Qingjia Bao1, Yalei Chen2, Pingan Li2, Kewen Liu2, Zhao Li3, Xiaojun Li2, Fang Chen3, and Chaoyang Liu3
1Department of Chemical and Biological Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, 2School of Information Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China, 3State Key Laboratory of Magnetic Resonance and Atomic and Molecular Physics, Wuhan Center for Magnetic Resonance, Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Innovation Academy for Precision Measurement Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences., Wuhan, China
We proposed a new
end-to-end motion correction method based on conditional generative adversarial
network (GAN) and minimum entropy of MRI images for Fast Spin Echo(FSE)
sequence. The network
contains an encoder-decoder generator to generate the motion-corrected images
and a PatchGAN discriminator to classify an image as either real (motion-free)
or fake(motion-corrected). Moreover, the image's entropy is set as one loss item
in the cGAN's loss as the entropy increases monotonically with the motion
amplitude, indicating that entropy is a good criterion for motion. The results
show that the proposed method can effectively reduce the artifacts and obtain
high-quality motion-corrected images from the motion-affected images in both pre-clinical and
clinical datasets.
Most of the FSE protocols are worked in
multi-shot mode to obtain high-resolution images, in which the k-space data is
acquired using several shots at a different time1. As a result, the
image may be severely degraded due to subject motion between consecutive shots,
especially for pediatric or stroke patients in clinical and awake rodents in
pre-clinical studies.
The traditional
motion correction methods can be divided into retrospective and prospective
motion correction, and most of them need to predict the motion model, or
manually outline the artifact area, or need for extra hardware facilities2,3. Recently, more and more researchers began to
use deep learning as a tool for MRI motion correction4,5,6 because it can provide a potential avenue for
dramatically reducing the computation time and improving the convergence of
retrospective motion correction methods. And several groups
have proposed the use of GAN for motion correction due to its capability of
generating data without the explicit modeling of the probability density
function and robustness to over-fitting7. This work aims to design a new end-to-end motion correction method
based on cGAN and minimum entropy of images for multi-shot FSE sequence, train
the network with the simulated random rigid motion data, and apply this network
for both clinical and pre-clinical studies.METHODS
network architecture based on the cGAN and minimum entropy of MR image is shown
Figure 1(a). It contains an encoder-decoder generator and a PatchGAN
discriminator. The input of the generator is motion-affected images, and the output
is motion-corrected. The generator contains five encoder blocks, seven residual
blocks (ResBlocks), and five decoder blocks. Moreover,
concatenations were applied between the same scale feature maps from the
encoder and decoder, which allow the network to propagate context information
to higher resolution layers. Finally, we introduce the global skip connection,
which learns residual artifacts images to ensure train the network faster and
model generalizes better8. The
discriminator network divides the input images (motion-free and
motion-corrected) into patches, then classifies each patch as either real or fake
by a sigmoid activation, and finally averages all image scores patches.
This network's loss function is composed of
adversarial loss (WGAN-GP)9, mean absolute error (MSE) loss, and minimum entropy loss. WGAN-GP
adopts Wasserstein distance rather than the JS divergence of the original GAN,
which can avoid the gradient vanished problem. And the minimum entropy loss
is based on the entropy focusing motion correction method10. When the motion
amplitude increases, the entropy value follows the increase, shown in Figure
paired motion-free and motion-affected datasets are often hard or impossible to
acquire. We proposed a multi-pattern (Markov, periodic, completely random)
motion simulation method to generate the training dataset. The process of
motion simulation is depicted in Figure 2(a).
network was trained in the small motion range, and the predictions were
performed on a wider motion range in simulation and in vivo data of pre-clinical datasets to test the
generalization capability of our method. And we also evaluate our method on the clinical datasets. The pre-clinical data are
rat brain images collected by fast spin-echo (FSE) sequences on Bruker's 7.0
Tesla scanner in our local laboratory. The clinical dataset is the public
dataset HCP Brain dataset. Three
quantitative metrics evaluated the quality of the network's outputs: peak
signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), structural similarity index (SSIM), and mean-square
To evaluate the effect of motion level,
different level motion artifacts have been introduced into motion-free images
with 32-shots and completely
motion pattern. Figure
3 shows the results obtained for two degrees of rotational motion (Δθ = {1°,
2°}) and two millimeters of translational motion (ΔL = {1mm,2mm }) on test data,
illustrates that our method can remove artifacts efficiently and obtain better
images than other methods (TV denoiser, DnCNN, UNET) in varying motion levels. Figures
4 show the generalization ability test's motion correction results for the in
vivo data. We performed two
scans, one with motion and one without motion to get the reference images. The
performance of our method also is better than other methods for in vivo data.
Results of motion correction
on the clinical dataset were shown in Figure 5. As shown in the brain stem's zoomed views, our method can get higher resolution
results and reduce more artifacts than the others.DISCUSSION & CONCLUSION
proposed a new end-to-end motion correction method based on cGAN and minimum
entropy of images for multi-shot FSE sequence. The network is trained with
simulated random rigid motion data. And we apply this network for both clinical
and pre-clinical studies. Our method outperforms UNET, DnCNN, and TV denoiser in
qualitative and quantitative comparisons for the different motion level of
pre-clinical and clinical datasets.Acknowledgements
We gratefully acknowledge the financial support by NationalMajor Scientific Research Equipment Development Projectof China (81627901), the National key of R&D Program ofChina (Grant 2018YFC0115000, 2016YFC1304702), NationalNatural Science Foundation of China (11575287, 11705274),and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (YZ201677).References
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