Yilmaz Korkmaz1,2, Salman Ul Hassan Dar1,2, Mahmut Yurt1,2, and Tolga Çukur1,2,3
1Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, 2National Magnetic Resonance Research Center, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, 3Neuroscience Program, Aysel Sabuncu Brain Research Center, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey
popular framework for reconstruction of undersampled MR acquisitions is deep
neural networks (DNNs). DNNs are typically trained in a supervised manner to
learn mapping between undersampled and fully sampled acquisitions. However,
this approach ideally requires training a separate network for each set of
contrast, acceleration rate, and sampling density, which introduces practical
burden. To address this limitation, we propose a style generative model that
learns MR image priors given fully sampled training dataset of specific
contrast. Proposed approach is then able to efficiently recover
undersampled acquisitions without any training, irrespective of the image
contrast, acceleration rate or undersampling pattern.
deep learning methods for accelerated MRI are generally based on supervised
conditional models that are trained to recover fully-sampled ground truth given
the corresponding undersampled acquisitions1-8. As these methods
rest on paired datasets containing matching undersampled and fully-sampled
data, a separate model has to be trained to account for potential changes in
image contrast, acceleration rate or k-space sampling density which may prove
impractical due to computational burden or lack of data. To address this
limitation, here we propose a zero-shot learning approach for accelerated MRI
reconstructions (ZSL-Net). The proposed approach leverages a style-generative
model that learns latent structural priors from DICOM images available in
public MRI databases. Reconstruction of undersampled acquisitions is then cast
as an identification problem, where latent representations in the
style-generative model are optimized on the test sample to ensure data consistency. Methods
pre-training, ZSL-Net employs a style-generative model to capture structural
MRI priors (see Fig. 1). This model contains three subnetworks: a synthesizer,
a mapper, and a discriminator9. The synthesizer is trained to draw
random sample images from a learned distribution of fully-sampled MR images. A
progressive training strategy is leveraged to increase synthesis resolution
gradually. Each progression also receives a latent code w to control
style at each resolution and has a noise component n that reflects
information on fine details. Therefore, the network can learn coarse to fine
styles and generate out-of-distribution images via style-mixing. The mapper
transforms a random latent z to the intermediate latent code w to
be input to the synthesizer as opposed to traditional GANs, which improves
invertibility between generated image and latent space10,11. The
discriminator is also trained progressively to separate synthesized from real
testing, ZSL-Net reconstructs undersampled MRI acquisitions without any
task-specific, supervised training. To
do this, it optimizes w and n of the synthesizer in the style-generative model
to ensure consistency between acquired and recovered k-space coefficients in
the test sample. The optimization problem can be formulated as:
$$\hat{R}\left(w,n\right)=\ arg\min_{w,\ n}{\left|\left|F_uS\left(w,n\right)-k_{us}\right|\right|_1}$$
where $$$\hat{R}$$$: reconstructed image, $$$k_{us}$$$: undersampled k-space coefficients, $$$F_u$$$:
partial Fourier operator, $$$S$$$: synthesizer,
$$$w$$$: latent variables and $$$n$$$: noise components.
the style-generative model was trained on coil-combined magnitude brain images
from public IXI database. The network architecture and training procedures were
adopted from10. Each 2D
cross-section along the readout direction was reconstructed by optimizing w
and n for 1000 iterations using RMSProp optimizer with a learning rate
starting from 0.1 and decaying with a cosine term, and a momentum rate of 0.9.
were performed on T1-and T2-weighted images, where (25,5,10) subjects were reserved
for (training, validation, testing). ZSL-Net was compared against two methods:
1) A supervised, conditional generator adversarial network, rGAN12,
that is trained to reconstruct undersampled acquisitions for specific contrast
and acceleration rate. 2) An unsupervised network model where the synthesizer
in ZSL-Net has randomly initialized weights to skip pre-training, an
implementation of the deep image prior (DIP) approach13. Two
dimensional random undersampling was performed retrospectively to achieve
acceleration rates R=4X, 8X using Gaussian-distributed sampling density.Results
Table-1 lists
average PSNR and SSIM across the test images recovered via rGAN (RT1=4x)
or rGAN (RT2=4x) trained to reconstruct T1- and T2-weighted images respectively
at acceleration rate R=4 and also ZSL-NetT1 and
ZSL-NetT2 with structural-prior from fully-sampled T1- and T2-weighted
images respectively, and tested on either T1- or T2-weighted acquisitions.
Overall, ZSL-Net performs on par with the fully-supervised gold-standard rGAN. On
average ZSL-Net performed 0.5 dB lower in PSNR and %1.3 higher in SSIM than
Table-2 lists
average PSNR and SSIM across the test images with acceleration rate R=4 and 8 recovered
via ZSL-NetT1 and ZSL-NetT2 with structural-prior from
fully-sampled T1- and T2-weighted images respectively, and randomly initialized
ZSL_Net (DIP) tested on either T1- or T2-weighted acquisitions. On average ZSL-Net
achieved 2.72 dB higher PSNR and %0.99 higher SSIM than DIP.
Figure-2 shows
representative out-of-domain reconstructions (different training and testing
domains) of T2-weighted images at R=4. Reconstructions from ZSL-NetT1,
rGAN (RT1=4x), and DIP are displayed along with zero-filled Fourier
reconstruction, ground-truth image, and error maps. In comparison to DIP,
ZSL-Net reliably recovers high-frequency details by leveraging its structural
prior. ZSL-Net more effectively generalizes to out-of-domain test samples than
rGAN as its style-generative latent representations are highly adept at mixing
separate tissue contrasts.
Figure-3 shows
representative within-domain reconstructions (same training and testing domain)
of T1-weighted images at R=8. Reconstructions from ZSL-NetT1, rGAN
(RT1=8x), and DIP are displayed. DIP model suffers from loss of
high-frequency structural details due to heavier undersampling of peripheral
k-space at R=8. In comparison to DIP, ZSL-Net reliably recovers high-frequency
details by leveraging its structural prior.Discussion
In this study,
we introduced a new zero-shot learning approach for unsupervised and
unconditional reconstruction of accelerated MRI acquisitions without any prior
information about reconstruction task. The style-generative latent
representations in ZSL-Net capture structural MRI priors and successfully adapt
them to different tissue contrasts. As such, the proposed method outperforms
the unsupervised DIP model and the supervised rGAN model.Conclusion
ZSL-Net holds
great promise for deep-learning reconstruction of accelerated MRI, since it
achieves high reconstruction accuracy without the need for data- and
time-intensive training of network architectures separately for all
reconstruction tasks. Acknowledgements
This work was
supported in part by a TUBA GEBIP fellowship, by a TUBITAK 1001 Grant
(118E256), and by a BAGEP fellowship awarded to T. Çukur. We also gratefully
acknowledge the support of NVIDIA Corporation with the donation of the Titan X
Pascal GPU used for this research.References
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