Application of MRI-based oxygen extraction fraction mapping in ischemic stroke
Di Wu1 and Shun Zhang1
1Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China


This study aims to investigate spatiotemporal evolution of cerebral oxygen extraction fraction (OEF) in ischemic stroke with an MRI-based vascular-challenge-free method. The OEF of the infarcted area descends continuously from acute to chronic phase. Meanwhile, there exists tissue that is likely to be penumbra in the acute diffusion lesion, of which the OEF shows an increasing trend with time, suggesting timely reperfusion in this region. This MRI-based OEF mapping can precisely capture the heterogenous character of brain oxygen metabolism at different phases of ischemic stroke.


Selection of optimal treatments for patients suffering ischemic stroke depends largely on the physiological imaging. Oxygen extraction fraction (OEF) is a hallmark of at-risk tissue in ischemic stroke and can be quantified by various imaging methods. In this study, we used a newly developed MRI-based vascular-challenge-free method called cluster analysis of time evolution for quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) and quantitative blood oxygen level-dependent magnitude (qBOLD) (CAT-based QQ) model for spatiotemporal evolution assessment of OEF in ischemic stroke.

Materials and methods

Patients: This study was approved by the ethics committee of local institution. 115 patients (87 males, 25-85 years) being diagnosed with first-ever unilateral ischemic stroke were retrospectively collected. National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) on the same day with MR scan was recorded. According to the time interval from stroke symptom onset to MR scan, patients were divided into four groups: 1) acute phase (≤1d); 2) early subacute phase (1-7d); 3) late subacute phase (8-14d); 4) chronic phase (>14d). Eleven of these patients received three longitudinal MR scans, the first MR scan was performed within 3 days (0.5d-3d) from symptom onset, the second was at around 10d before hospital discharge, and the last was between 1-3 months by clinic visit. Image protocol: On a 3 Tesla MRI scanner (Discovery MR750, GE Healthcare) with a 32-channel head coil, conventional T1-Weighted Image (T1WI), T2-Weighted Image (T2WI), Diffusion-Weighted Image (DWI), 3D multi-echo Gradient Echo (GRE) images were acquired. Image processing: QSM was reconstructed from 3D multi-echo GRE data using a fully automated zero-referenced Morphology Enabled Dipole Inversion (MEDI+0) method that uses the ventricular cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) as a zero reference.1 OEF maps were calculated using CAT-based QQ model.2 Region of interests (ROIs): Of the 115 patients, the infarcted area was drawn on DWI. Of the 11 patients with longitudinal MR scans, the initial diffusion lesion was defined as hypertension on first DWI, the final infarct as hypertension on T2WI at late subacute phase and they were copied on to the images from all other MRs in order to characterize the temporal changes. All ROIs were mirrored to the contralateral hemisphere and overlaid to the co-registered OEF maps for extraction of OEF and relative OEF (rOEF, compared to the contralateral mirror area) (Fig. 1).


Cross-sectional comparisons of OEF and rOEF
Demographic information of the 115 patients is shown in Table 1. The OEF of the infarcted area was significantly lower than that of contralateral mirror area regardless of stroke phase (acute phase: infarcted area 26.04±7.24% versus mirror 30.95±7.65%, p = 0.001; early subacute phase: 21.92±3.86% versus 30.27±4.25%, p < 0.001; late subacute phase: 21.87±4.07% versus 30.48±6.23%, p < 0.001; chronic phase: 21.58±5.04% versus 29.06±5.72%, p < 0.001). Besides, both OEF and rOEF of the infarcted area showed significant differences among four stroke phases (p=0.022 and 0.024, respectively) with a trend of decline from acute to chronic phase (Fig. 2).
Longitudinal comparisons of OEF and rOEF
In 8 of the 11 patients with longitudinal MR scans, the volume of final infarct was found to be smaller than initial diffusion lesion (Table 2), indicating a regional diffusion reversal which we defined as mismatch area. OEF and rOEF of the final infarct showed a trend of decrease with time, while those of the initial diffusion lesion and the mismatch area increased. Note that only increasing trend of OEF of the mismatched area reached statistical significance (Fig. 3).


OEF is a parameter that directly reflects brain metabolism and can be used to predict salvageable tissue in acute ischemic stroke.3 In this report, we explored the spatiotemporal evolution of OEF in ischemic stroke using a novel vascular-challenge-free CAT-based QQ method. In the early stage of ischemic stroke, the brain tissue compensatively extracts more oxygen leading to increased OEF. Without timely reperfusion, the OEF starts to decrease indicating functional impairment and cell death.4 In our cross-sectional investigation, the decreasing trend of OEF from acute to chronic phase was consistent with the pathophysiology. In 8 of the 11 patients with longitudinal MR scans, we observed diffusion reversal according to smaller final infarct volume compared to initial diffusion lesion. The OEF of this mismatch area continuously increased with time. The reasons include but do not limit to early autonomous reperfusion within regions of acute restricted diffusion which leads to tissue recovery.5, 6 Therefore, different from traditional ischemic penumbra delineated by DWI and perfusion-weighted image (PWI), DWI lesion also contains penumbral tissue which could survive with timely reperfusion.


The evolution of OEF in ischemic stroke lesions is heterogeneous, suggesting underlying complicated hemodynamic and pathophysiological mechanisms. The OEF map generated by the CAT-based QQ method disclosed selective viability of diffusion lesions apart from the conventional penumbra which hints at a more positive clinical treatment.


Funding: This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants No.81801666, 81730049 and 81570462).


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Figure 1. Representative images of a 34-year-old male with longitudinal MR scans. The final infarct volume (defined as hyperintensity on T2-weighted image in second MRI scan, shown in yellow) was smaller than initial diffusion lesion (defined as hyperintensity on diffusion-weighted image in first MRI scan, shown in red). Oxygen extraction fraction (OEF) of the mismatched area (red area that did not overlap with yellow area, see OEF map) increased on day 12 and day 90.

Figure 2. OEF of the infarcted area defined on DWI and contralateral mirror area and their quotient (rOEF) in four ischemic stroke phases. (a) OEF significantly reduced compared with the contralateral mirror area in all four stroke phases (two-tailed paired-t test, p < 0.05 for all). Besides, OEF showed a trend of decrease from acute to chronic phase and was statistically significant (ANOVA, p = 0.022). (b) rOEF showed the same decreasing tendency with OEF (ANOVA, p = 0.024). The center line is the mean and the other two lines are standard deviation; *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.

Figure 3. OEF and rOEF of initial diffusion lesion, mismatched area and final infarct among different phases in the 8 patients whose final infarct volume was smaller than initial diffusion lesion according to longitudinal MR scans. OEF (a) and rOEF (b) of the final infarct showed a trend of decrease with time, while those of the initial diffusion lesion and the mismatched area increased. Note that only increasing trend of OEF of the mismatched area reached statistical significance (repeated measures ANOVA, p = 0.022).

Table 1. Group demographics and imaging characters of the included 115 patients.

Table 2. Patient characteristics of the 11 ischemic stroke patients with longitudinal MR scans.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)