Model-based motion correction outperforms a model-free method in quantitative renal MRI
Fotios Tagkalakis1, Kanishka Sharma2, Irvin Teh1, Bashair al-Hummiany1, David Shelley1, Margaret Saysell3, Julie Bailey3, Kelly Wroe3, Cherry Coupland3, Michael Mansfield3, and Steven Sourbron2
1University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom, 2University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom, 3Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, St James's Hospital, United Kingdom


Current approaches for motion correction of quantitative MRI include model-driven registration (MDR) and model-free registration (MFR). This study compared MDR against a state-of-the-art groupwise MFR (GMFR) on T1-mapping, DTI and DCE from 10 patients with diabetic kidney disease. The results demonstrate the benefits of MDR in the context of quantitative imaging: MDR scores better on most quality and error metrics (up to 20% improvement) and offers a substantial gain in computation times (up to 17hrs per slice). Furthermore, there is potential for translation to other applications.


Most emerging approaches for motion correction of quantitative MRI involve the use of a synthetic motion-free series as a target for image co-registration. Synthetic targets can be generated either using model-free registration (MFR) methods such as principal component analysis [1-3] or model-driven registration (MDR) methods that fit the physical signal model itself [4-7].

We hypothesise that MDR is more suitable than MFR in the context of quantitative MRI, where motion correction is not an aim on itself but a step in a processing pipeline that produces a parametric map. Considering the whole pipeline, the use of a model is unavoidable and thus MFR imposes additional constraints that may bias the solution unnecessarily.

The aim of this study was to challenge this hypothesis by comparing MDR against a state-of-the-art groupwise MFR (GMFR) [3] in multiparametric MRI of the kidney – a challenging application area due to large motion amplitudes, reversals in image contrast and computational load. GMFR was chosen as a comparator because it has proven to perform well in a wide variety of application areas including multiparametric renal MRI [8].


Data acquisition: Breath hold T1-mapping as well as free-breathing DTI and DCE data were collected for 10 consecutive cases from the ongoing iBEAt study [9]. Subjects were scanned in the morning after an overnight fast, and standardized meal and fluid intake on a Siemens Prisma 3T MRI scanner (sequence parameters in table 1).

Data processing: The middle slice from each acquired sequence was motion corrected, using a laptop PC (intel core i7-6600U CPU @ 2.60GHz, 8 GBs of RAM). The algorithms were implemented in Python 3.6.0. MDR iterates two steps: (1) for each pixel, the MRI signal model is fitted to the co-registered time series; (2) for each time point, the co-registered image is updated by co-registering the acquired image with the model fit. Co-registration was performed in Elastix [10] using 2D free-form deformation with 2nd order B-splines, 4 resolution levels, linear interpolation of the displacement vectors, minimum grid spacing 16 mm, a mean square error metric and adaptive stochastic gradient descent. GMFR was implemented using Elastix [3,10] with the same parameters as MDR except for the similarity metric and the use of a stack transform.

Evaluation metrics: Quality of motion correction was measured with 4 metrics calculated on the co-registered signals: chi-square difference with the model fit (CS), coefficient of variation (CV) defined as the standard deviation relative to the mean, standard deviation (STD) of the 2nd derivative and the interquartile range (IQR). Each metric was calculated pixelwise, after which average and median were determined over a rectangular ROI encompassing both kidneys.

Statistical analysis: A Wilcoxon signed rank test was used to determine whether: (1) a given metric was significantly different between MDR and GMFR; (2) the difference between MDR and GMFR was dependent on contrast mechanism (T1, DTI, DCE). Statistical significance was defined at p<0.05 and a Bonferroni correction was applied.


Table 2 compares the average values of all metrics between both methods, showing a significant difference in 10 out of 24 cases. MDR scored best in 9 of these 10 cases including all DTI and DCE metrics.

Figure 1 shows the difference between MDR and GFMR for all metrics and all 3 contrast mechanisms. The figure shows that in most cases MDR scores better (difference < 0) and that the improvement is most substantial in DCE.

Figure 2 shows the distribution of the median metrics on single pixel level for all 10 subjects, demonstrating that all effects are consistent between subjects and that MDR and GFMR both offer a substantial improvement compared to the unregistered state.

Figure 3 shows that, on the whole, MDR is substantially faster than GMFR and that the difference is larger in computationally heavy problems. For T1-mapping, GMFR is on average 1.5 min faster than MDR (16.7 vs 18.2 min per subject); but for DTI, MDR is 230 min faster than GMFR (63 vs 293 min per subject) and for DCE, MDR is 955 min faster than GMFR (103 vs 1059 min per subject).


The results confirm the hypothesis that MDR is a more suitable approach than GMFR in the context of quantitative imaging: MDR scores better on the majority of metrics and offers a substantial gain in computation times. The difference between both methods is relatively minor in T1-mapping, which was performed in breath hold in this study and involved a relatively small number of time points. In this application GMFR offered a marginal (1.6%) improvement over MDR in 1 out of 8 metrics and a gain of 1.5 min computation time. However, this minor benefit is offset by the more substantial differences in DTI and especially DCE, which were performed in free breathing and were much larger datasets. Here the metrics showed differences up to 20% in favour of MDR and a reduction in computation time of up to 17.6 hrs per slice.


Model-driven registration outperforms a state-of-the-art model-free method for motion correction of quantitative MRI in the kidney. We anticipate that the benefits of MDR may translate to other applications, but this remains to be demonstrated.


The iBEAt study is part of the BEAt-DKD project. The BEAt-DKD project has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 115974. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA with JDRF. For a full list of BEAt-DKD partners, see www.beat-dkd.eu.


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Table 1. Main sequence parameters of the three sequences used in this study.

Table 2. Comparison of evaluation metrics between GMFR and MDR. For each metric, method and contrast mechanism, the table shows the mean (95% confidence interval in the mean) over all 10 volunteers. In cases where the difference is significant, bold font is used to identify the best of the two (* means p < 0.006).

Figure 1. Box plots comparing the difference in each of the 8 metrics (a – h) between MDR and GMFR, for the 3 contrast mechanisms: T1 (blue), DTI (orange), DCE (grey). The p-values for pairwise comparisons are shown above the plots.

Figure 2. Distribution of pixel-based median metrics (one per row) for all 3 contrast mechanisms (one per column) and for each individual subject (horizontal axis). Plots show median +/- standard deviation for uncorrected data (green), GFMR (red) and MDR (blue).

Figure 3. Comparison of computational times in minutes per patient (1-10) for GFMR (red) and MDR (blue) methods on T1 (top), DTI (middle) and DCE (bottom).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)