Comparison of low rank compressed sensing with non-uniform undersampled non-linear FID fitting for time efficient 23Na TQTPPI measurements
Simon Reichert1, Dennis Kleimaier1, and Lothar Schad1
1Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany


This study demonstrates the feasibility of low rank compressed sensing and non-uniform undersampled non-linear FID fitting for time efficient sodium TQTPPI measurements. In simulations, undersampling factors of up to 5 resulted in less than 10% deviation from the ground truth for all parameters. This accuracy was confirmed in measurement data of agarose and protein samples. Hence, a measurement time reduction up to a factor of 5 is possible without significantly reducing the accuracy of the fit parameters. Thus, CS allows for time efficient TQTPPI measurements to investigate cellular processes as well as isolated sodium protein interactions.


Interactions of sodium ions with proteins yield a sodium triple-quantum (TQ) signal, which can be a valuable biomarker for cell viability due to its intracellular sensitivity. To leverage its full potential, a deeper understanding of the sodium TQ signal using model solutions and cell experiments is necessary. To do so, the TQ time proportional phase incrementation (TQTPPI) pulse sequence represents an elegant way to sample the SQ and TQ signals using simultaneous evolution time and phase increments1. This unique feature of the TQTPPI pulse sequence allows extracting the maximum TQ signal despite possible changes in transverse relaxation times which is in contrast to a fixed-delay TQ pulse sequence. The quantification of the TQ signal using the TQ/SQ ratio has been shown to provide valuable insights into sodium interactions with proteins1-4. However, the uniform sampling of the TQTPPI FID in a second dimension increases the measurement time compared to a fixed-delay TQ pulse sequence. However, the sparsity of the corresponding TQTPPI spectrum can be exploited using compressed sensing to achieve a higher time efficiency.

In this study, we investigated the feasibility of low rank compressed sensing (CS) reconstruction5,6 to speed up sodium TQTPPI measurements. Despite the sparsity of the TQTPPI spectrum, the data analysis of the TQTPPI FID using non-linear fitting requires a high accuracy of the reconstructed TQTPPI FID. Thus, we verified CS based reconstruction of undersampled TQTPPI measurements using simulations and measurements.

Material and Methods:

Measurement data was acquired at a 9.4T preclinical MRI (Bruker Biospec 94/20). A 1H/23Na Rapid volume coil and a 23Na Rapid surface receiver coil was used for the protein samples consisting of either 30%w/v bovine serum albumin or 10%w/v Hemoglobin with 154mM NaCl. A 1H/23Na/31K Bruker volume coil was used for 2%w/v agarose sample with 134.75mM NaCl. To quantify the SQ and the TQ amplitudes and the transverse relaxation times the TQTPPI FID (Fig.1) was non-linearly fitted using:
$$ Y(t)=\sin(\omega t)\cdot\left(A_{SQ,1}e^{-\frac{t}{T_{2F}}}+A_{SQ,2}e^{-\frac{t}{T_{2S}}} \right )+A_{TQ}\sin(3\omega t)\left(e^{-\frac{t}{T_{2F}}}-e^{-\frac{t}{T_{2S}}} \right ) ,\ \ (1)$$
where Y(t) is the TQTPPI FID amplitude, ASQ,i and ATQ are the SQ and TQ amplitudes, respectively. T2S and T2F are the slow and fast transverse relaxation time.

Simulation of TQTPPI FIDs was performed using equation (1) with addition of Gaussian white noise. To cover the possible range of tissue parameters1,4,7, we varied the TQ amplitude ATQ/ASQ=5-25%, the fast relaxation time T2F=5-30ms and the signal-to-noise ratio SNR=40-200. The range of SNR was chosen based on the measurements results, which yielded a SNR≥65. Each parameter was varied individually, while all other values remained at the standard values SNR=70, ATQ/ASQ=10%, T2S=39ms, T2F=10ms.
The TQTPPI FID was retrospectively non-uniformly undersampled (NUS). The undersampling pattern was based on sinusoidal Poisson-gap sampling8, which favors small evolution times with a large signal. Moreover, it avoids large gaps between data points at higher tevo. The undersampling factor was varied in the range of 2 to 16.

The CS algorithm low rank reconstruction (LR)5,6 was adapted to the TQTPPI pulse sequence using MATLAB (MathWorks). Model parameters were optimized for a high data consistency leading to optimal performance. In contrast to iterative thresholding algorithms, LR can recover the Lorentzian shape of the SQ and TQ peaks in the TQTPPI spectrum (Fig.1). This is essential to obtain the transverse relaxation time and the maximum TQ amplitude. Additionally to the CS reconstruction, the undersampled TQTPPI FID was non-linearly fitted without reconstruction of the missing data points (NUSF).
The ground truth for the measurement data represents the fit result of the fully sampled FID (FSF).


Fig.2 shows the accuracy of the ATQ/ASQ, T2S and T2F for different undersampling factors. Up to undersampling factors of 5, both algorithms yielded less than 5% deviation from ground truth for all parameters.

Decreasing TQ amplitude and SNR led to larger deviations (Fig.3). NUSF and LR did not yield reliable results for a SNR below 40 and 60, respectively. For increasing SNR, LR yielded the same results as FSF, while NUSF resulted in a small offset for ATQ/ASQ and the transverse relaxation times. For a decreasing difference in transverse relaxation times $$$\Delta T_2 = T_{2S}-T_{2F}$$$, LR resulted in a small deviation for all values, while NUSF substantially deviated at small differences (Fig.4). This indicates high stability and reliability for LR while NUSF shows some outliers.

In summary, NUSF and LR achieved accurate results up to undersampling factors of 5 using simulated data. These results were confirmed with measurement data of protein and agarose samples, where only small deviations for all parameters were observed for undersampling factors up to a factor of 5 (Fig.5). This can potentially lead to measurement time reductions of up to 80%.


NUS with and without CS reconstruction resulted in small deviations of less than 10% for undersampling factors up to 5 using simulated and measurement TQTPPI data. A potential measurement time reduction of up to 80% can be achieved. This could be beneficial for TQTPPI applications which require a high temporal resolution such as dynamic studies of perfused organs or bioreactor systems.


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a) The TQTPPI pulse sequence consisted of three 90° pulses and an additional 180° refocusing pulse. In every phase step both the evolution time and a phase are incremented. b) A fully sampled TQTPPI FID and the corresponding NUS TQTPPI FID are shown. The undersampling pattern was sinusoidal Poisson gap sampling c) A Fourier transformation leads to a sparse spectrum consisting of SQ and TQ signals. The Fourier transform of the NUS FID shows an increased noise level and reduced SQ and TQ signals. The spectrum and FID can be recovered using CS.

Variation of undersampling factor in the range of 2 to 16 using simulated data. The parameters were: ATQ/ASQ=10%, SNR=70, T2S=39ms and T2F=10ms. a), b) and c) show ATQ/ASQ, T2S and T2F, respectively. The deviation to ground truth was less than 5% for undersampling factors up to 5. For T2S there is a small offset for NUSF.

Variation of the TQ amplitude in the range of 0.5% to 25% is shown in a), b) and c) with the corresponding parameters ATQ/ASQ, T2S, T2F, respectively. The other parameters were undersampling factor of 4, T2S=39ms, T2F=10ms and SNR=70. CS accurately reconstructed all parameters, while NUSF showed a few random outliers. Variation of the SNR in the range of 40-200 is shown in d), e) and f). The other parameters were undersampling factor of 4, T2S=39ms, T2F=10ms and ATQ/ASQ=10%. For a SNR ≥60, LR reproduced the FSF values, while the NUSF resulted in a small offset for all parameters.

Variation of the difference in the transverse relaxation times in the range of 5 to 30ms is shown in a), b) and c) with the corresponding parameters ATQ/ASQ, T2S, T2F, respectively. The other parameters were ATQ/ASQ=10%, SNR=70, T2S=39ms and an undersampling factor of 4. In the case of small differences in the transverse relaxation times, even FSF struggled to reproduce the ground truth as can be seen in b). In general, small differences in the transverse relaxation times posed a problem for NUSF.

Variation of undersampling factor in the range of 2 to 16 using measurement data. a)-c) shows the results for the 2% agarose phantom, d)-e) the 30% BSA phantom and g)-i) the 10% hemoglobin phantom. The deviation to FSF was less than 10% for undersampling factors up to 5 for all phantoms. Note that the FSF represented only an approximation of the ground truth and the parameters reconstructed by NUSF and LR were within the confidence interval of FSF.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)