Alan J. Wright1, Richard Mair1,2,3, Anastasia Tsyben1, and Kevin M. Brindle1,3,4
1CRUK Cambridge Institute, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 3Cancer Research UK Major Centre-Cambridge, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 4Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Tensor decomposition can be used for denoising magnetic resonance
spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) data by reconstructing the data from a small
number of ranks. Selecting too low an order can remove data from the
reconstruction and alter peak amplitudes. A condition for selection of rank
order is proposed that removes only noise from the reconstructed data and,
therefore, preserves signals from low amplitude resonances. Denoising
algorithms that apply this condition are demonstrated for metabolic imaging
data sets obtained with hyperpolarised [1-13C]pyruvate and [6,6-2H]glucose
in preclinical cancer models, which improve signal-to-noise and reduce the
Cramér-Rao lower bound errors in peak fitting.
MRSI data are suited to low-rank reconstruction methods and
this has been exploited previously in denoising algorithms (1)
and data-reconstruction of accelerated acquisitions (2).
Brender et al. (3)
proposed tensor decomposition for denoising thermally polarised carbon-13 MRSI
data and Chen et al. (4)
combined reconstruction of parallel imaging with tensor rank truncation image
enhancement (TRI), for hyperpolarized 13C MR Images. In many metabolic
imaging data sets, the injected tracer can give high signal but many metabolic
products of interest have much lower signal-to-noise ratios (SNR). We propose a
condition to determine the rank reduction in TRI that minimizes loss of
metabolite signals while improving the accuracy of their quantification. The
method is valid for any MRSI dataset (2D, 3D and dynamic) irrespective of
acquisition and reconstruction strategy. We demonstrate this for datasets
obtained from glioblastoma xenografts in rat brain: a set of 10 single time
point 3D 13C MRS images acquired following injection of
hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate and a Deuterium Metabolic Imaging
(DMI (5)), 5D dataset, acquired following injection of [6,6-2H]glucose.Theory
Two dimensional MRSI gives a three dimensional tensor (two
spatial: m1, m2, and one spectral dimension: m3)
which can be factorized as [1]
M=C×F1×F2×F3 [1]
Where M is the tensor of the data, F1-3 are factor matrices
and C is a core tensor of dimensions m1xm2xm3.
In rank truncation only the first n1xn2xn3
ranks of the core (where n1<m1, n2<m2,
n3<m3) are used in reconstruction, keeping only fibers with data and not noise. Higher dimensionality tensors can be factorized
Inverse Fourier transform of both the MRSI data and the
denoised data concentrates the signal to the centre of k-space and the initial
time points of the FIDs. Subtraction of the denoised k-space from the data
gives residual FIDs (RFID) at each point in k-space for which a
residual sum of squares can be calculated as:
where ∗′ indicates
the transpose of the complex conjugate.
We propose a reconstruction condition that limits the
difference between the denoised and the original data (as quantified by RSSFID)
to being smaller than the expected noise in that data. The proposal is that any
rank reduction is valid such that:
∑kRSSFID(k)<∑kSSnoise(k) [3]
Where k are the K points in k-space that have significant
signal and SSnoise is the sum of squares of the noise component of
those same k-space points. The SSnoise is not known a priori
and must be estimated, either from the last few points of the FIDs or from
signal free points in k-space.4Methods
Carbon-13 MRS images were acquired at 7T following injection
of hyperpolarised [1-13C]pyruvate into rats bearing patient-derived
orthotopic xenograft models of glioblastoma (6). Each of 10 exams, in 10 animals, produced a
single time point 13C image with two spatial dimensions (32x32
voxels, 40 mm x 40 mm, 6 mm slice, 128 points 6010Hz sweep width) and 128 spectral points over
a sweep width of 6010Hz. A time course of five 3D MRSI data sets were acquired
from a similar model following an intravenous bolus injection of 2g/kg [6,6-2H]glucose
in saline using a 3D MRSI sequence (8x8x5 voxels, 32x32x20
mm, weighted k-space, sweep
width 5000Hz, 512 points). A MATLAB
(The Mathworks, Natick, USA) function was developed for TRI, which used the
als_tucker function from the tensor-toolbox (, Sandia
National Laboratories, USA). Algorithms were applied that incremented the
selected rank order of spectral and spatial dimensions concomitantly until the
lowest-rank reconstruction that satisfied the inequality in Equation 3 was
found. Data were quantified by fitting model resonances and the Cramér-Rao
lower bound of their amplitudes (CRLBs) were calculated.Results
TRI was applied to 10 carbon-13 MRSI data sets from rats
with orthotopic glioblastoma xenografts injected with hyperpolarised [1-13C]pyruvate.
A range of low-rank orders was found to satisfy the inequality and one example is shown in Figure 1. Quantification of
MRSI data (Figure 2) shows an improvement in the pyruvate SNR for the
highest signal voxels in all data sets due to denoising and a decrease in CRLB
values. Example images (Figure 3a) show the increased SNR but one example (Figure
3b and c) shows how high signal data can, artefactually, be reconstructed for
more metabolite signals than the reduced rank order in the spectral dimension.
Results of TRI as applied to 5 dimensional DMI data are shown in Figure 4. TRI
reduced the dimensions from 8x8x5x512x5 to 6x6x3x18x3, preserving the
unresolved glutamine and glutamate resonances (Glx) and reducing the CRLBs of
their estimated amplitudes. Discussion
The denoising algorithms presented here using Equation 3 ensure
that any signals removed from the data are indistinguishable from noise. Two of
the ten [1-13C]pyruvic acid data sets analysed here had rank
reductions in the spectral dimension that were smaller than the number of
individual metabolite resonances expected. This implies that these metabolites
have signal that is too low in amplitude to be measured accurately in these
data sets.Conclusion
MRSI data can be denoised with TRI while preserving all detectable
metabolite signals, provided that the condition in Equation 3 is satisfied.Acknowledgements
The work was supported by a Cancer Research UK Programme grant (17242) References
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