Gunther Helms1,2, Lenka Vaculčiaková2, Kerrin J. Pine2, Harald E. Moeller3, and Nikolaus Weiskopf2,4
1Medical Radiation Physics, Clinical Sciences Lund, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 2Neurophysics, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, 3NMR Methods & Development Group, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, 4Felix Bloch Institute for Solid State Physics, Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany
Magnetization Transfer (ihMT), the differential response to irradiation at
single and dual frequency offsets, is sensitive to myelination. Quantification
of ihMT in terms of MT saturation (MTsat), the percent reduction of Mz,
corrects for underlying T1 and B1+ and allows comparing different
implementations to optimize multi-parameter mapping (MPM) protocols. ihMTsat in
white matter is roughly one twentieth of MTsat, merely 0.2 p.u. at 5kHz and
100% SAR at 3T. Noise propagation
demands acquisition at 1.5mm resolution, large-array coils, and smaller offsets
than suggested previously. Inverse MT ratios are highly correlated to ihMTs but
obscure the true effect size.
Magnetization Transfer (ihMT), the differential response to irradiation at single
and dual frequency offsets, is sensitive to myelin1. Saturation
schemes have been converging on interleaved trains of repeated MT and readout
We implemented an ihMT scheme into the acquisition of multi-parameter
mapping (MPM) at 3T3. We propose to derive ihMT from MT saturation
(MTsat) maps, which are corrected or variations in flip angle, B1+,
and underlying T1 relaxation4. This ihMTsat permits to compare different
saturation schemes to optimize the protocol using the MPM signal equation. Finally, ihMTsat is
compared to the inverse ihMT ratio5, the difference of the inverse
signals normalized by a T1-weighted reference. Theory
small flip angles α<<1 and short TR<<T1, the FLASH signal is
well approximated by $$S_{\pm\pm}=S_{0}\frac{\alpha TR/T_{1}}{TR/T_{1}+\alpha ^{2}/2 +\delta_{\pm\pm}}. ....[1]$$ The
subscripts indicate the four
ihMT experiments: S++
and S–– indicate solely
positive and negative offsets and S+–
and S–+ alternating signs, with corresponding MT
saturations: δ++, δ––, δ+– and δ–+. These represent the effect of the MT-pulses on free water by
additional fractional saturations in percent units [p.u.].
δ++ and δ––differ slightly due to a shifted
absorption lineshape6. This and contributions from direct saturation
are eliminated by
calculating the ihMT saturation
. $$\delta_{ihMT}=\frac{1}{2}(\delta_{+-}+\delta_{-+})-\frac{1}{2}(\delta_{++}+\delta_{--})=(\frac{1}{S_{+-}}+\frac{1}{S_{-+}}-\frac{1}{S_{++}}-\frac{1}{S_{--}})\frac{S_{0}\alpha TR}{2T_{1}} ....[2]$$ This is an inverse MTratio, but normalized by maps of the signal amplitude (S0) and apparent T1, which renders ihMTsat independent of underlying T1
and B1+4.
change in signal S±± by
differences in δ±±=δ+Δδ±±
$$\frac{dS}{d\delta} \Delta\delta_{\pm\pm}=S(\delta)\frac{-\Delta\delta_{\pm\pm}}{TR/T_{1}+\alpha ^{2}/2 +\delta} ....[3]$$ is optimized by short TR and α=0.82*sqrt(TR/T1+δ) for given TR and MTsat7.Experiments
healthy adult subjects were scanned at 3T (Siemens PrismaFit) with written
informed consent. In an
MT-FLASH sequence for MPM, the Gaussian MT-pulse was replaced by a
power-equivalent pair of Gaussian pulses with half of the duration (2ms) and
flip angle allowing four combinations of the sign of the frequency offset sign (++,
--) (+-, -+) and up to 8 repetitions.
3D volumes were acquired at 1.5 mm resolution, 160x140x120 matrix, 6/8 partial
Fourier in phase and slice. The final protocol featured TR=24.2ms (4min per volume), and 10°, 6° and
21° readout for T1-, PD- and ihMT-weighting by one MT-pulse pair of 160° at ±4kHz,.
gradient echoes were averaged to increase SNR8 prior to coregistration. Maps of T1, S0 and MTsat for each saturation scheme yielded ihMTsat,
visualized by pseudocolor-overlays and whole-brain histograms.
1: To determine the frequency offset dependence, eight MT-pulses (90°, 93% SAR)
were applied at offsets of ±2kHz, ±5kHz, ±8kHz, and ±11kHz.
2: To corroborate the increase of MTsat with MT-pulse train length, 2 to 8 MT-pulses
were applied (90°, ±8kHz offset, 22.4 to
5.6ms preparation) thus increasing TR from 13.2ms to 30ms to and SAR levels
from 54% to 93%.
3: To improve SNR, six gradient echoes (equidistant TE=2.3 to 13.8ms) were acquired
and averaged. A single MT-pulse pair of 160° (99% SAR) was applied at ±3kHz, ±5kHz, ±7kHz, ±9kHz.
4: Using a 32-channel coil for improved SNR the MT readout was increased to 10°. Results
was lowest for positive offsets and highest for dual frequency saturation. These
latter schemes showed only small signal differences, however, using both to
calculate ihMTsat [2] reduces noise. In WM, ihMTsat scaled with MTsat, being about
5% of MTsat notwithstanding regional variation.
1/Figure 1: MTsat and ihMTsat decreased strongly with frequency offset. MTsat at ±2kHz was higher than observed in conventional MPM due to applying
four MT-pulse pairs close to the SAR limit. The low SNR in ihMT at ±2kHz may be explained by direct saturation and lower signal.
2/Figure 2:
increased sub-linearly with pulse train length as predicted by theory9.
The derived ihMTsat increased correspondingly. Thus, a single pulse pair is
slightly more efficient in creating MT contrast. This suggests that pulse train
lengths could be shortened and the saved time be used for multi-echo readouts
to improve SNR at constant TR, while increasing the power of the MT pulse to
create a stronger MT saturation (as done via offset in Exp. 1).
3/Figure 3: Over the narrowed range of offsets the highest SNR of ihMTsat was observed
at ±5 kHz. The pseudo-color overlay of ihMTsat reveals tract specific contrast
with WM, particularly in the pyramidal tracts. Averaging the two ihMT maps
shows the potential of the method with improved SNR.
4/Figure 3: Improved SNR and higher ihMTsat at ±4kHz were obtained with this optimized protocol.Discussion
By implementing
ihMT into MPM measurements, the entire framework of MTsat becomes applicable, including a toolbox10 and analytical solutions for noise propagation. Calculating ihMT from
MTsat provided insight into the differential changes on
Mz expressed ihMTsat for optimization of technique. With just two MT-pulses the highest ihMT
was observed at smaller offsets than in MP schemes.2 The ihMT achievable under SAR constraints at
3T was <0.3 p.u. and is thus
sensitive to propagation of noise from the primary images, which limited the
resolution to 1.5mm. The inverse ihMT ratio was highly correlated with
ihMTsat (Figure 4), but may overestimate the effect size of ihMT.
GH was funded by the Swedish Research Council (NT2014-6193).
The research leading to these
results has received funding from the European Research Council under the
European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant
agreement n° 616905. This project has received funding from the European Union's
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No
681094, and is supported by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research
and Innovation (SERI) under contract number 15.0137. This project has received
funding from the BMBF (01EW1711A & B) in the framework of ERA-NET NEURON.
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