Stroke analysis with fully automatic multi-contrast MR image registration
Weijian Huang1, Yulon Qi2, Qiang He3, Ting Ma4, Xin Liu1, Guanxun Cheng2, Hairong Zheng1, and Shanshan Wang1
1Paul C Lauterbur Research Center, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen, China, 2Radiology department, Peking University Shenzhen Hospital, shenzhen, China, 3United Imaging Research Institute of Innovative Medical Equipment, Shenzhen, China, 4Pengcheng Laboratory, Shenzhen, China


Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability worldwide. However, the misalignment between multi-contrast MR images bring difficulties in identifying the lesions. We propose an automatic framework including affine and deformation transformation for multi-contrast stroke images registration. In the framework, a new inverse operation is proposed to maintain the topology of images and a background suppression loss function is designed to optimize background predictions. The method achieves the best Dice score of 0.826 compared to 5 state-of-the-art methods. Moreover, our method is about 17 times faster than the most competitive method SyN when testing on a same CPU.


Stroke is the most common cerebrovascular disease [1]. Multi-contrast magnetic resonance imaging can help to detect strokes. However, due to 1) the different multi-contrast imaging parameters settings, 2) inevitable physiological activities and 3) different space coordinates for scanning [2-5], multi-contrast images may have large discrepancies(e.g. Fig. 1)causing difficulties in identifying stroke lesion quickly and accurately. Registration can be useful in handling the misalignment between different contrast images and therefore help identifying stroke lesions more efficiently [6-8]. Nevertheless, traditional multi-contrast registration algorithms commonly rely on an interactive optimization process, which is not suitable for time-sensitive diagnosis in clinical practice and bringing additional operations to computing large-scale analysis. Deep learning-based methods can speed up the registration process [9-11]. This study proposes a fully automatic multi-contrast MR image registration method for quickly identifying lesions between different contrasts.


The proposed method proposes multi-contrast stroke image registration. As shown in Figure 2. The proposed method consists of affine transformation network Aθ to solve the problem of different multi-contrast imaging parameters and deformable network Dθ to relieve the spatial inconsistency. Subsequently, a novel inverse transformation was proposed. This method calculates the inverse deformation field φ-1 from the deformation field φ by self-deformation and taking the opposite direction in tensor. We warp the φ-1 to moving image deformation MD and constrain it to be consistent with the input image MA through mean square error (MSE). Besides, a loss function (Suppress Loss, SL) is designed to suppress the misalignment of the background region. The formula is as follows:
SL= \sum_{i}\begin {cases}αMI&(M_ {A_ {i}},M_ {D_ {i}}^{-1})+βSim(M_ {A_ {i}},M_{D_{i}}^{-1}),&\text{if $M_{A_{i}} $ <γ}\\&αMI(M_ {A_ {i}},M_ {D_ {i}}^{-1}), &\text{otherwise}\end {cases}
Here, MI represents mutual information (MI) loss [12] and Sim represents the similarity function (we adopt MSE) in subsequent experiments. γ is the background threshold based on the data.

Results and discission

A total of 555 MR scanning cases were collected. Informed consent were obtained from each patient and the data were used under the constraint given by our ethics review board policy. Each case contains FLAIR and DWI contrast. Example predictions are shown in Fig. 3. Our method is not only more accurate in the registration of stroke lesions, other structures (red arrows), such as eyes and cerebrospinal fluid, but also show more reliable predictions.
Our method achieves the highest stroke coincidence with Dice score of 0.826 as shown in Table 1. In addition, our method is approximate 17 times faster than the second-ranked SyN+Affine algorithm when testing on an ‘Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4114’ CPU.
In order to verify the robustness of the proposed SL, we conducted a parameter comparison mentioned in eq.1. The visualization result is shown in Fig.4. Except for some extreme settings (α<2), the registration performance is quite robust with changing α and β values.


The study of stroke is crucial to the treatment and prognosis in the clinic. The misalignment between contrast images is the main obstacle in this process. This paper proposes a new registration framework to accurately and quickly register stroke Flair-DWI images. Experiments have proved that the proposed method takes account of accuracy and time consumption, and achieves the best registration performance. It is hoped to not only reduce the difficulty for clinicians to identify lesions, but also provide a robust standardized process for large-scale imaging analysis.


This research was partly supported by Scientific and Technical Innovation 2030-"New Generation Artificial Intelligence" Project (2020AAA0104100, 2020AAA0104105), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61871371, 81830056), Key-Area Research and Development Program of GuangDong Province (2018B010109009), the Basic Research Program of Shenzhen (JCYJ20180507182400762), Youth Innovation Promotion Association Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2019351).


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Fig.1. Large discrepancies of Flair and DWI. From left to right are FLAIR, DWI, stroke lesions based on Flair labeling, and DWI labeling respectively.

Fig.2. Flow chart of the proposed method. M represents the moving image, F represents the fixed image, and M-1D represents the prediction of the inverse transformation. We impose MSE constraints on M-1D and MA to ensure topological deformation.

Fig. 3. Qualitative results of different methods. The blue and red edge lines indicate the stroke lesion regions annotated by radiologists based on DWI and FLAIR, and the green lines indicate the predictions of different methods.

Table. 1. Quantitative metrics of the registration results and the required testing time.

Fig. 4. Influence of the weights (α and β) in the proposed SL on the registration performance.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)