A Semi-Supervised Learning Framework for Jointly Accelerated Multi-Contrast MRI Synthesis without Fully-Sampled Ground-Truths
Mahmut Yurt1,2, Salman Ul Hassan Dar1,2, Berk Tinaz1,2,3, Muzaffer Ozbey1,2, Yilmaz Korkmaz1,2, and Tolga Çukur1,2,4
1Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, 2National Magnetic Resonance Research Center, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, 3Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 4Neuroscience Program, Aysel Sabuncu Brain Research Center, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey


Current approaches for synthetic multi-contrast MRI involve deep networks trained to synthesize target-contrast images from source-contrast images in fully-supervised protocols. Yet, their performance is undesirably circumscribed to training sets of costly fully-sampled source-target images. For practically advanced multi-contrast MRI synthesis accelerated across the k-space and contrast sets, we propose a semi-supervised generative model that can be trained to synthesize fully-sampled images using only undersampled ground-truths by introducing a selective loss function expressed only on the acquired k-space coefficients randomized across training subjects. Demonstrations on multi-contrast brain images indicate that the proposed model maintains equivalent performance to the gold-standard fully-supervised model.


Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) manifests a central position in clinical neuroimaging due to its nonpareil ability to produce multi-contrast images of the same underlying anatomy. These multi-contrast images offer complementary information for downstream radiological observations and image analysis tasks1, but prolonged examinations often restrain the compilation of all desired contrasts2. To recover missing target-contrast images from available source-contrast images, recent studies have successfully demonstrated deep network models that are trained in fully-supervised protocols3-8. However, these models naturally reveal undesirable reliance on training sets of fully-sampled ground-truths, which may prove impractical9,10 to acquire due to limitations induced by physical constraints, scan durations, or patient motion. To mitigate these limitations, we propose a novel semi-supervised synthesis model (ssGAN) for accelerated multi-contrast MRI that enables training using only undersampled ground-truths of the target-contrast11 (Fig. 1). To do this, ssGAN introduces a selective loss function expressing the network error only on the subset of acquired k-space samples and leverages randomized sampling masks across training subjects for learning the relationship among acquired-nonacquired k-space coefficients at all locations. ssGAN additionally allows synthesis from undersampled sources to further reduce data requirements in multi-contrast MRI undersampled across both contrast sets and k-space11.


Semi-Supervised Learning of Jointly Accelerated Multi-Contrast MRI

ssGAN takes as input source-contrast images $$$x_{\Lambda}$$$ acquired with a sampling mask $$$\Lambda$$$, and learns a generator $$$G$$$ that synthesizes fully-sampled target-contrast images $$$\hat{y}=G(x_{\Lambda})$$$, given undersampled ground-truths $$$y_{\Omega}$$$ acquired with a sampling mask $$$\Omega$$$. Here, a semi-supervised learning framework with a selective network loss function is proposed to evaluate the synthesized fully-sampled images only on the acquired k-space coefficients of the undersampled ground-truths. First, undersampled counterparts of the synthesized images are obtained via binary masking:$$\hat{k}_{y_{\Omega}}=M(\mathcal{F}(\hat{y}),\Omega)$$$$\hat{y}_\Omega=\mathcal{F}^{-1}(\hat{k}_{y_{\Omega}})$$where $$$\mathcal{F}$$$ denotes forward and $$$\mathcal{F^{-1}}$$$ denotes inverse Fourier transform, $$$M$$$ is a masking operator, $$$\hat{k}_{y_{\Omega}}$$$ denotes masked k-space coefficients, and $$$\hat{y}_\Omega$$$ denotes undersampled counterparts of the synthesized images. The selective network loss is then expressed between the undersampled counterpart and ground-truth images in terms of image and k-space domain $$$\mathrm{L_1}$$$, and adversarial losses:$$L_{ssGAN}={\overbrace{\lambda_{i}\mathrm{E}_{x_{\Lambda},y_{\Omega}}[||\hat{y}_\Omega-y_\Omega||_1]}^{\mathrm{Image\,L_1\,Loss}}+\overbrace{\lambda_{k}\mathrm{E}_{x_{\Lambda},y_{\Omega}}[||\hat{k}_{y_\Omega}-\mathcal{F}(y_\Omega)||_1]}^{\mathrm{k-space\,L_1\,Loss}}}+\overbrace{\lambda_{adv}(-\mathrm{E}_{x_{\Lambda},y_{\Omega}}[(D(x_{\Lambda},y_{\Omega})-1)^2]-\mathrm{E}_{x_{\Lambda}}[D(x_\Lambda,\hat{y}_\Omega)^2]}^{\mathrm{Adversarial\,Loss}})$$with $$$D$$$ is a discriminator telling apart from the undersampled counterpart and ground-truth images, $$$\lambda_{i},\,\lambda_{k},\,\lambda_{adv}$$$ respectively denote the weightings of the image domain, k-space domain, and adversarial losses. Note that target-contrast sampling masks $$$\Omega$$$ are randomized across training subjects for effective learning of the relationships among acquired and non-acquired k-space coefficients at all locations to synthesize fully-sampled high-quality target images.

Competing Method and Dataset

The proposed ssGAN model was comparatively demonstrated against a gold-standard fully-supervised fsGAN model that is trained with fully-sampled ground-truths using fully-supervised image and k-space domain $$$\mathrm{L_1}$$$, and adversarial losses. The ssGAN and fsGAN models were demonstrated on the IXI dataset containing $$$\mathrm{T_1}$$$- and $$$\mathrm{T_2}$$$-weighted brain images of $$$94$$$ subjects (training: $$$64$$$, validation: $$$10$$$, test: $$$20$$$) spatially registered with FSL. From each subject, approximately $$$90$$$ artifact-free axial cross-sections were selected. Retrospective undersampling was performed on the images with three separate acceleration ratios: $$$R=2,3,4$$$. The sampling masks remained identical for all axial cross-sections within the same subject, whereas varied across distinct contrasts and subjects.

Implementation Details

The architectures-hyperparameters for ssGAN and fsGAN were mainly adopted from a previous conditional GAN model demonstrated for MRI synthesis4. The generator networks consisted of an encoder with $$$3$$$ conv-layers, $$$9$$$ ResNet blocks, and $$$3$$$ conv-layers in series, whereas the discriminator networks consisted of a convolution network of $$$4$$$ conv-layers in series. The total number of epochs was set to $$$100$$$ with a batch size of $$$1$$$. The learning rate was set to $$$0.0002$$$ in the first $$$50$$$ epochs and decayed linearly to $$$0$$$ in the remaining $$$50$$$ epochs with the Adam optimizer ($$$\beta_1=0.5\mathrm{,}\,\beta_2=0.999$$$). The optimal weightings were determined to be ($$$\lambda_{i}=1,\lambda_{k}=30,\,$$$and$$$\,\lambda_{adv}=0.01$$$) via the validation set.


The proposed ssGAN model was demonstrated against the gold-standard fsGAN model on the IXI dataset for $$$\mathrm{T_1}\rightarrow~\mathrm{T_2}$$$ and $$$\mathrm{T_2}\rightarrow~\mathrm{T_1}$$$ synthesis tasks. In the demonstrations, a single fsGAN model was trained with fully-sampled ground-truths, whereas three independent ssGAN models were trained with undersampled ground-truths with separate acceleration ratios: ssGAN-2 with $$$R_{target}=2$$$, ssGAN-3 with $$$R_{target}=3$$$, ssGAN-4 with $$$R_{target}=4$$$. First, fully-sampled images of the source-contrast were assumed for all models. Table 1a reports synthesis quality in terms of PSNR-SSIM measurements, which suggest that ssGAN yields equivalent performance to fsGAN (Kruskal-Wallis: $$$p>0.5$$$). The equivalent performance of the ssGAN models is also visible in representative results displayed in Fig. 2.

Next, undersampled images of the source-contrast were assumed for all models with acceleration ratios: ($$$R_{\mathrm{source}}=2,3,4$$$). Table 1b-d also reports synthesis quality in terms of PSNR-SSIM measurements, which again indicates equivalent performance of ssGAN to fsGAN (Kruskal-Wallis: $$$p>0.3$$$) together with the representative results displayed in Fig. 3. The overall results therefore suggest that ssGAN synthesizes fully-sampled high-quality target images without demanding large training datasets of costly fully-sampled source or ground-truth target images.


Here, we presented a novel semi-supervised model, ssGAN, for accelerated multi-contrast MRI synthesis. ssGAN synthesizes high-quality target-contrast images without demanding large training datasets of costly fully-sampled source or ground-truth target images by introducing a selective loss function expressing network error only the acquired k-space coefficients that are randomized across training subjects.


The proposed semi-supervised learning model offers elevated feasibility in accelerated multi-contrast MRI synthesis jointly undersampled across both contrast sets and k-space coefficients.


This work was supported in part by a TUBA GEBIP fellowship, by a TUBITAK 1001 Grant (118E256), by a BAGEP fellowship, and by NVIDIA with a GPU donation.


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Fig. 1: a) Supervised methods learn a source-to-target mapping using costly datasets of fully-sampled images of the source- and target-contrasts. b) The proposed semi-supervised model can be trained to synthesize fully-sampled target images using only undersampled ground-truth acquisitions of the target-contrast and allows recovery from undersampled sources to further reduce data requirements. c) The proposed method involves a selective loss function measuring the error only on the acquired k-space coefficients in terms of k-space, image-domain L1 and adversarial losses.

Table 1: PSNR (dB) and SSIM (%) measurements of the proposed ssGAN and gold-standard fsGAN models are reported for T1-weighted and T2-weighted image synthesis in IXI. Four separate acceleration ratios of the source-contrast are considered for both models: a) Rsource=1, b) Rsource=2, c) Rsource=3, d) Rsource=4. Three independent ssGAN models are reported based on the acceleration ratio of the ground-truth target acquisitions: ssGAN-2 with Rtarget=2, ssGAN-3 with Rtarget=3, and ssGAN-4 with Rtarget=4

Fig. 2: Representative results from the ssGAN and fsGAN models are displayed for the synthesis tasks in the IXI dataset with fully-sampled source images (Rsource=1): a) T1-weighted image synthesis and b) T2-weighted image synthesis. Synthesized target-contrast images are displayed for ssGAN-2 (Rtarget=2), ssGAN-3 (Rtarget=3), ssGAN-4 (Rtarget=4), and fsGAN together with fully-sampled reference images.

Fig. 3: Representative results from the ssGAN and fsGAN models are displayed for the synthesis tasks in the IXI dataset with undersampled source images (Rsource=2): a) T1-weighted image synthesis and b) T2-weighted image synthesis. Synthesized target-contrast images are displayed for ssGAN-2 (Rtarget=2), ssGAN-3 (Rtarget=3), ssGAN-4 (Rtarget=4), and fsGAN together with fully-sampled reference images.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)