In this work we introduce a motion correction approach based on a calibrated ultra-wide-band radar signal acquired simultaneously to the MR scan. Our method is contactless and entirely independent from scanner setups or applied imaging sequences which makes it a viable alternative to established motion correction approaches, like navigator sequences or breathholds. We could demonstrate in phantom and in-vivo scans that the proposed motion-correction approach strongly improves T1 quantification.
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Figure 1: Calibration: The M-sequence STx gets transmitted by a sending antenna Tx and correlated with the received response SRx to create an impulse response Rxy. The principal components of Rxy get linearly fitted to the registered changes in a selected region of interest in the dynamic scan. Correction: Based on the motion model, radar signals obtained simultaneously to the T1 mapping sequence are used to predict respiratory motion shifts which can then be utilized during image reconstruction to correct for motion artefacts.
Figure 2: First principle component of the radar signal and registered foot-head shift show very good correlation leading to a high R2 of 0.99 using a linear motion model. Here only the results for foot-head (hf) translation are shown but similar results were obtained for anterior-posterior shifts albeit with smaller motion amplitudes.
Figure 3: Scan of a phantom moving periodically up and down over a distance of 17mm (a) without and (b) with the proposed radar-based motion correction. Visualization of the individual tubes and T1 quantification were improved. (c) T1 map estimated with a MOLLI scan of the phantom at rest is shown for reference.
Figure 4: The motion corrected T1 maps show an increase in image quality. Respiratory blurring especially at the dome of the liver and around blood vessels could be reduced yielding similar image quality than the breathholdscan. Although the motion model was built for the liver, also the visualization of the kidneys is improved. It should be noted, that the breathhold data cannot be directly compared to motion corrected images, because they were acquired in two separate scans.