Bijaya Thapa1,2, Bernhard Strasser1,2, Xianqi Li1,2, Jason Stockman1,2, Azma Mareyam1, Boris Keil3, Zhe Wang4, Stefan Carp1,2, Yulin V. Chang4, Lawrence Wald1,2, Philipp Hoecht Hoecht5, and Ovidiu Andronesi1,2
1Dept. of Radiology, MGH, A. A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Charlestown, MA, United States, 2Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 3Mittelhessen University of Applied Science, Giessen, Germany, 4Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Charlestown, MA, United States, 5Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany
An Electronic REference To access In vivo Concentrations (ERETIC) to absolutely
quantify the brain metabolites for 3D-MRSI using an array coil was developed. The
challenge of ERETIC for large receive arrays is that the addition of many
ERETIC channels might negatively impact B0 and B1
homogeneity and increase the unwanted channel cross-talk. Here we investigated
whether the number of ERETIC channels can be reduced below the number of RF
receive elements. We also developed a unique
method to coil combine the ERETIC and receive array signal. Metabolite concentration maps obtained with ERETIC
were compared to internal water reference method.
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) can
be used for the quantitative measurement of various metabolites in the brain
non-invasively. The metabolite
quantification can be achieved either by using internal water reference (IWR) or
external reference methods such as phantom replacement and ERETIC (Electronic
REference To access In vivo Concentrations) methods1. Using the IWR method for diseased
conditions may introduce an error in the quantification as water content varies
due to inflammation, hemorrhages, sclerosis, demyelination, edema, and cell
death2. While, in the phantom replacement method, the phantom has to be
adjusted to match with each in vivo coil loading and measured each time the
subject is measured3. To mitigate these
problems the ERETIC method
has been used in which a pre-calibrated low power reference signal is injected
into the RF coil via induction. In this work, we integrated the ERETIC method with 3D MRSI which simplifies
the need for encoding the ERETIC signal in MRSI voxels4 and does not
need to pre-distort the ERETIC signal to compensate for eddy current correction5. Furthermore, we aimed to reduce the number of ERETIC channels per
receive element in order to reduce unwanted effects on B0 and B1
created by ERETIC hardware, and to minimize channel cross-talk.METHOD
a) Hardware: An 8-channel RF receive array was
integrated with ERETIC hardware. A schematic diagram is shown in Fig. 1a, in
which synthetic signal generated by the RF synthesizer modulated to light using
a laser
diode [Tx] of wavelength 1300nm was
carried via optical cable to a 4-way fiber optic splitter connected to 4
photo-diodes and further by double shielded RF coax cables to the micro-coils
inductively coupled to receive loops. The geometry of the 8 receive loops
allowed 1 ERETIC microcoil to be coupled inductively to 2 RF receive loops,
hence the number of ERETIC channels was half of RF receive elements (Fig 1b). The optical path with minimum coax cables were
used to minimize the parasitic coupling of ERETIC signal with other RF hardware
and maximize inductive coupling with the RF coil which is key for ERETIC method6.
sequence and reconstruction: An
adiabatic spiral 3D MRSI sequence7 as shown in Fig. 1d with TR/TE =
1800/97 ms, FOV = 240X240X120 mm3, and matrix 34X34X9 was used to acquire
metabolite and water reference data. The ERETIC signal
injected in each receive element was measured separately as 1s pres-scan by an FID sequence that played the ERETIC
pulse. This approach does not require eddy current predistortion of the ERETIC waveform.
Acquired data were processed by the pipeline in Fig 1c: 1) ERETIC signal of each coil was used to
scale the weights used during coil combination of raw MRSI data; 2) coil
combined MRSI data were reconstructed and fitted with LCModel; 3) quality of
metabolic maps was improved and outlier voxels with insufficient quality (CRLB
> 20%, LW>0.1 ppm and SNR<3) were discarded followed by inpainting and denoising8
to fill the missing gaps; 4) for absolute quantification metabolite maps were voxel-wise
corrected for T1 and T2 relaxation, WM, GM, and CSF segmentation and visible
water content. The absolute concentration of metabolites was then computed
using equations given in5. Brain segmentation was performed in FSL
based on MEMPRAGE images.
c) Human
subjects: Five
healthy volunteers (4 males, 1 female, 30-35 years) were scanned with IRB
performance of the ERETIC coil was evaluated by measuring the scaling of RF
coil with different phantoms (Fig2a) and the response of RF loop to the ERETIC
signal injected into the other RF loop(Fig.2b). In Fig. 2a the ERETIC signal (red)
received with ERETIC coils placed near to the RF coil is scaled with different
loading condition, while in radiation coupling (black) in which an ERETIC coil
is placed at ~ 30 cm away from the RF coil, the signal does not change with loading. The received signal, in the latter
case, is mainly due to the parasitic coupling of the micro-coil with RF coax
cable and the pre-amplifier. The signal received by individual RF loops when an ERETIC
signal was injected into the RF coils 1 and 2 is illustrated in Fig.2b which
indicates that the influence of micro-coil on the non-adjacent RF coils is small.
Fig.3 shows molar concertation maps of 5
representative brain metabolites: total NAA (tNAA), total creatine(tCr),
glutamin and glutamate(Glx), total choline(tCh), and myo-inositol(Ins) obtained
from ERETIC (3rd column) and IWR (4th column) method
corresponding to the anatomical T1-weighted image in the 2nd column and down-sampled T1-weighted image in the 1st column.
The Bland-Altman plots corresponding to these concertation maps are shown in
Fig. 4 which indicates the good agreement between IWR and ERETIC methods for majority of the voxels.DISCUSSION
In this
work we presented the ERETIC method of quantification for 3D-MRSI using array
coil with ½ ratio between the number of ERETIC
and RF channels. We addressed the
challenges of ERETIC use in MRSI by eliminating the need for predistortion and
simultaneous encoding of ERETIC and MRSI.
Work is in progress to evaluate the performance of our approach in more healthy
volunteers and patients.
This work is supported by NIH (1R01CA211080-02) and MGH ECOR fund.References
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