Constance G.F. Gatefait1, Kirsten M. Kerkering1, Sebastian Schmitter1, and Christoph Kolbitsch1
1Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Braunschweig and Berlin, Germany
Cardiac magnetic resonance fingerprinting
(cMRF) is a promising framework for quantitative assessment of various
cardiomyopathies. One major challenge is cardiac motion. The majority of cMRF methods
use ECG triggering and gating to select only certain cardiac phases to
reconstruct cMRF data. In this study, we
propose an iterative motion-correction approach utilizing the entire cardiac MRF
acquisition. Obtained results show an improvement in obtained maps and
consistent quantifications of T1 and T2.
Cardiac magnetic resonance fingerprinting
(cMRF) is a promising tool for the assessment of cardiomyopathies because it
allows for the quantification of both T1 and T2 in a single-breathhold scan1.
One major challenge of cMRF is cardiac motion during the acquisition process.
The majority of cMRF techniques use cardiac
gating or triggering to minimize cardiac motion-induced artefacts1-3.
Hamilton et al. proposed cardiac motion correction as a pre-processing step
before pattern matching to utilise all acquired data for T1 and T2 estimation4. However, this requires the contrast changes during MRF data
acquisition to be considered and that motion estimation and
pattern matching have the same temporal resolution.
In order to overcome this limitation, we
propose to integrate cardiac motion correction into the image reconstruction to
decouple motion correction and pattern matching. This also ensures that the
motion correction is constrained by the data consistency term of the image
MRF Acquisitions: All acquisitions were performed on a 3T Verio
MR Scanner (Siemens Healthineers, Erlangen, Germany) using a 32-channel cardiac
coil (Siemens Healthineers, Erlangen, Germany). A FLASH-based sequence with
golden-angle radial data acquisition was utilized. A varying flip-angle pattern
which is robust to B1-inhomogeneities was used after a 21ms non-selective
inversion pulse5. Data was acquired with the following parameters:
Length of pulse train = 1500; FOV = 320*320mm2; Resolution = 1.3*1.3mm2;
Fixed TE = 4ms; Fixed TR = 8.2ms; Acquisition time = 12s; Slice thickness = 8mm.
To reduce the impact of the slice profile on parameter quantification, a
bandwidth time product of 8 was used (SINC pulse length = 1920ms). ECG
triggering is used to start the acquisition during diastole, but data is then
acquired continuously without further triggering.
sequence with T2-preparation pulses (T2-prep times: 0, 25, 55 ms ) were acquired
with cardiac triggering in diastole and used as references for T1 and T2,
respectively. In-vivo acquisitions were carried out in three healthy volunteers
during a breathhold.
Motion Registration and correction: Figure 1 gives an overview of the
proposed pipeline. In order to register and then correct for cardiac motion, cine
images were first reconstructed from the cMRF acquisition. For this, the cMRF
data was retrospectively binned into 15 cardiac phases based on the recorded
ECG signal. Due to the incoherence between MRF contrast variation and cardiac
cycle length, the contrast of all cardiac phases was similar which ensured
robust image registration. Then, using the MIRTK toolkit6, motion
fields were extracted and applied during MRF image reconstruction7.
Figure 2 shows an example of the cine images before and after motion correction
to highlight the effect of cardiac motion correction.
MRF Image Reconstruction: A sliding-window approach was
implemented to accelerate the reconstruction process8. Instead of
reconstructing 1500 images, each with one radial line, 741 images with 20 projections
each were reconstructed. This process enables a faster reconstruction process
without any information loss8. A conjugate gradient reconstruction
with 16 iterations was used. Previously
obtained motion fields were applied at each iteration of the image
reconstruction to directly obtain cardiac-motion corrected images9.
Dictionary calculation and matching: An Extended-Phase-Graph based
dictionary was used with the following input parameters : T1 = (200-3000ms, 14ms
increments) ; T2 = (20-150ms, 0.65ms increments)10. The simulated
fingerprints were then matched with the acquired data to obtain T1 and T2 maps.
In order to realize the matching, dot-products between theoretical fingerprints
and the cMRF data were calculated. The theoretical fingerprint with the highest
dot-product value is considered as the best match.
Mapping evaluation: To evaluate the obtained maps, a region of interest (ROI) was
drawn on the septum. T1/T2 mean values and standard deviations were then
calculated for the references (MOLLI and T2-prep bSSFP), the uncorrected cMRF
acquisition and the cardiac motion-corrected cMRF acquisition in the specified
ROI.Results and discussion
Figure 3 compares the uncorrected and cardiac
motion-corrected T1/T2 maps to the reference acquisitions. While the
uncorrected maps show already high image quality resulting from the radial type
of acquisition11, the in-plane motion corrected relaxometric maps
reflect differences particularly in the smaller anatomical details such as
papillary muscles.
Table 1 compares the T1/T2 values measured in
the septum to the reference measurements. Motion correction has little effect
on T1 quantification and leads to a better agreement with the cardiac-triggered
reference measurements for T2. T1/T2 values are consistent with literature12
albeit with a small overestimation of T2 (literature: 45ms12, our
approach: 64ms). This could be due to B1+ inhomogeneities which will require
further investigation. So far, we also have not analyzed the effect of
through-plane motion on cMRF quantification which will also be part of a future
work. Conclusion
This work presented the implementation of an
iterative motion correction reconstruction to directly obtain cardiac
motion-corrected images for cMRF quantification. We could demonstrate in-vivo
that this approach improves anatomical visualization.
Further work is required to improve T2 quantification. Acknowledgements
The results presented here have been developed
in the framework of the 18HLT05 QUIERO Project. This project has received
funding from the EMPIR programme co-financed by the Participating States and
from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.References
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