Curtis A Corum1,2, Abdul Haseeb Ahmed2, Mathews Jacob2, Vincent Magnotta2, and Stanley Kruger2
1Champaign Imaging LLC, Shoreview, MN, United States, 2University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, United States
sequences such as the zero echo time sequence (ZTE) posses many advantages including capturing
signals from fast relaxing spins,
efficient use of time and quite
acoustic operation. They possess one
major disadvantage, information from the start of the FID is nearly always missing
or corrupted due to requirements for RF pulse time and T/R switching
(ZTE) and gradient ramping (UTE).
we modify and apply for the first time a robust and computationally efficient missing point and
phase estimation algorithm originating in the solid state NMR
community for ZTE imaging sequences.
sequences such as ZTE posses many advantages including capturing
signals from fast relaxing spins [1],
efficient use of time [2; 3] and quite
acoustic operation [4; 5]. They possess one
major disadvantage, information from the start of the FID is nearly always missing
or corrupted due to requirements for RF pulse time and T/R switching
(ZTE) and gradient ramping (UTE) [6].
methods use separate acquisition of the center of K-space, such as in
WASPI and PETRA [7]. These methods produce
very good results for anatomical scans but limit the ability to
acquire dynamic data such as needed for DCE scans or motion
correction [8]. Methods
such as SWIFT can be used to aquire the center after a small number
of acquired views [9] but are difficult to implement on
clinical hardware.
methods potentially offer the optimum solution for regenerate the
missing data [7; 10] in
dynamic time series acquisions
but have issues with numeric stability, especially in the presence of
phase variation.
we modify and apply for the first time a robust and computationally efficient missing point and
phase estimation algorithm originating in the solid state NMR
community for ZTE imaging sequences [11].Methods:
modified a 3D Radial ZTE sequence to accept table input for
view-ordering [12]. All simulated and
acquired datasets were reconstructed using 2x oversampled gridding
[13] with a radius 4 Kaiser-Bessel kernel and
50 iterations of the Pipe-Menon algorithm for sample density
correction [14]. A hollow cube possessing
internal slanted sides was simulated by direct synthesis of k-space
data and reconstructed by gridding [8]. The
modulation transfer function (MTF) in an orthogonal XY slice was
estimated with the ImageJ plugin Slanted Edge MTF [15].
Contrast ratio and SNR were evaluated using 32x32 voxel patches in
the center slice.
1mm3 resolution brain images of a healthy human volunteer were taken
using Silent/ZTE using HEALPix view-order with intrinsic T1
weighting, inversion recovery and T2 preparations.
the Stoch/Olejniczak algorithm [11] the
distorted FID has the first Nd missing/distorted points out of N set to
zero (see Fig. 1). The distorted
is generated by FFT of the distorted FID. The algorithm utilizes the
Nb point baseline region of the distorted projection, which
excludes the region containing the object signal, to estimate the missing
points. When the points are correctly estimated this region has
minimal real signal. The minimization is accomplished by pseudo
inversion of a pre-computed 2*Nd by
2*Nd real
matrix, much less numerically onerous than previous methods. Before
the missing point estimate the constant phase must first be estimated
by an initial deterministic minimization of the real component of the
distorted projection utilizing multiplication by an Nb by Nb
pre-computed complex matrix.Results:
and missing point accuracy, Contrast ratio, MTF performance, and SNR
were evaluated before and after correction in the simulated cube
object for Nd = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4... missing points up until numerical
instability (not shown). In-vivo images (Fig 2) were
evaluated for SNR and residual artifactual signal surrounding and
contaminating the object (Fig. 3).Discussion:
These promising initial results suggest the Stoch/Olejniczak algorithm can open up new possibilities for dynamic and motion corrected ZTE based MRI.Acknowledgements
work was funded in part by the SBIR Phase I grants R43MH115885 and
R43MH122028 from the National Institute of Mental Health. Curt Corum
and Champaign Imaging LLC are developing technology related to the
topics reported. All in-vivo imaging was performed under an
IRB-approved protocol at the University of Iowa, Magnetic Resonance
Research Facility. We thank Mr. Stephen Otto of Champaign Imaging LLC
for coordination and project management.References
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