Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling using Multiple Label- and Post-Label Duration with Dynamically Optimized Background Suppression
Makoto Obara1, Osamu Togao2, Tatsuhiro Wada3, Chiaki Tokunaga3, Ryoji Mikayama3, Hiroshi Hamano1, Kim van de Ven4, Masami Yoneyama1, Tetsuo Ogino1, Yuta Akamine1, Yu Ueda1, Jihun Kwon1, and Marc Van Cauteren5
1Philips Japan, Tokyo, Japan, 2Department of Molecular Imaging & Diagnosis, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, 3Division of Radiology, Department of Medical Technology, Kyushu University Hospital, Fukuoka, Japan, 4Philips Healthcare, Best, Netherlands, 5Philips Healthcare, Tokyo, Japan


The arterial transit time (ATT) calculated from multiple time points pseudo continuous arterial spin labeling (pCASL) has recently attracted attention. To calculate ATT accurately, while ensuring reliable SNR, we propose multiple repetition time (multi-TR) scheme, that is TR is varied according to the label duration (LD) and post label delay (PLD) with dynamically optimized BGS and 3D acquisition. The multi points data is efficiently acquired and scan time is less than 3 minutes for whole brain coverage. We conducted a feasibility test. Reliable background suppression effectiveness for all time points and a significant SNR gain were confirmed in healthy volunteers.


The dynamic observation of perfusion using pseudo continuous arterial spin labeling (pCASL) has recently attracted attention1-11. The arterial transit time (ATT) calculated from dynamic scheme has been suggested to be clinically useful in addition to cerebral blood flow (CBF) in neuro vascular disease1,3,6,7.
There are two main approaches to calculate ATT. One is to acquire sufficient dynamic data using short range (shorter than 1000ms) of label durations (LDs) and post label delays (PLDs) for accurate ATT estimation such as Time-Encoded ASL1,5, and the other is to acquire the dynamic data using long range (longer than 1500ms) of LDs to ensure high signal to noise ratio (SNR), but limiting the number of dynamics1,2,5. From scan time point of view, it is difficult to optimize the scheme for both accurate ATT and CBF estimation. As a solution, the multiple repetition time (multi-TR) scheme was proposed to use multiple, varying LDs and multiple PLDs8. This scheme covers from early time point (short LD and short PLD) to late time point (long LD and long PLD) effectively. In the previous report however, 3D acquisition and background suppression (BGS) was not used, which does not meet current recommendations12. The purpose of this study is to validate the feasibility of a multi-TR scheme with BGS optimized for each LD-PLD combination and 3D acquisition for whole brain coverage.


multi-TR Scheme with BGS
The multi-TR scheme is illustrated in Figure 1a. The dynamic ASL data were acquired by changing LD and PLD. Four BGS pulses were inserted in LD and PLD11,13. The BGS timing was optimized dynamically according to the saturation delay (sat. delay) that is the time between the saturation pulse applied in front of LD module and data acquisition as shown in Figure 1b.
Magnetic Resonance (MR) Experiments
The multi-TR scheme was implemented on a 3.0T Ingenia Elition scanner (Philips, Best, The Netherlands). The actual LDs and PLDs used in this study is explained in Figure 2a. The 3D gradient- and spin-echo (3D-GRASE) was used for acquisition sequence. Improved motion-sensitized driven-equilibrium (iMSDE)14 was used for arterial signal suppression. Detailed sequence parameters are summarized in Figure 2b. Six healthy subjects (mean age 32.3±7.4 years) were examined. To evaluate the validity of the results, pCASL based 4D-MRA was also acquired15,16. Informed consent required by the Institutional Review Board was obtained.
BGS efficacy validation
To verify the BGS effect, data was acquired with turning off the radiofrequency pulses (RFs) in control or label module. Since no RFs applied, the two acquisitions corresponding to label and control are identical. Those two images were subtracted and residual signal regarded as noise was normalized by M0, acquired with 5000ms sat. delay. Then standard deviation (SD) for normalized signal changes in time axis was calculated for each voxel on the slice at basal ganglia level. The acquisition was conducted with BGS (wBGS) and without BGS (woBGS) for six volunteers and SDs were compared using paired t-test.
SNR level evaluation
The actual ASL signal acquisition with BGS was applied to six volunteers by applying control and label RFs. To verify the SNR of the subtracted image, residual ASL signal was normalized by M0 and maximum value in time axis was measured for each voxel. Then, the SNR was calculated by dividing the maximum normalized ASL signal by the SD in wBGS scan. The SNR on GM and WM mask created from T1 measurement were calculated and evaluated at basal ganglia level.
ATT and CBF quantification
From dynamic ASL data, CBF and ATT maps were created. The general kinetic model of Buxton17 shown in Figure 2c was used for the calculation by applying a nonlinear fitting.

Results and Discussion

Representative normalized subtracted images in noise scan wBGS and woBGS are shown in Figure 3. Residual signal level and SD are significantly higher in woBGS than that in wBGS (p < 0.001). The averaged SD in wBGS for six volunteers is less than 0.15%. Given that the ASL signal level is around 1.0% to 2.0%, it is important to suppress the background signal to this level.
The results of SNR evaluation were shown in Figure 4. It has been observed that the signal change level of the actual ASL in the time axis is from 0.0 to 2.0% in most of the pixels. The averaged SNR on GM and WM for six volunteers was higher than 3.0, indicating reliable SNR level is secured5.
Representative dynamic perfusion was shown in Figure 5. In this case, the 4D-MRA reveals that the left posterior cerebral artery (PCA) is fetal type in which the PCA originates from the internal carotid artery while the right PCA is normal type. The flow signal is increased earlier in the left PCA territory compare to the right PCA territory. The ATT map shows longer ATT in the right PCA territory. These observations are consistent with the 4D-MRA findings.


We conducted a feasibility test of multi-TR PCASL scheme with dynamically optimized BGS and 3D acquisition. Reliable background suppression effectiveness for all time points and a significant SNR gain were confirmed in healthy volunteers. Clinical feasibility of this scheme needs to be validated in future.


No acknowledgement found.


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Figure 1: multi-TR scheme: a) Schematic drawings of the multi-TR scheme without BGS . Data acquisition at each time point consists of presaturation (Sat.), and control or label modules (LD) followed by data acquisition (Acq.). ASL dynamics data are acquired by changing the LD and PLD in each session. b) The BGS timing optimization for the short and long time point acquisition. Four BGS pulses are inserted in LD and PLD. Label or control module is changed with interleaved manner (L/C to C/L) with BGS pulse insertion.

Figure 2: An overview of the relevant parameters and quantification method: a) Scheme of LD and PLD combinations, in total 11 different time points are collected, b) Sequence Parameters, 3) ASL signal model and assumptions, based on Buxton model.

Figure 3: Results in one individual subject: a) Normalized residual signal (%) calculated by dividing residual signal by M0 signal is shown for all time points for wBGS and woBGS.b) SD(%) map is created by calculating the SD of normalized residual signal change in time axis for each pixel, c) SD(%) comparison (wBGS; 0.138±0.015%, woBGS: 0.718±0.033%)

Figure 4: CBF/ASL signal in a representative subject: a) Normalized dynamic ASL signal (%) calculated by dividing ASL subtracted signal by M0 signal, b) Maximum ASL signal map created by measuring maximum of normalized ASL signal in time axis for each pixel, c) SNR map on GM and WM. The averaged SNRs in six volunteers are 5.9±1.9 in GM and 4.0±1.2 in WM.

Figure 5: Representative Volunteer case of fetal type: a) 4D MRA (separate acquisition) and b) 4D perfusion results with background suppression, and c) ATT and CBF map calculated from the individual timepoints in 4D perfusion. The left and right ATT difference in PCA territory is indicated by 4D-MRA (white arrows). In the ASL dynamic, the flow signal is increased earlier in the left PCA territory compare to the right PCA territory (yellow allows). The ATT map shows longer ATT in the right PCA territory (red arrow). These observations are consistent with the 4D-MRA findings.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)