Improving Fidelity of Concentration Dependence in CEST- MRI using pH-insensitive Low Duty Cycle Saturation Pulse Trains
Julius Chung1 and Tao Jin1
1University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States


Low duty cycle π-pulsed CEST is an easy to implement method for exchange rate insensitive CE-MRI measurement that is dependent on labile proton concentration. In creatine phantoms with varying pH, decreasing duty cycle of π-pulse trains decreased pH dependence. In creatine phantoms of varying concentration and varied pH, exchange dependent relaxation asymmetry of π-pulsed CEST shows stronger linear dependence on concentration at lower duty cycles than continuous wave. Low duty cycle π-pulsed CEST may be useful in studies in which a change of chemical exchange rate (e.g., pH, catalyst concentration, and temperature changes) can interfere with accurate assessment of pathology.


Pulse train saturation has been used as an alternative for continuous wave in Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) MRI with reduced power deposition as well as demand on hardware. Additionally, pulse trains have been utilized in novel ways to frequency label exchange1 and even filter exchange rates2,3. These methods are related to chemical exchange kinetics which means they are sensitive to both labile proton concentration as well as exchange rate which can be modulated by pH. However, there are some applications in which it may be advantageous to assay concentration independent to changes in pH such as phosphocreatine and creatine modulation in metabolically impaired muscles. In this study, we demonstrate a pulse scheme that uses a low duty cycle pulse train of π-pulses to achieve saturation that is dependent on labile proton concentration yet relatively insensitive to exchange rate.


Simulations were performed to explore the exchange rate sensitivity of π-pulsed and continuous wave CEST signals. Two sets of seven creatine phantoms were prepared: the first set at 30 mM in 1× phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and titrated to pH 6.36, 6.70, 6.97, 7.33, 7.65, 7.88, and 8.21; the second set at four different concentrations with different combination of four different pHs, i.e, 15 mM at pH 6.7, 7.0, 7.3, and 7.6, 30 mM at pH 7.0, 45 mM at pH 7.3, and 60 mM at pH 6.4 and imaged at room temperature. MR experiments were performed on a Bruker Biospec 9.4T/30-cm and a volume coil excitation and reception (4.0-cm ID). The chemical exchange-sensitive MR pulse sequence consists of a saturation preparation module for chemical exchange contrast and image readout. Images were read-out by a spin-echo EPI readout scheme: matrix size = 64x64, field of view = 50 x 50 mm, slice thickness = 5 mm, TR = 14 s and TE = 20 ms. Duty cycle dependence was studied using a train of π pulses with an average B1 of 0.48 μT and 0.97 μT with different duty cycles (5%, 10%, 25%, and 50%).


Concentration dependence of a π-pulsed saturation scheme was simulated with a fixed duty cycle of 10% and an average B1 of 0.48 μT (20 Hz) in Fig. 1a. Each of these curves exhibits an exchange rate insensitive regime around the same exchange rate range and increase monotonically with increasing labile proton fraction. Therefore, these low duty cycle π-pulse saturation schemes maintain their concentration dependence and are useful for interrogating concentration of a labile fraction with limited pH effect interference within range of exchange rates that are insensitive. MTR asymmetry for a 30 mM creatine phantom at varying pH is shown in Figure 1b. Lower duty cycles exhibit ranges of rate insensitivity which in turn exhibit a signal that is relatively insensitive to pH. Creatine phantoms of increasing concentration and various pH levels exhibited variation in the asymmetry of their exchange related relaxation (Rex,asym) under continuous wave saturation at 0.97 μT (Fig. 1c). While this relaxation did exhibit concentration dependence, higher pHs also increased Rex,asym detracting from linear dependence on concentration (R̅2 = 0.593). In contrast, when average Rex,asym was calculated in the same phantoms using the average B1 under π pulse saturation using a DC of 10% (Fig. 1d), there was a clear linear dependence (R̅2 = 0.976) on concentration despite the disparity in pH.


Low duty cycle π-pulsed CEST is an easy to implement method for exchange rate insensitive CE-MRI measurement. It provides a labile concentration dependent signal that may be useful in studies in which a change of chemical exchange rate (e.g., pH, catalyst concentration, and temperature changes) can interfere with accurate assessment of pathology.


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1. Yadav N, et al. Magn Reson Med 2013;69:966-973. 2. Zu Z, et al. Magn Reson Med 2013;69:637-647. 3. Xu J, et al. Magn Reson Med 2014;71:1798-1812.


Figure 1. Simulation shows MTR asymmetry concentration dependence at 1.9 ppm 10 % duty cycle π pulses with avg. B1 = 0.48 μT (a). MTR asymmetry measured in creatine phantoms at varying pH using different duty cycles with avg. B1 = 0.48 μT (b) show increasing pH dependence with increasing duty cycle. In creatine phantoms with varying concentration and varied pH, the average Rex asymmetry with an avg. B1 = 0.97 μT using continuous wave saturation showed relatively weak linear dependence on concentration (c) while a 10% DC π pulse showed strong linear dependence on concentration (d).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)