Calibration-free pTx of the human heart at 7T via 3D universal pulses
Christoph Stefan Aigner1, Sebastian Dietrich1, Tobias Schaeffter1,2, and Sebastian Schmitter1,3
1Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Braunschweig and Berlin, Germany, 2Division of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, King's College London, London, United Kingdom, 3Medical Physics in Radiology, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany


We demonstrate calibration free universal 4kT-points pulse design to achieve a subject independent, homogeneous flip-angle within the human heart at 7T. The proposed universal pulse was computed offline based on 22 three-dimensional B1+-maps of 20 volunteers with varying BMI and age (two of them were scanned twice with different coil placement). The optimized universal pulse was successfully applied experimentally to one volunteer from the library and four new unseen volunteers. In total we have analyzed 27 B1+ maps from 24 volunteers. Experimental data at 7T validate the B1+ predictions and demonstrate successful plug-and-play 3D pTx of the human heart.


Ultra-high field MR is often limited by inhomogeneities of the transmit field (B1+), which can be compensated by parallel transmission (pTx)1. In contrast to pTx methods that require subject-specific (SubjSpec) B1+-maps, pre-computed calibration-free universal pulses (UPs) were proposed in the human head2 to save precious scan time. B1+ mapping and pTx of the human heart is generally more challenging and time consuming because of multiple manifestations of physiological motion3,4. However, a one-fits-all-solution for the human heart has not been shown so far and due to large inter-subject variations, it was not clear if UPs work in the human body at all. Here, we demonstrate for the first time the feasibility of using UPs in the human body to achieve homogeneous flip-angle (FA) distributions throughout the heart. The UP was computed offline using 22 B1+-maps of 20 healthy volunteers and was successfully validated experimentally at 7T in one volunteer from the library and in four unseen volunteers.


MRI was performed on a Siemens Magnetom 7T scanner according to an approved IRB protocol in 24 healthy volunteers (14M/10F, mean:31y, range:21-66y) with varying BMI (mean:24kg/m2, range:20-29kg/m2). The scans were performed with a commercial, certified 32-element MRI.TOOLS body coil array driven in 8TX/32RX mode. Local/global SAR limits in first level mode (IEC60601-2-33) were complied by limiting the radio-frequency (RF) power of each transmit channel. Relative 3D B1+-maps of the thorax were acquired3 with a radial phase-encoding trajectory5 under free breathing (nominal FA=20°, TE/TR=2.02/40ms, FOV=250x312x312mm3, resolution=(4mm)3, 256 RPE-lines, TA=205s). Shallow breathing allowed reconstruction of non-respiration resolved B1+-maps without motion-induced artifacts3. SubjSpec magnitude/phase (MP) and 4kT-point pulses were designed using the small-tip-angle approximation in MATLAB for the 3D heart volume4,6. This approach was extended for multiple B1+ maps, inspired by the design of UPs in the human head2, to achieve a homogeneous FA in each heart$$$\:ROI\:$$$for each kT-point solving$$\min\limits_{b}\frac{1}{2}\left\|\sum_{m=1}^{N_m}\left(|m_d|-|\sum_{ch=1}^{N_{ch}}B_{1,ch,m}^+A(K)b_{ch}|\right)\right\|^2_{ROI}+\frac{\beta}{2}\left\|b\right\|^2$$with$$$\:b$$$:RF-weights,$$$\:A(K)$$$:excitation-matrix at k-space location$$$\:K$$$,$$$\:N_m$$$:number of B1+ maps,$$$\:N_{ch}$$$:number of transmit channels,$$$\:B_{1,ch,m}^+$$$:B1+ map,$$$\:m_d$$$:desired FA,$$$\:\beta$$$:regularization term. The 4kT-UP (duration=0.96ms) was computed offline in 10min using 22 B1+-maps from 20 volunteers (2 volunteers were scanned twice with different coil placement). The 4kT-UP’s performance was analyzed using the root-mean-squared-error, the RF power and the coefficient of variation (CV)1 in the heart ROIs. In addition, a leave-one-subject-out cross-validation was performed to analyze the impact of each B1+-map on the UP. High-resolution 3D gradient-echo scans (nominal FA=10°, TE/TR=1.75/3.7ms, FOV=250x312x312mm3, resolution=(1.4mm)3, 256 RPE-lines, TA=333s) have been acquired to validate the SubjSpec-4kT pulses in all 24 volunteers. The precomputed 4kT-UP was applied in four unseen volunteers (2F/2M) and in one re-scanned volunteer from the library with different coil placement.

Results and Discussion

Fig.1a-d illustrates the workflow of a 3D SubjSpec-4kT design4 starting from a default B1+ phase shim (equal magnitude). The starting phase yields variable FA homogeneity across the volunteers (CV=64-34%) with strong dropouts in some volunteers that can be reduced with SubjSpec-4kT pulses (CV=6-11%) but requires SubjSpec B1+-maps, which motivates the use of UP. Fig.2a shows the performance of 4kT-UPs designed for an increasing number of B1+ maps in the library (1,1-2,1-3,…,1-22). Note that all UPs were evaluated for all 22 B1+ maps. As expected, adding more B1+-maps to the library decreases the mean CV from 31.5% (1 B1+ map) to 12.8%, range:10.7-15.8% (22 B1+ maps). Fig.2b-c show the tuning of the regularization parameter and a robust leave-one-subject-out cross-validation of the proposed 4kT-UP marked in Fig.2a. Fig.3a-c show the resulting CV in the heart of 27 B1+ maps (22 from the library and 5 test-cases) using four excitation settings: default, SubjSpec-MP, SubjSpec-4kT and 4kT-UP. On average, the 4kT-UP performs better than SubjSpec-MP (12.8% vs. 18%) and does not result in severe signal drops in the heart, typically indicated by elevated CV values >25%. As expected, further improvement in CV was achieved by using SubjSpec-4kT pulses (7%). The same trend was observed for the test-cases (Fig.3c). Fig.3d shows one representative unseen test-case. The 4kT-UP resulted in good FA homogeneity in the heart and, unexpectedly but consistently observed across all volunteers, also in surrounding tissues (e.g. aorta). Fig.4a qualitatively shows the B1+ prediction for a sagittal slice of all B1+ maps using the default shim and the proposed 4kT-UP. Note the large variation in anatomy and coil placement between B1+ prediction and the superb FA homogeneity. Quantitative FA distributions within the 3D heart ROIs are depicted in a boxplot showing the 4-fold reduction of FA spread in all B1+ prediction. Fig.5 shows the acquired, respiratory corrected 3D GRE images (acquired without cardiac gating) of two unseen test-cases using the proposed 4kT-UP. A close match between B1+ predictions and the 3D GRE images was observed, demonstrating the feasibility of calibration free pTx in the human heart for shallow breathing. Breathing patterns with larger respiratory amplitude will be focus of future work.


This study demonstrates in vivo that 4kT-UP are highly suitable for calibration-free 3D heart FA homogenization at 7T despite large inter-subject variations due to varying age, BMI and coil placement. The proposed use of UPs allows plug-and-play pTx in the human heart without the need for lengthy and artefact prone calibration process and has the potential to push the limits of body imaging at 7T and above.


We gratefully acknowledge funding from the German Research Foundation SCHM 2677/2-1 and GRK2260, BIOQIC.


1) Padormo, F., Beqiri, A., Hajnal, J. V., and Malik, S. J. (2016) Parallel transmission for ultrahigh‐field imaging. NMR Biomed., 29: 1145– 1161. doi: 10.1002/nbm.3313

2) Gras, V., Vignaud, A., Amadon, A., et al. (2017) Universal pulses: A new concept for calibration‐free parallel transmission. Magn. Reson. Med., 77: 635-643. doi:10.1002/mrm.26148

3) Dietrich, S., Aigner, C.S., Kolbitsch, C., et al. (2020) 3D Free-breathing Multi-channel absolute B1+ Mapping in the Human Body at 7T, Magn. Reson. Med., doi:10.1002/mrm.28602

4) Aigner, C.S., Dietrich, S. and Schmitter, S. (2020) Three-dimensional static and dynamic parallel transmission of the human heart at 7T, NMR in Biomed., doi:10.1002/nbm.4450

5) Prieto, C., Uribe, S., Razavi, R., et al. (2010) 3D undersampled golden‐radial phase encoding for DCE‐MRA using inherently regularized iterative SENSE. Magn. Reson. Med., 64, pp. 514-526, doi:10.1002/mrm.22446

6) Cao, Z., Yan, X. and Grissom, W.A. (2016) Array‐compressed parallel transmit pulse design. Magn. Reson. Med., 76, pp. 1158-1169., doi:10.1002/mrm.26020


Figure 1: a) default B1+ phase shim (equal magnitude) that was optimized by the manufacturer based on EM simulations for the human heart and the aorta results in a high FA CV of 44% and strong FA dropouts. b) Relative 3D B1+ maps (left: magnitude, right: phase-angle). The phase angle of channel 2 to 8 are computed relative to channel 1. c) Manually drawn slice-by-slice ROI, schematic coil position and optimized SubjSpec-4kT pulses. d) 3D B1+ prediction with the SubjSpec-4kT pulses resulting in low CV of 8% and homogeneous FA.

Figure 2: a) The UP for one B1+ map corresponds to a SubjSpec-4kT pulse and results in a high mean CV of 32% and a high CV spread of 11.8-42.5% across all 22 B1+ predictions in the 3D heart region. Increasing the number of B1+ maps in the library clearly improves the robustness and reduces the mean and the spread down to a CV of 12.8% and 9.9-16.1%, respectively. b) Tuning of the regularization parameter based on the RMS RF power and FA RMSE of the UP designed for all 22 B1+ maps. c) Leave-one-subject-out cross-validation for 22 B1+ maps.

Figure 3: a) CV in the heart ROI for 27 B1+ maps using the default phase setting (default), subject-specific magnitude and phase shim (SubjSpec-MP), subject-specific 4kT-point pulse (SubjSpec-4kT) and 4kT-point universal pulse (4kT-UP). b-c) Boxplots summarizing the CV of the different pulses for the B1+ maps in the library (b) and the test cases (c). d) B1+ prediction of the four pulses for one representative unseen test case (B1+ map 23) showing the homogeneous 3D heart FA distribution for SubjSpec-4kT and 4kT-UP.

Figure 4: a) Sagittal slice of the 27 3D B1+ predictions using the default shim setting (left) and the 4kT-UP (right). Library: B1+ maps 1-22, test-cases: B1+ maps 23-27. The 4kT-UP results in a homogeneous FA in the heart ROI of all 5 test cases. Moreover, the 4kT-UP achieves a homogeneous FA also in surrounding tissues such as the aorta. b-c) Boxplot of the FA spread in the 3D heart ROI of all 27 subjects for default (b) and 4kT-UP (c) demonstrating the FA homogeneity across all B1+ predictions using the 4kT-UP pulse.

Figure 5: B1+ predictions and reconstructed, respiration corrected 3D GRE images for two unseen test cases with 4kT-UP. These two volunteers were not part of the optimization. The 3D images are free of breathing artefacts and demonstrate, despite some differences close to the coil elements, the feasibility to achieve a homogeneous calibration-free FA of the whole heart. The remaining signal changes in the AP direction of the acquired images are a result of receive (B1-) variations.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)