José Antonio BERNARDO1, Abel Rangel Trejo1, Lucas Werling2, Wilfried Uhring2, Luc Hebrard2, Youssef Zaim Wadghiri3, Christian Gontrand4, and Latifa Antonio Fakri-bouchet5
1Univ Lyon, CNRS, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Institut des Sciences Analytiques, UMR 5280, Villeurbanne, France, 2Icube Laboratory, UMR –CNRS 7357, Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France, 3Grossman School of Medicine, New York University, New York, NY, United States, 4INL(Institut des nanotechnologies de Lyon), INSA (Institut National des Sciences Appliquées) Lyon, CNRS, Université Claude Bernard Lyon1, Villeurbanne Cedex, France, 5Univ Lyon, CNRS, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Institut des Sciences Analytiques, UMR 5280, INSA Lyon (Institut National des Sciences Appliquées), Villeurbanne, France
In this study, we propose
an original modelling platform 3D-TLE (Transmission Line Extractor) to determine NMR coil and microcoil performance
from their geometry. Each part of our microcoil (region of interest \((ROI \sim 2µL-3µL))\),
active part, Transmission Line (TL), micro-wire connection (underpass-vias) and
the substrate is modelled by an electrical circuit and each contribution to the
equivalent resistance is quantified. Our platform allows predicting the
optimized microcoil geometry related to expected performances in terms of \(Q-factor\) and the signal-to-noise ratio \((SNR)\).
opportunity to predict and optimize the geometry of the coils and micro-coils
from the expected performance (Q factor and SNR) would lead to the manufacture
of the geometry and optimal dimensions of the micro-coils dedicated in our case
to the detection of small samples and low concentrations of analytes, using
localized NMR spectroscopy (MRS).Methods and results
One of the main challenges of NMR spectroscopy is to improve the
sensitivity and spectral resolution in the case of weak metabolites concentration
in a small region of interest (ROI \(\sim 2µL-3µL\)). One way to increase this
sensitivity of detection is to miniaturize the NMR receiver. Thus, it will be adapted to the sample dimension which improves the Signal
to Noise Ratio (\(SNR\)).
The NMR sensitivity has been the subject of numerous studies for years.
Thus, several approaches were already proposed for its optimization: use of
higher field 1,
and improvement of the sensitivity of the RF coil 2.
For our future applications, we require highly localized observations and
metabolite quantifications of a few microliters in specific tissue inside the rodent brain
(mouse or rat) 3. That is
why we adapted the coil to the sample dimension. This improves the magnetic
field \(\frac{B_{1}}{i}\) , minimize the equivalent resistance \(R\) and enhances the \(SNR\) (Signal to Noise Ratio). We can also enhance
the “Needle microcoil” performance improving the microfabrication technology
after predicting an optimal microcoil geometry 4,5,6.
The microcoil sensitivity depends on \(SNR\) and the sample concentration \(([c])\):
$$S_{c}=\frac{SNR}{[c]} (1) $$ With :
$$ SNR \propto \frac{B_{1}w_{0}.B_{0}.V_{b}}{i\sqrt{k_{B}.T.R.\Delta f}} (2)$$
Where: \(w_{0}\) is the angular resonance frequency, \(B_{0}\) is the static magnetic field, \(V_{b}\) is the volume of the sample, \(\frac{B_{1}}{i}\) is the
RF magnetic field by a unitary current, \(k_{B}\) is the Boltzmann constant, \(T\) is the system temperature, \(R\) is the microcoil
equivalent resistance and \(\Delta f \) the
When the NMR microcoil
is miniaturized, the sample noise becomes negligible 5.
Therefore, the noise would essentially come from the microcoil 1,7.
Several electrical circuits to model microcoil were
proposed e.g. \(RLC\) circuit (Resistance-Inductance-Capacitor) that generally
models a microcoil on a glass substrate and the \(PI\) model in case of a silicon
substrate 8,9.
Both previous models do not take into account the micro-transmission line (TL)
and interconnection wire (e.g.,
underpass & vias, wire bonding, airbridge) that increases the microcoil noise
and affects the \(SNR\).
In this perspective, we propose a complete
electrical circuit to model the microcoil on a glass or silicon substrate\( (figure. 2)\).
The simulation of the electric model was carried out
by ADS (Advanced Design System) software; the \(S_{11}\) parameter was defined as the performance parameter
criteria to study the reflection losses and calculate the quality factor \(Q\). The extraction of each electric parameter \((RLC)\) was
done through 3D-TLE platform, home developed code based on MATLAB software.
platform extracts the resistance value of a transmission line at a working
frequency from \(300MHz\) to \(500MHz\), taking into account the skin
and the proximity effect, the capacitive and inductive coupling between two nearby conductors, as
well as the effect between the conductor wire, the substrate and the oxide
layer where the metal wire is embedded10. The platform provides a user interface, where one
can carry out the 3D design, and run the extraction of the \(RLC\) and the coupling
parameters. The 3D modelling and conception are done by a generated SPICE file,
having inside all the geometrical size parameters and the material
electric property features \((figure. 1)\).
To illustrate, the impact of each part of the microprobe (micro-coil,
TL, underpass & vias), on both
substrates case (glass and silicon) at \(300MHz\) and \(500MHz\), \(table.1\) summarizes the ADS outcomes (the resistance \(R\),
self-inductance \(L\) and \(Q\) factor from each electric model). They influence
the variation of Resistance, self-inductance and the \(Q-factor\) parameter, is
much understood through the global electrical circuit study.
To sum up and
conclude, the 3D-TLE platform represents a new and powerful tool to increase
NMR antenna capabilities by providing the electrical extraction parameters
approach. The microcoil electrical model provides a means to quantitatively and accurately analyze the NMR
antennas resistive loses and offers the possibility to quantify the
contribution of each part to the NMR sensitivity estimation.
Our platform allows to predict the optimized microcoil geometry related to
expected performances in term of \(Q-factor\) and the
signal-to-noise ratio\((SNR)\).
The authors would
like to thank the National Research Agency (ANR) for financial support through
the ANR-16-CE19-0002-01 project and also Dr Y. Zaim Wadghiri from Grossman School of Medicine, New York
University, for his help in simulating microcoils using CST MWS® software.References
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