Topological reorganization due to repetitive head impacts: Insights from Professional Fighters Brain Health Study
Virendra R Mishra1, Karthik Sreenivasan1, Dietmar Cordes1, Aaron Ritter1, and Charles Bernick2
1Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, Las Vegas, NV, United States, 2University of Washington - Seattle, Seattle, WA, United States


Repetitive head impact (RHI) is thought to induce robust white-matter (WM) damage which may be the risk factor for various disorders. Though single-tensor diffusion MRI (dMRI) studies have improved our understanding of WM abnormalities at a regional level in participants exposed to RHI, there are no studies that attempt to understand topological WM structural connectivity changes due to RHI. Utilizing a high spatial resolution (1.5mm3) dMRI from 12 active male boxers and 10 demographically matched healthy controls (HC), we showed that RHI induces a topological shift as compared to HC, and this shift is correlated with neuropsychological scores.


Repetitive head impact (RHI) is thought to induce robust white-matter (WM) damage1 which may be the risk factor for various disorders2–4. Indeed, various voxelwise single-tensor (ST) diffusion MRI (dMRI)-derived measures such as fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD) have shown differences in the temporo-occipital WM tracts and forceps major5–12 due to RHI. Though such studies have improved our understanding of WM abnormalities at a regional level in participants exposed to RHI, there are no studies that attempt to understand topological WM structural connectivity changes due to RHI, despite RHI being thought of as a ‘disconnection syndrome’13. Hence, in this study, we investigated the topological organization of WM-derived structural connectome due to RHI in boxers and studied the correlation between various graph-theoretical measures and exposure to fighting.


Participants: Twelve male active professional boxers (Age: 34.33±5.53 years; Age of first professional fight: 15.17±6.44 years; Years of professional fights: 10.75±4.73; Number of professional fights: 24.67±15.59; Education: 13.17±1.99 years) and ten healthy male controls (HC; Age: 35.5±11.07 years; Education: 15±1.56 years) were recruited at our center. Neuropsychological Assessment: All participants completed neuropsychological assessments using CNS vital signs14 on a computer in a quiet room supervised by a researcher on the same visit. Four measures, namely processing speed, psychomotor speed, verbal memory, and reaction time were collected from every participant. dMRI acquisition: dMRI was acquired for all participants on a 3T Siemens Skyra using CMRR pulse sequence with 2 shells of b=1000s/mm2 and 2500s/mm2 each with 71 diffusion encoding directions (DEC), 8 non-diffusion weighted (b0) images interspersed between the DEC for each shell, Multiband factor=3, GRAPPA=2, TR=5218ms, TE=100ms, resolution=1.5mm3, and phase-encoding directions of P>>A. We also acquired an opposite phase-encoding b0 image with the same acquisition protocol. Total acquisition time was 18 minutes. Preprocessing: All data were corrected for eddy-current distortion using eddy15 tools and head motion was computed across the session for each participant. Processing: Standard processing steps were used to fit diffusion tensors after eddy current distortion correction in FSL. Network construction: AAL (mainly cortical)16 and ATAG (mainly subcortical)17 atlas was used to generate 102 nodes of the network. T1-weighted MNI152 brain was normalized to each subject’s native diffusion space and the resultant transformation matrix was applied to the AAL+ATAG atlas to get the nodes in the subject’s native space. Whole-brain tractography was performed using diffusion toolkit (http://www.trackvis.org/dtk/)18. Fibers smaller than 10mm19 or having FA<0.2 were removed from any further analysis. Each internode connection (edge) was weighted by the product of the number of fibers and average FA of the fibers connecting the two nodes. Using whole-brain WM connectivity, we also computed subject scores for each participant20. Graph-theoretical measures: Various global and local graph-theoretical measures were computed using GRETNA21. Various sparsity thresholds (5-40%, step=1%) were used to identify the minimum sparsity at which the network is fully connected. A rich-club analysis was also performed to understand whether the structural connectivity pattern has preferentially organized to form distinctive network hubs in both groups. Statistical analysis: Network-based statistic (NBS)22 was used to statistically quantify differences in the weighted structural connectivity pattern between the groups. A linear regression (using PALM)23 between graph-theoretical properties and neuropsychological scores was performed to further understand the neuroanatomical correlates of the neuropsychological scores. All statistical comparisons were corrected for family-wise error at pcorr<0.05. Of note, age and education were utilized as covariates of no interest.


As expected, significantly lower processing speed and verbal memory were obtained in boxers as compared to HC. Average head motion along the slice encoding direction was less than 1.5mm for all participants and was not found to be significantly different between the groups (p=0.84). NBS revealed weak structural connectivity in boxers involving the thalamus, caudate, hippocampus, and frontal WM tracts (Fig.1B). Subject scores derived from whole-brain connectivity was significantly weaker in boxers (Fig.2). Subject score in HC was positively correlated with processing speed and reaction time. The network of both boxers and HC achieved a plateau of whole-brain connectivity at the sparsity threshold of 7%, although the number of nodes connected at 7% sparsity was significantly less (p=0.007) in boxers. HC showed significantly lower small-worldness at sparsity of 5% and 18%. Local efficiency of the whole network was significantly positively correlated with processing speed in HC (Fig.3). No local measures were different between the groups. Both boxers and HC showed the presence of rich-club. However, the brain regions exhibiting rich-club properties in boxers were only bilateral hippocampus and left middle cingulum while HC exhibited rich-club properties in the bilateral hippocampus, bilateral superior frontal gyrus, right supplementary motor area, bilateral insula, bilateral caudate, left putamen, and left anterior and middle cingulum (Fig.4). This observation was accompanied was significantly lower rich-club and feeder edge strength in boxers (Fig.4). A significant correlation was observed between neuropsychological scores and rich-club edge strength and feeder edge strength for both HC and boxers (Fig.5).

Discussion and Conclusion

Our study shows that RHI induces a topological shift that is correlated with neuropsychological scores. Our study also suggests that there is a minimum threshold of whole-brain WM-derived structural connectivity as there was an inverted U-shape pattern that was obtained for subject scores in HC.


This study is supported by the National Institutes of Health (R01NS117547 and P20GM109025), a private grant from the Peter and Angela Dal Pezzo funds, a private grant from Lynn and William Weidner, a private grant from Stacie and Chuck Matthewson and the Keep Memory Alive Young Scientist Award at Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health. The Professional Fighters Brain Health Study is supported by Belator, UFC, the August Rapone Family Foundation, Top Rank, and Haymon Boxing.


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Figure 1: (A): A brief flowchart describing the generation of structural connectivity matrix for every participant. Average symmetric connectivity matrix for the impaired and nonimpaired group is shown. The color map indicates the average strength of connections between any two nodes in the connectivity matrix. (B): Paths showing weaker structural connectivity in boxers. Nodes and edges of the paths are represented in blue and red colors respectively. L and R represent left and right hemisphere.

Figure 2: Boxplot of subject scores is shown for both boxers and HC in blue and red dots respectively. Subject score in HC was plotted as scatterplot against processing speed and reaction time.

Figure 3: Boxplot of small-worldness at two sparsity threshold at 5% and 18% is shown for both boxers and HC in blue and red dots, respectively. Local efficiency of the global connectivity in HC was plotted as scatterplot against processing.

Figure 4: Rich-club regime for both HC and boxers is shown in the shaded box. Nodes exhibiting rich-club properties are shown as yellow circles for both boxers and HC, and non-rich-club nodes are shown as green circles. Rich-club edge strength, feeder edge strength, and local edge strength are plotted as bar plots for both groups. K:degree; φ-norm: normalized rich-club coefficient

Figure 5: Rich-club edge strength, feeder edge strength, and local edge strength was extracted for every participant in each group and shown as a scatterplot against processing speed, psychomotor speed, and reaction speed. Values from HC and boxers are represented as filled and hollow circles, respectively. Significant regression lines are shown as solid while non-significant regression is shown as a dashed line. The graph with both dashed regression line represents the slope of the correlation was different between the groups.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)