΔP. Simultaneously, it was set a framework for generating and evaluating personalized compliant valves which are MRI-compatible.


PIC project, European Union’s Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN Project under grantagreement No 764738. PL holds a Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship (g.a. 209450/Z/17/Z).


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Phantom set-up representation, with the illustration where the valves were implemented.

The 3D printed and personalized aortic valves (AV) after being fabricated (1st panel of each valve), a cross-section view from the 4D-flow-MRI (2nd panel of each valve) and the velocity profile across each valve (3rd panel).

Experiments results of transvalvular pressure drop (ΔP) measured invasively via peak-to-peak and non-invasively via simplified advective work-energy relative pressure (SAW) and simplified Bernoulli (SB). CO1, CO2 and CO3 represent respectively the pulsatile with a maximal flow rate of 150ml/s, 200ml/s and 250ml/s.

.Computation of velocity-based pressure drop ΔP – Simplified Bernoulli (SB) and Simplified advective work-energy relative pressure (SAW)- in the vena-contracta over the full pulsatile cycle. The invasive peak-to-peak (MeasPtP) ΔP is marked as a star. The profiles are very similar to the ones observed in patients.

Comparison between velocity based pressure drop ΔP across aortic valves – Simplified Bernoulli (SB) and Simplifiedadvective work-energy relative pressure (SAW): A: Linear correlation of both methods, where identity equation would be the ideal solution. B and C: Bland-Altman plots.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)