Early results from a patient study aimed at testing a quantitative and synthetic brain MRI method, for abbreviated neuro protocols
Cheng-Chieh Cheng1, Jeffrey P. Guenette2, and Bruno Madore2
1Computer Science and Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2Radiology, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States


We developed a quantitative and synthetic MRI method capable of generating the most-commonly encountered contrasts in neuro protocols, along with quantitative parameter maps, with full brain coverage and 1-mm isotropic resolution, from only about 5 min of scanning. The eventual goal is for this sequence and associated processing to play a role in abbreviated neuro protocols. Promising results were obtained in healthy volunteers and we recently embarked on a larger patient study. After a few months of delay, largely associated with the pandemic, patient recruitment has started, and preliminary results are shown here.


Abbreviated protocols represent a way to potentially increase value in MRI 1, by reducing exam times to only a few minutes and, in the process, hopefully increase accessibility and reduce costs 2-4. The present approach aims to generate nearly all contrasts typically encountered in a basic neuro protocol, but from only a few minutes of scan time. It further aims at generating quantitative maps, such as T1 and T2 maps.
The goals of the present approach are similar to those of better-known methods such as MR fingerprinting (MRF) 5,6 and SyMRI (also known as MAGiC on GE scanners) 7-9. A strength of the present method is its imaging speed, which allows superior coverage/resolution to be achieved; with MRF or SyMRI, achieving full brain coverage in ~5 min would likely involve 2D slices several-mm in thickness with several-mm gaps in-between them, while here it is achieved with (no-gap) isotropic 1-mm resolution instead. However, the present method is at an earlier stage of development, and not all contrasts may yet be generated with the desired quality.
A manuscript presenting a small volunteer study, with the present acquisition / reconstruction strategy, reached the finals of the ISMRM YIA competition last year 10. The present work aimed at improving the pulse sequence, and at performing validation in a larger study involving patients. After several delays, which were caused in large part by the pandemic, recruitment has finally recently started, with 2 patients scanned. Although our goal is to ultimately abbreviate even brain exams that include an injection of contrast agent, in the present study and as typically done in the field quantitative/synthetic MRI we are starting here with simpler non-contrast exams, as a first step.


Recruited patients provided written informed consent, with an IRB-approved protocol. A multi-pathway multi-echo (MPME) 3D scan was added to their regular clinical exam (3T Siemens Prisma, 20-channel head coil, 4 pathways, 3 TEs, TR = 15ms, α = 30°, FOV = 208×220×220 mm3, 1-mm isotropic resolution, golden-angle radial acquisition in the ky-kz plane, 102 ky-kz spokes, acceleration of 3.4 vs. a fully-sampled radial acquisition, 5min37s scan time). The BART toolbox 11 was employed as part of the image reconstruction. Compared to the prior volunteer study performed with this approach 10, patient MPME results have higher spatial resolution, greater number of echo times, and shorter scan times. These improvements were made possible through improvements to the pulse sequence, and by more-fully exploiting the achievable gradient strength and slew rate of a given scanner. The reconstructed MPME images are meant to be contrast-translated into all targeted quantitative and qualitative contrast; however, in this case, the present patient study was still too preliminary for a neural network to be successfully trained for contrast translation.


Figure 1 involves prior results, from the healthy volunteer study, to show an example of fully contrast-translated images. Using a trained neural network, the acquired raw MPME images were contrast-translated on a voxel-by-voxel basis into several different quantitative and qualitative contrasts: T1 maps, T2 maps, MPRAGE, FLAIR, T1 -weighted, T2 -weighted, and proton density [PD]-weighted.
Figure 2 shows results from the present patient study, more specifically from patient #2. Images from product sequences as well as raw (non-translated) MPME images are shown. Because the number of recruited patients is still too small to train a neural network, only the native MPME contrast is shown, as opposed to contrast-translated ones.
The location of an evolving infarct is highlighted using a green arrow, and a benign hemangioma in the right frontal bone using a yellow arrow. The various image contrasts and slices shown here capture these two findings with varying degrees of conspicuity.


MPME images are not meant to be read directly, but rather to be translated into common contrast types such as those in Fig. 2a-d, or Fig. 1. When the number of recruited patients becomes sufficient, a neural network will be trained to translate the raw images from the latest version of the MPME sequence, as shown in Fig. 2e-h, into a variety of quantitative and qualitative contrasts (T1 maps, T2 maps, MPRAGE, FLAIR, T1-weighted, T2-weighted, and proton density [PD]-weighted).


An MPME sequence able to provide a 1-mm resolution with isotropic full brain coverage in 5min37s was developed and tested in two patients, as part of an ongoing patient study. Neural-based contrast translation will be performed once the number of recruited patients becomes large enough for training and validation purposes.


Financial support from grants NIH P41EB015898 and R03EB025546 is duly acknowledged.


1. van Beek EJR, Kuhl C, Anzai Y, et al. Value of MRI in medicine: More than just another test? J Magn Reson Imaging. 2019;49(7):e14-e25.

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10. Cheng CC, Preiswerk F, Madore B. Multi-pathway multi-echo acquisition and neural contrast translation to generate a variety of quantitative and qualitative image contrasts. Magn Reson Med. 2020;83(6):2310-2321.

11. Uecker M, Tamir J, Lustig M. BART Toolbox. https://mrirecongithubio/bart/.


Fig. 1: Examples for four whole-head 3D contrasts generated through the neural translation of a single few-min MPME acquisition, from a prior healthy volunteer study: quantitative T1 (a) and T2 (b) maps in ms, and qualitative grayscale T2-FLAIR (c) and T1-weighted (d) contrasts. In addition to these four contrasts, MPME also readily generates susceptibility-weighted, proton-density weighted, T2-weighted and MPRAGE contrasts, along with quantitative flip angle maps.

Fig. 2: Results from patient #2, using product sequences (a-d) and the present MPME sequence (e-h). MPME images are shown for all sampled pathways and a single echo time (out of three). These MPME images are not meant to be read directly, but contrast translation into traditional formats as shown in (a-d) will become possible only when the number of scanned patients is large enough for a neural network to be trained. An evolving infarct (green arrow) and a benign hemangioma (yellow arrow) are seen with varying degrees of conspicuity in the various contrasts and slices shown here.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)