Maria Engel1, Lars Kasper1, and Klaas Prüssmann1
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
In this work, we show high-resolution stacks
of EPIs on a tilted hexagonal grid. The scheme provides flexibility in
balancing readout and scan time, thereby allowing for high-quality images in a
temporal resolution regime suitable for fMRI. 0.7 mm whole-brain coverage is
achieved in below 5s.
Time-efficient MR scanning of 3D volumes with high
spatial resolution is aimed at in a variety of applications like QSM, generic T2* weighted imaging,
ASL, or functional MRI(1–7). 3D Fourier encoding lends itself to this
task: it provides high SNR due to data acquisition from the entire volume while
being amenable to undersampling by optimal PI acceleration in all
three dimensions.
One straightforward and widespread encoding strategy for
this purpose is to stack EPI readouts in 3D k-space(8), covering one k-space plane at a time by a
2D trajectory. This is possible up to a certain resolution limit, beyond which covering an entire k-space plane would
take too long for a single shot. The reasonable readout duration is limited by T2*
decay(9) and intra-voxel dephasing due to static B0
For higher resolution with stacks of EPIs, the common
option is to cover each k-space plane by multiple, interleaved readouts. However,
integer increments of the number of interleaves cause abrupt sequence changes as
the targeted resolution increases, most so at few shots per plane.
Furthermore, the overhead for other sequence modules such
as RF excitation, saturation, and spoiling has to be repeated for every shot
and makes a multiplication in the number of shots unattractive since this
entails an increase in the total scan time.
The described problem of
covering each k-space plane with more than one shot is somewhat related to the
challenge of sampling more than one k-space plane with each shot. The latter
case has been tackled using tilted hexagonal grids as a basis for stacked
spirals and EPIs (T-Hex)(10). It has been shown that the T-Hex concept in a slightly modified
version can also be used in a high-resolution scenario – that is to say, to
distribute k-space volume onto more spiral shots than one per plane. In this
case, it serves as a method to balance readout length and scan-time more
flexibly than it has been possible so far(11). In the
present work, the mono-planar T-Hex concept is applied to EPIs achieving a 0.7x0.7x2mm3
resolved whole-brain scan in 4.3s.Methods
T-Hex: An excerpt of the tilted hexagonal grid(10,12) underlying a stack
of EPIs is exemplarily shown in Figure 1.
Hardware: Philips 7T Achieva system, 32 channel head array
(Nova Medical), Field camera consisting of an array of 16 1H-based NMR field
probes and a dedicated MR acquisition system(13).
GRE-Sequence: 0.7x0.7x2mm3 resolution, FOV=24x24x12cm3,
86shots, TE=20ms, TR=50ms, Total scan time=4.3s
reconstruction: Iterative
3D cg-SENSE reconstruction(10,14), multi-frequency-interpolation(15,16) for static off-resonance correction in each iteration, pre-monitored
trajectories(17). Off-resonance and coil sensitivity maps from a 3D multi-echo, spin-warp
pre-scan (6 echoes, TE 2-7 ms, 1.5x1.5x1.5mm3 resolution).
Post-processing: Removal of residual weighting by net array
sensitivity using SPM12(18)
( Removal of background phase
using the STI Suite toolbox(19).Results
Figure 2
shows in-vivo results.Discussion
In this work, mono-planar T-Hex EPIs were introduced. The encoding
concept is tailored to sampling
per shot less k-space volume than one full k-space plane. Its main benefit in
this regime is to gain flexibility when balancing readout and scan duration.
The results of the in-vivo
experiments corroborate the technical feasibility of the strategy. To achieve
appealing image quality, image reconstruction was based on the expanded signal
model described above. It proves to be well capable of dealing with long
readouts. They come traditionally with challenges regarding eddy current
effects on the field dynamics and, especially at high field, with respect to
in-homogeneities of the static field. Those hurdles are here overcome here for
the most part.
Just like its kindred T-Hex
trajectories that sample more k-space volume than one k-space plane per shot(10), the encoding scheme provides a uniform
undersampling and smooth T2* weighting. However, unlike them, it
does not need time-consuming blips in the 2nd PE direction which sets
it apart also from the approach presented in(20). Complementarily to multi-planar T-Hex
trajectories, mono-planar T-Hex readouts are attractive in the high-resolution
Compared to T-Hex spirals, T-Hex
EPIs make, just like in 2D imaging, less efficient use of the gradient system
and the available array encoding capabilities but offer more robustness against
off-resonance artefacts.
The lattice structure of the
trajectory design might prove useful for future applications in two ways:
First, the repetitiveness of the in-plane PE shifting for EPIs in the direction
of the principal axis of the stack entails potential facilitation of trajectory
calibration. As the repetitions of the first distinct set of EPIs differ only
in the size of the prephaser gradient, this information might be exploited for
the inference of field dynamics in a concurrently monitored experiment(21). Second, the fact that all tilting scenarios
offered by T-Hex lead to the hexagonal grid being embedded in a finer
rectangular grid, which is not tilted with respect to the stack's principal
axis (Figure 1), may foster fast image reconstruction. Namely,
mono-planar T-Hex EPI can be reconstructed on a FOV that is increased according
to the T-Hex pattern using FFTs only instead of computationally expensive
gridding operations. Alternatively, in this case, reconstruction may be
performed using hexagonal FFTs(12,24). The image quality is in either case, however,
limited by the accuracy of the applied gradient fields.Acknowledgements
The authors thank Steffen Bollmann for his advice regarding the phase processing.References
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