Beyond crossing fibers: investigating the prevalence of bottleneck configurations in the human brain white matter with diffusion tractography
Kurt G Schilling1, Francois Rheault2, Laurent Petit3, Chantal Tax4, Maxime Descoteaux2, Adam W Anderson5, and Bennett A Landman5
1Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Universite de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, 3CEA University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France, 4Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 5Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States


Bottleneck regions of the brain, or areas where multiple white matter pathways of the brain converge and subsequently diverge, present a challenge to anatomically accurate fiber tractography of the brain. In this work, we investigated the prevalence and locations of bottleneck regions. Our results indicate that most white matter contains multiple overlapping and crossing bundles. Moreover, individual orientations withina voxel are associated with multiple bundles, which represent bottlenecks. These findings have profound implications for tractography algorithms which aim to map unknown connections across the brain, and strengthen the awareness of limitations or challenges facing these image processing techniques.


A major challenge to mapping anatomically accurate fiber bundles of the brain occurs when multiple white matter bundles converge towards a single region and share the same parallel orientation before diverging and continuing towards their final cortical or sub-cortical terminations (Figure 1) [1]. These so-called “bottleneck” regions contribute to the ill-posed nature of the tractography process, and lead to both false positive and false negative estimated connections. Yet, a thorough characterization of these regions has not been performed. The aim of this study is to quantify the prevalence and to describe the locations of bottleneck regions in the human brain.


We utilized the data from 25 healthy subjects in the Human Connectome Project and reconstructed fiber orientation distributions using multi-shell multi-tissue constrained spherical deconvolution. We then ran two, common, automated pipelines for bundle extraction, Recobundles [2] and TractSeg [3], which generated 78 and 72 white matter bundles, respectively. These methods represent the most conservative approach to estimating bottlenecks by only including pathways anatomically-validated through dissection and segmented by neuroanatomists, thus representing a lower bound on bottleneck prevalence and magnitude.

On the scale of voxels, we can describe the 3D volume of space as being a single-fiber voxel or crossing-fiber voxel based on the number of discrete peaks of the fiber orientation distribution (FOD), or number of fiber elements (fixels) in the FOD. We can also describe a voxel as being a single-bundle voxel or multi-bundle voxel based on the number of bundles traversing throughout the voxel. Finally, for each fixel, we can also classify as a single-bundle fixel (i.e., one bundle per direction) or multi-bundle fixel (i.e., multiple bundles in a single direction). These multi-bundle fixels represent bottleneck regions for tractography.


First, we confirm that a majority of voxels in the brain contain crossing fibers (Figure 2), in agreement with previous literature [4, 5]. Second, we find that a majority of voxels in the brain are sites for the passage of multiple bundles (Figure 3), with many regions indicating overlap of 7+ white matter bundles. Visually, we see a number of regions, particularly in small gyri or superficial U-fibers, which have not been assigned to bundles. Additionally, regions that contain only a single bundle are rare.

Analyzing fixels (specific orientations within voxels), we find that most of the fixels of the brain are unassigned to a specific known bundle (Figure 4). Additionally, many fixels are associated with a number of bundles (some >7 bundles). Probing these bottleneck regions in detail, we identify regions of the brain that will present the most challenging problems for tractography algorithms, including the anterior-posterior oriented white matter of the occipital lobe (Figure 5), the superior-inferior oriented white matter of the brainstem, and the superior-inferior oriented white matter of the internal capsule.


The convergence of bundles into a nearly parallel funnel, and subsequent divergence, may lead to a combinatorial number of possible pathways that tractography algorithms may choose to take, leading to the generation of possibly anatomically non-existent pathways. We find that voxels with multiple bundles are indeed highly prevalent throughout the brain. Taking this a step further, we find that a majority of individual FOD peaks within a voxel (i.e., fixels) are associated with multiple bundles. While this may not present a problem for bundle-specific tractography with the use of manually placed priors [6], bundle templates [7, 8], or machine learning [3, 9, 10], mapping the entirety of the human connectome ultimately strives to map allof the unique bundles of the brain. The identified bottleneck regions clearly present obstacles to this mapping when the true connections are not known a priori. From a whole-brain connectome, streamlines which pass through these fixels without explicit knowledge of their existence should be suspected to be false positive connections generated by the process. Above problems presented to connectomics studies, this also highlights the problems of proposing the existence of a new or unique pathway from diffusion MRI alone, even if the pathway is reproducible across scans and subjects.

Interestingly, ~30% of the voxels, and ~50% of all fixels, of the white matter are not associated with a bundle, for both of the tractography segmentation methods. While many of these could be spurious peaks or isolated voxels in white matter, larger expanses of coherently oriented FODs could be regions which may represent underexplored white matter pathways which can eventually be added to our repertoire and collection of bundles.

In addition to tractography, the diffusion signal that results from a single fiber population (i.e., the fiber response function) has applications towards tissue microstructural modeling. Typically, this response function is derived from studying regions of low complexity, specifically, regions that are considered single fiber populations and contain only a single peak in the FOD [11-13]. Here, however, we have shown that even if a voxel or region contains a dominant orientation and high anisotropy, a majority of these regions are composed of multiple, distinct fiber pathways, that may have varying densities, sizes, and distributions of axons. Thus, these so-called single fiber regions are very often multi-bundle regions.


This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health under award numbers R01EB017230 (B.A.L), and T32EB001628 (K.G.S.), and in part by VICTR VR3029 and the National Center for Research Resources, Grant UL1 RR024975-01. CMWT was supported by a Sir Henry Wellcome Fellowship (215944/Z/19/Z) and a Veni grant (17331) from the Dutch Research Council (NWO).


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Figure 1. Bottlenecks in the brain. Cartoon (left) illustrates the convergence of multiple bundles into a single coherently orientated region (arrows), which we refer to as bottlenecks that can cause ambiguities in tractography. Streamlines (right) highlight a potential bottleneck region identified in [1], where multiple bundles converge into a nearly parallel funnel in the temporal lobe (arrows). Acronyms: FX, fornix; CG, cingulum; UF, uncinate fasciculus; AC, anterior commissure; IFOF, inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus; ILF, inferior longitudinal fasciculus.

Figure 2. There is a high prevalence of crossing fiber voxels throughout the brain. Prevalence of voxels with one peak, two peaks, and three peaks is quantified for a single subject as a fraction of the total voxels (A) and visualized overlaid on an anatomical image (B) and also averaged across the population (C) and visualized overlaid across the population template (D). Note that the number of peaks is discrete on a single subject but continuous when averaged across all subjects. Error bars represent standard deviation across population.

Figure 3. Many voxels in the white matter contain multiple known bundles. Prevalence of voxels with 0 to 7+ bundles is quantified for Recobundles (A) and visualized in template space (B), and also quantified for TractSeg bundles (C) and visualized overlaid in template space (D).

Figure 4. Number of bundles assigned to fixels in the brain. A majority of all fixels, for both bundle segmentation techniques, were unassigned to a white matter bundle. For those that were associated with a bundle, most fixels had more than one bundle traversing through their designated orientation.

Figure 5. Bottleneck region in the anterior-posterior oriented white matter of the occipital lobe (arrow) contains a large number of white matter bundles with unique starting and ending connections. Hot-cold colormap ranges from 0 to 7 bundles.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)