Hypothesis-driven or regression-driven machine learning? What technique to choose? Insights from Professional Fighters Brain Health Study
Virendra R Mishra1, Xiaowei Zhuang1, Dietmar Cordes1, Aaron Ritter1, and Charles Bernick2
1Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, Las Vegas, NV, United States, 2University of Washington - Seattle, Seattle, WA, United States


Whether routinely obtained T1-derived volumetric and cortical thickness measures can identify boxers with neuropsychological impairment using machine-learning (ML) techniques in active male boxers is currently unknown. We utilized conventionally acquired MPRAGE data from 72 impaired and 72 nonimpaired boxers, and identified regions that have significantly different cortical thickness, volumetric differences, and cortical thickness and brain volumes correlated with exposure to fighting and neuropsychological scores. Further, we investigated whether these regression-defined regions or prior hypothesis-defined brain regions can identify boxers with neuropsychological deficits. Hypothesis-driven regions with random forest algorithm outperformed other ML techniques with either regression of hypothesis-driven feature selection.


Repetitive head impact (RHI) is a risk factor for various disorders1–3. Slower processing speed and difficulty in completing complex attentional tasks have been reported in neuropsychological studies of active professional fighters4,5. Various T1-derived volumetric and cortical thickness measures are found to be correlated with impairment in neuropsychological scores due to RHI4,6–9. However, whether routinely obtained T1-derived volumetric and cortical thickness measures can identify boxers with impairment on neuropsychological scores using machine-learning (ML) techniques in a cohort of active male boxers is unknown. It is also unknown whether such ML efforts to identify T1-derived measures that are predictive of impairment on neuropsychological scores with RHI will achieve maximum benefit either from hypothesis-driven prior T1-derived measures, T1-derived measures identified using conventional regression-driven techniques, or T1-derived measures identified with a combination of hypothesis-driven and regression-driven techniques.


Participants: All active male boxers were selected from the Professional Fighters Brain Health Study. All boxers underwent a conventional T1-weighted MPRAGE on an in-house 3T Siemens Verio scanner (resolution: 1x1x1.2mm3, TR=2300ms, TE=2.98ms, TI=900ms). Data were preprocessed with FreeSurfer v6.0 (FS), and volume and cortical thickness on all FS-derived regions were extracted. All boxers who had a contrast-to-noise ratio>16 were deemed useful for further analysis10. All boxers also completed neuropsychological assessments using CNS vital signs11 on a computer in a quiet room supervised by a researcher on the same visit. Using two tests from the battery, namely Finger Tapping, and Digit Symbol Coding, we obtained processing speed (total correct on a Digit Symbol Coding task) and psychomotor speed (combining Digit Symbol result and average Finger Tapping on each hand) for all the boxers. Boxers that had both standardized processing speed and standardized psychomotor speed 2 standard deviations above the mean12 were classified as nonimpaired boxers, and the rest as impaired boxers. We identified 72 active impaired boxers (Age: 28.86±5.57 years, Education: 12.5±1.91 years) and 72 nonimpaired boxers (Age: 29.22±6.53 years, Education: 13.04±1.73 years) that were matched for exposure to fighting (Number of fights: 14.99±14.5 (impaired), 12.71±12.17 (nonimpaired), and years of professional fights (YOF): 5.42±3.87 (impaired), 5.76±4.38 (nonimpaired)). Processing: (i) FS was used to extract and compare whole-brain cortical thickness between the groups. (ii) Voxel-based morphometry was performed using Diffeomorphic Anatomical Registration Through Exponential Lie Algebra (DARTEL) toolbox13 to compare modulated gray-matter (GM) and white-matter (WM) density between the groups. (iii) Cortical thickness of 68 cortical regions from Desikan-Killiany atlas14 was extracted from each boxer. Topological measures of clustering coefficient, path length, small-worldness, nodal degree, global efficiency, and local efficiency were estimated from graph-theoretical (GT) analysis using the cortical regions as nodes and correlation between the nodes as edges15 for each group. (iv) Prior T1-derived measures predicting impairment in active professional fighters were extracted for each participant9. Statistical Analysis: PALM toolbox16 in FSL was used to extract significantly different or correlated volumetric, cortical thickness, and GT measures with neuropsychological scores. Of note, statistics on GT measures were done by extracting the same GT measures on 1000 random classification of samples in the cohort. ML analysis: Four ML techniques namely radial basis functional networks (RBFN)17, support vector machine (SVM) with linear and nonlinear kernel18, and random forest19 were used on (a) all FS-derived region-of-interest based cortical thickness and volume measures, (b) regression-derived brain regions significantly different or correlated with neuropsychological scores, (c) five prior identified T1-derived measures, and (d) various combinations of (b) and (c). Of note, least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO)20 was first utilized to reduce the feature space when all FS-derived measures were used. 80% of data was used as training and 20% of dataset was as independent testing dataset. Benchmark classification was set when the classifier with any feature set performed better than 95% of random assignment of participants in the testing dataset.


Cortical thickness of right cuneus (Fig.1) was significantly lower in impaired boxers. No volumetric measures were significantly different between the groups but modulated GM in bilateral thalamus was negatively correlated with YOF in impaired boxers (Fig.2-top), modulated WM in the right corticospinal tract (CST) was positively correlated with the psychomotor speed in impaired boxers (Fig.2-middle) and modulated WM in left CST and frontal cortex was positively correlated with the psychomotor speed in nonimpaired boxers (Fig.2-bottom). Despite the qualitative visual difference in adjacency matrices of groups (Fig.3c), none of the GT measures was significantly different (Fig.4). Prior hypothesis-driven MRI regions on ML classifier generated with the random forest as a classification algorithm was identified to be the best across all ML techniques and all features (Fig.5). Prediction accuracy and area under the receiver operating characteristic with random forest on prior hypothesis-driven MRI regions was found to be 75% and statistically significant (pcorr<0.05) against the random classification of boxers in the testing dataset.

Discussion and Conclusion

Linear SVM is the best classifier when regression-driven MRI regions are used to guide ML algorithms. However, their benchmark accuracy is exactly at the 95th percentile of random assignments. Features with prior hypothesis-driven MRI regions outperform regression-based techniques or a combination of hypothesis and regression-driven techniques. However, the ML algorithms are not generalizable for small sample size cohorts, and ML-derived benchmark measures should be interpreted with caution.


This study is supported by the National Institutes of Health (R01NS117547 and P20GM109025), a private grant from the Peter and Angela Dal Pezzo funds, a private grant from Lynn and William Weidner, a private grant from Stacie and Chuck Matthewson and the Keep Memory Alive Young Scientist Award at Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health. The Professional Fighters Brain Health Study is supported by Belator, UFC, the August Rapone Family Foundation, Top Rank, and Haymon Boxing.


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Figure 1: Left: Cluster (blue) showing significantly lower cortical thickness in impaired boxers is identified by the arrow, and overlaid on MNI surface. Right: Average cortical thickness in the significant cluster is extracted and shown as a boxplot for both groups. Each dot represent average values in the significant cluster for each boxer. Impaired and nonimpaired boxers are shown as blue and red dots respectively.

Figure 2: Top: Cluster showing a significant correlation between GM and years of fighting in impaired boxers. Mean GM density was extracted from each impaired boxer and plotted as a scatterplot. Middle: Cluster showing a significant correlation between WM and psychomotor speed in impaired boxers. Mean WM density was extracted from each impaired boxer and plotted as a scatterplot. Bottom: Cluster showing a significant correlation between WM density and psychomotor speed in nonimpaired boxers. Mean WM density was extracted from each nonimpaired boxer and plotted as a scatterplot.

Figure 3: Nodes utilized from Desikan-Killiany atlas (a) to generate the adjacency matrix for each group (b). The elements of the matrix were binarized and were further used to generate graph-theoretical measures (c). The color bar represents the color range of the for both weighted and binarized adjacency matrix for each group.

Figure 4: Differences in various graph-theoretical measures against different sparsity threshold (0.05-0.4 in steps of 0.01) for real data (blue) and an average difference of 1000 randomly permuted data (red line) along with the standard deviation of average the difference of 1000 randomly permuted data (pink curve) is shown.

Figure 5: Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and area under the receiver operating curve (AUROC) is shown for each machine learning (ML) algorithm (RBFN: blue, Linear SVM: orange, Nonlinear SVM: gray, and random forest (yellow) for various features. Black dotted line represent the performance of any random classifier and dotted-dash lines represent 95th percentile of the benchmark measure for the respective ML algorithm across a various combination of the feature set, and are shown in the same colors as the bar-plot.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)